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Mon Oct 2nd, 2023 @ 5:01pm

Lieutenant Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher

Name Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher M.D.

Position Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35
Affiliation Starfleet

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Abi has straight light brown hair, which doesn;t go furthur than her shoulders. She gleaming hazel eyes that can spot something wrong from miles away. . She is also rather small compared to most other officers her age. She likes to keep her uniform nice and tidy aswell as looking clean and respectable.


Spouse Adam Fletcher
Children William Robert Fletcher (Age 9)
Allison Fletcher (Age 6)
Father Charles Halesworth
Mother Emily Halesworth (Deceased)
Brother(s) Craig Halesworth

Personality & Traits

General Overview Abi is very curious and she will sometimes wander off from what she was doing to find out soemthing else, this means she can easily be distracted. But when she pute her mind to the job she can do it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Abi's main strengths are quick thinking and her knowledge in medicine. She was one of the top students in her class at Starfleet Medical Academy and was also champion at quick thinking games. Her main weaknesses are that she can be easily sitracted or frightened. Although she would not be distracted in a medical emergancy, she has learnt that if she puts her mind to it she can get it done without being distracted or wandering off.
Ambitions Abi''s main ambitions is to help people. She also wants to climb as high up on the rank ladder as she can.

Since she got married and had children, she is also dedicated to raising her children and being the best mother and wife she can be. Although she has made some personal sacrifices for them, she firmly believes that family comes first.
Hobbies & Interests Abi''s main hobbies are to read books.

She is very good at English literature and spends hours reading. She also likes to write short stories, and sometimes the occasional novel.

Although she never got anything published she always got good comments from her friends who she lets read.

She has an intrest in medicine and different alien anatomies. She will jump at a chance to do a scan on an unknown lifeform as she lies to explore, and as she is curious will never leave a stone unturned.

Personal History Abigail was born in England. She grew on the outskirts of a big city in the suburbs. Abi was a curious girl and was fascinated by nature. When she was seven she would play for hours on the streets and in the park. She made many friends throughout area.

At primary school Abi was bright and intelligent, she excelled in English, Maths and Science and was taking an intrest in the Biology section of Science. She took the primary exams to see what grades she would get for secondary school and was surpsied to be given A''s in Scicne and English. However in Maths she only got a C because that wasn't her strongest subject.

In secondary school she was bullied for her height. She was smaller than most of her year and couldn''t often see from the back of the classroom. Abi fealt lonely and down throughtout Secondary school and her schoolwork showe this. In the second year she was once found sat in a corner hidden away crying from been pushed around repeatdly against walls.

She soon got through and graduated with high marks. Her intelligence got her into Starfleet College and she decided to pursue a medical profession Her intrest in Animals and Biology lead ehr to this and she enrolled. She made many new friends there. She graduated at the age of seventeen and enrolled into Starfleet Academy.

At the academy she really came out of her shell. She showed the hard working side and the lovable off duty side. She was soon famous for her all nighters in the library and falling asleep in lectures. She didn;t get into too much trouble, but eventually she passed after three years and was assigned to the USS Pomtkin as a Junior Medical officer. After reviewing her file the Captain took her on at Lieutenant Junior Grade and she served aboard the Pomtkin for two years.

When she was twenty three Abi requested a transfer to the USS Londontown, as their assistant Chief Medical Officer. She was accepted and she came aboard. She made lots of friends on the small intrepid class ship and was becoming quite friendly. Unfortunately after an attack by a rogue roumlan war bird the ship was badly damaged and suffered a Warp core breach. Abi was one of the seventy crewmembers that managed to escape in escape pods. She was also the only senior oficer left to command them.

Several days later they got picked up by a Galaxy Class the USS Quin and she helped in the medical section until they reached Earth. Feeling guilty of leaving her comrades and friends behind she decided to find another medical position. After several months hunting she requested to be assigned into Epsilon Force and aboard the USS Scimitar as their Chief Medical Officer.

On the USS Scimitar Abi helped in the rescue of some Romulans. After that she ended up having a romantic relationship with Major Adam Fletcher, after she was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Soon after she found out she was pregnant with his child, and the two ended up getting married.

Abigail gave birth to a son, whom they called William. She still considered herself young and inexperienced when dealing with children. The Scimitar was destroyed in 2387, in a Skirmish with Romulan Forces. It was then that Abi decided that she needed to raise her son in a safe location.

She decided to step back from a senior role, and instead accepted a lower position of a medical officer on Deep Space Five. Her husband was reassigned to the USS Ticonderoga, a Prometheus Class Starship, which was not suitable for families.

Serving on Deep Space Five was suitbale for Abi, she could easily spend time with her son as well as be in regular contact with Adam. In 2390, Adam spent some time with his family on Deep Space Five. After he returned to his ship, Abi discovered that she was pregnant again, this time with their daughter.

Adam tried to get reassigned to be with Abi, but it got rejected by Starfleet. Abi gave birth nine months later to her second child and first daughter Madison. Eventually in 2396, when Madison was five years old, Abi and Adam managed to get positions on Starbase Frontier. However Abi took a volunteer demotion to Lieutenant, yet a promotion back to Assistant Chief Medical Officer.

She didn't mind not being the chief, with two young children she was more interested on ensuring they grew up well over her own career. Plus as long as she was helping people and saving lives, rank and position didn't matter to her.

Service Record 2379 - 2383 - Starfleet Medical Academy - Cadet
2383 - 2384 - USS Potemkin - Junior Medical Officer - Lieutenant JG
2384 - 2386 - USS Londontown - Assistant Chief Medical Officer - Lieutenant JG
2386 - 2386 - USS Scimitar - Chief Medical Officer - Lieutenant
2386 - 2387 - USS Scimitar - Chief Medical Officer - Lieutenant Commander
2387 - 2396 - Deep Space Five - Medical Officer - Lieutenant Commander
2396 - ???? - Starbase Frontier - Assistant Chief Medical Officer - Lieutenant