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Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 8:52am

Lieutenant Perlin Amor

Name Perlin Amor

Position Chief of Security

Second Position Weapons Officer IKS M'oQreH

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran/Klingon
Age 38
Affiliation Klingon Defence Force

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 240
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Though he has his father's cranial ridges they are not very pronounced. He has his mother's nose ridges and pearly white teeth. His black hair is grown out to his mid-back, he keeps it in two rope braids on top of the other. He has the insignia of his birthship branded under his left ear and he has intricate tattoo work across his shoulders to his collarbone and full sleeves down both arms. These tattoos detail his life in Quath’Mar.

Kas's federation standard and Klingon are flawless; his accent is almost impossible to place.


Children Perlin Kali
Father Toq son Moq [Step Father Tagana Laan]
Mother Perlin Nula
Brother(s) Step Brother; Tanana Tura [deceased]
Other Family There are many among the Quath'Mar Amor calls family. He may have relatives on his bio father's side.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Amor gives off a stoic vibe to people who do not know him. Respect given is respect earned even when dealing with his superiors. Being a child of 2 worlds he is used to curious and/or negative attention. He'll treat all negative interactions barring actual hostility or direct insult with an almost perfect indifference. If a subordinate asks an inappropriate or irrelevant question, he responds with silence.

Amor has a nomadic sense of hospitality and honor, He will not enter another person's dwelling without express permission and expects the same from his comrades. That said if he does invite you in you will be treated with great honor and respect. He only eats with friends and family to refuse a meal or gift from an ally is a grave insult. His word is his bond, he pays on and collects favors. He is more forgiving than many of his people, but he never forgets.
Strengths & Weaknesses Amor is a formidable and cunning warrior, he can make life or death decisions in the blink of an eye. His extensive travels and knowledge of alien cultures and languages make him a good diplomat and negotiator.

Having spent most of his life in space, Amor has trouble on planets, his eyes are photosensitive. So he often needs protective goggles. He has his father's sense of smell and his mother's sensitivity, so he can get overwhelmed by some odors.
Hobbies & Interests Martial arts, he has a holodeck zero to 1.3 gravity parkour program that he uses several times a week as well as a flight similar to keep his skills sharp. He loves to learn new languages and listening to Klingon Opera.

Amorspeaks Quathteen, Federation standard, Klingon, Bajoran, Ferengi, Cardassian and bits and pieces of a dozen more.

He can pilot anything that Flies and is a skilled navigator. He's also very good at reading humanoid body language and can pick out Different Dialects from the languages he speaks. He has a working knowledge of most engines and can do maintenance and some repairs. Having come from a dueling culture his hand to hand combat skills are above average.

Personal History Amor’s mother Perlin Nula was smuggled off Terok Nor by Quath’Mar ship in 2345, when she was 15. Quath’Mar are a spacefaring nomadic people who are not defined by species or planet. Their ships, people and tech are a hodgepodge of half the alpha quadrant. They have their own language and costumes and government. In the late 23trd Century about half a dozen dishonored Klingon houses joined The Quath’Mar and regularly attended festivals and events held at the Omoga IV mining colony. It was at one of these events that Nula met Amor’s father Toq, the Klingon captain of a K'T'Inga class Bird of Prey. Amor was born on the Yangteeze in 2356.

Amor was born a child of two worlds and in the tradition of Quath’Mar was educated about the language and culture of both his parents. He has few memories of his father Quath’Mar lost contact with the majority of Klingons when he was small. Nula married a Bajoran man when he was 5. Amors showed a propensity for piloting from a young age and found himself in the copilot seat in scooting shuttles by age ten. Space is cold and Quath’Mar count on everyone's help to survive. His mother and stepfather taught him to pray to the Prophets and light the Duranja lamp when his stepbrother died during a battle with the Cardassians, He wore the earring out of respect for her.

