
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 9:58am

Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano

Name Yotsuba Nakano

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 27
Affiliation Starfleet

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 112 IBS
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Lieutenant Uesugi stands a bit shorter than her sisters, though she's adamant that the height difference is negligible. Due to working around heavy machinery, she prefers to grow her hair to neck-length, with a lime "bunny-ear"-shaped hair band to keep her bangs from obstructing her line of vision.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Mudou Nakano (deceased)
Mother Rena Nakano (fate undetermined, presumed deceased)
Brother(s) Fuutarou Uesugi (In-Law; Married to Miku)
Sister(s) -Lieutenant Ichika Nakano (Older; currently serving as Shuttlebay Manager on Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano (Older; currently serving as Chief of Security aboard Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Miku Uesugi (Older; currently serving as a Medical Liaison aboard Starbase Frontier)
-Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano (Younger; currently serving as a Tactical Liaison aboard Starbase Frontier)
Other Family While not technically blood-related, the Nakano sisters view Ushio Sh'alkins as an honorary member of the family due to her time working in a band with Miku and Itsuki.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lieutenant Uesugi is perhaps the most active, cheerful, and outgoing of her sisters. She tends to speak loud and spontaneously, and is always available to lend a hand, even if it may sometimes come to her own personal detriment.