
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 9:58am

Lieutenant Ichika Nakano

Name Ichika Nakano

Position Shuttlebay Manager

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30
Affiliation Starfleet

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 121 IBS
Hair Color Naturally Red, but prefers to dye it a light Pink
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Lieutenant Nakano is not as concerned about keeping up appearances as some of her sisters, as she believes that one's personality should speak more as to their "true" beauty. She tends to grow her hair to neck-length, though she does allow one lock on the right side of her face to grow out longer than the rest. She also sports a single earring on her right ear- allegedly a gift from her mother shortly before she joined Starfleet Academy.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Muduo Nakano (Deceased)
Mother Rena Nakano (Fate Undetermined, presumed deceased)
Brother(s) -Fuutarou Uesugi (In-Law; married to Miku)
Sister(s) -Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano (Younger; currently serving as Chief of Security aboard Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Miku Uesugi (Younger; currently serving as a Medical Liaison aboard Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano (Younger; currently serving as an Engineering Liaison aboard Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano (Younger; currently serving as a Tactical Liaison aboard Starbase Frontier)
Other Family While not technically blood-related, the Nakano sisters view Ushio Sh'alkins as an honorary member of the family due to her time working in a band with Miku and Itsuki.

Personality & Traits

General Overview As the eldest of five sisters, Lieutenant Nakano presents calm, compassionate, and intelligent disposition. Having jointly shared the responsibility of raising her younger siblings with Nino, she's become fairly well-versed in human psychology, and can always be counted on to offer a few sage words of advice when it comes to socializing with her sisters. She can come off as smug at times, and is not above the occasional bit of teasing, but she's genuinely caring of others and their feelings and wants them to feel like she can be approached for anything.