The Quath’Mar has always had a decent relationship with the Federation; this brought them into conflict with the Cardassian Union during the border war. They found themselves in a worse position during the Dominion War. The Quath'Mar elders negotiated an alliance with some of the smaller houses of the Klingon Empire in 2370. The Omoga system was considered a strategic point in both, in 2373 Cardassians and Dominion attacked the Omoga IV mining station. The Klingons joined Quath’Mar and Starfleet force was able to repel the assault. Many Quath’Mar suffered many casualties, Amor was severely injured and his stepbrother was killed. Amor woke up in the sickbay of the USS Flecher with Quath’Mar chefian telling Starfleet officers the tale of Amor and his departed brother and how they had crippled an enemy cruiser in a shuttle. The commanding officer Capt. Jason Keller took an interest in the youth and mentioned him in his after-action report.

In the months following the battle Amorwas made a full pilot and navigator and Omoga became a Federation colony. This was controversial among the Quath’Mar and Amor was against it but had no influence. Amortried to contact his biological father, but was unsuccessful. In 2374 Captain Kobor was leading a Klingon strike force and approached the Quath'Mar for a guide through a nebula. Kobor was surprised when the Chieftain sent Amorwho was a teenager, but Amor performed his duty well. Amor stood by Kobor's side when his authority was challenged by subordinates, which earned him a good deal of respect. Kobor offered him a place on his vessel, but Amor couldn't leave his people.

In 2376 three of Kas’s friends were abducted by Orions, Amor ended up stealing a Federation shuttle to rescue his friends. His rescue was successful, but he’d broken the code of his clan by stealing from an ally, the chieftains and his stepfather made his surrender to Starfleet and sentenced him to "the silence" for ten years. This is the Quath’Mar's form of temporary exile. Starfleet dropped the charges and he was offered a place at Starfleet Academy, but he didn't want to be so from his people even if he couldn't contact them. Kobor gave him a place on his vessel the Bek'Thi.

Amorfaced a good deal of bigotry and had to fight to keep his place and advance on the Bek'Thi. Kobor acted as a mentor, but left Amort o fight his own battles in the Klingon way. Within three years he became the second officer and in 2380 Kobor adopted him into his house. 2384 Kobor's house was put in charge of requisitioning supplies for the Klingon Defense Force. Amor proposed trade negotiations instead of conquest, Kobor backed his plan and the two had to fight a number of challengers to see it through. In the end, those in power saw Amor's point; that having trade allies was less costly than subrogating more worlds.

Amor was given command of a bird of prey 2381 and brokered many trade agreements for the Empire, his work in trade and diplomacy earned him a mixed reputation among the Klingons. His work had allowed their Empire to prosper, but his methods were so different from their traditions. Those who mistook his diplomatic nature for weakness were often painfully corrected. Amor's father disowned him after they fought over his methods.

In 2383 Amor took part in negotiations with the Federation for a new trade route, this got the attention of a Starfleet Admiral and he was offered a Federation diplomatic position. He accepted reluctantly. In 2385 he was sent to a Bajoron colony that was being harassed by Klingon renegades. To his dismay, the Empire would do nothing to help and Starfleet was spread too thin to be of much help. So Amor enlisted the help of the Quath'Mar to defend the colony and eventually hunt down and destroy the renegades. When all was said and done neither the Federation nor the Klingons were very happy with Amor.

So in 2386 he returned to his people, Amor joined his mother on the Yangteeze. His mother was now the Chieftain of the Yangteeze the ship he'd been born into. The Yangteeze was working a Bajoran trade route. During this time he reunited with Kurak a Klingon woman he'd known since childhood. Mara died in 2389 during the birth of their child. Amor found that he didn't fit in with the Bajorans of his Mother's crew and they parted ways in 2391. Amor took is daughter Kali with him and spent the next couple of years wandering through space. In 2393 Kobor tracked him down and convinced him to return to the Klingon Defense Force, in service to his house.

Service Record =^= Pending =^=