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Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 8:52am

Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano

Name Nino Nakano

Position Chief of Security

Second Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer - USS Kingfisher

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29
Affiliation Starfleet

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 125 IBS
Hair Color Naturally Red, but prefers to dye it Salmon
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Lieutenant Commander Nakano sports a curvaceous, albeit intimidating, build. She tends to grow her hair to grow her hair to waist-length, with square bangs hanging just over the eyebrows. She also tends to be the more fashionable of her sisters, with carefully-manicured fingernails and twin butterfly-shaped ribbons on both sides of her head.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Mudou Nakano (Deceased)
Mother Rena Nakano (Fate Unknown, presumed deceased)
Brother(s) -Fuutarou Uesugi (In-law; married to Miku)
Sister(s) -Lieutenant Ichika Nakano (Older; currently serving as Shuttlebay Manager aboard Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Miku Uesugi (Younger; currently serving as a Medical Liason aboard Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano (Younger; currently serving as an Engineering Liason aboard Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Junior Grade Itsuki Nakano (Younger; currently serving as a Tactical Liason aboard Starbase Frontier)
Other Family While not technically blood-related, the Nakano sisters view Ushio Sh'alkins as an honorary member of the family due to her time working in a band with Miku and Itsuki.

Personality & Traits

General Overview With a sharp tongue and a penchant for being upfront on her opinions, those who are not familiar with Lieutenant Commander Nakano may view her as rude, confrontational, and condescending of others. The reality, however, is that she actually does care about what others have to say, but tendency to be blunt does make her somewhat difficult to approach. This can be somewhat frustrating to her, as this is directly at odds with her belief that one should be forward with their opinions, so that the risk of a misunderstanding is mitigated.

Lieutenant Commander Nakano is perhaps the most protective of her sisters, often volunteering to cook for them and carrying a dermal regenerator on her in the unlikelihood one of them sustains a minor injury. Ichika tends to jokingly refer to Nino as "Mom," much to Nino's evident annoyance.
Strengths & Weaknesses +/- Blunt and forward with her opinions