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Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 10:31pm

Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire

Name Vep Ka of the Empire

Position Imperial Intelligence Officer

Second Position First Officer IKS M'oQreH

Rank Lieutenant (Sogh)

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion
Age 26
Affiliation Klingon Defence Force

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 7"
Weight 138 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Vep Ka is a five foot seven inch hourglass figure with the muscle tone that gave her a demure appearance with all feminine curves as is normal for Orion breeding. Her eyes are her stunning feature, they almost glow like a predatory cat. She will wears a Klingon style mini dress with chain mail shirt under the chest armor. The typical Klingon boots and bracers also covered in chainmail. Looking heavy she commissioned special lighter modern metals for her uniform.

A disruptor on her right side slung lower for the draw. The Mek'Leth behind and her custom extendable staff on her left thigh. Thowing knives in bracer and fighting daggers in the boots.

she lets her past shoulder length hair loose as it has a natural body wave to it. her voice is of a soothingly sultry tone. A fine singing voice for Victory songs,

Off duty a wraparound style dress of Klingon standards and thick waist belt to hold Disrupter and extendable staff.


Father Unknown Orion
Mother Tesslaka
Brother(s) Bielkin Older/ enforcer
Other Family Kom'Palar Klingon uncle Mother side and Savvy Slave Trader.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Vep'Ka is a fine Klingon woman with no scars; she has this petty Orion Vainity. Maily as she is one to blend and a Marred Orion Slave Girl will stand out. If in a mood to mingle she will go to lower decks with change to appearance to get a feel for things on he station and maybe have alittle fling or fun. A hacker and infiltration expert she can be unseen or destructive.

She is a Lady that is under purchace to the Empire in a manner of speaking, her loyalty unquestioned. She is also quite well practiced in chaos and distractive practices. Smoke and mirrors only a small part of that.
Highly intellegent as an analyst she is almost precognitive in her tactics .

Her form of relaxing is going to an Open Mic night and drinking Klingons and others under table.

She is a scary quiet in official events and a saassy lady of mystery and impulsive seeming mind. SHe is a talented THief; mostly intel objective.

She adorns herself and surrounds her dwelling with what she calls her 'Lady's Sparklies,'

She also is a semi known Artist.
Strengths & Weaknesses Tactical mind
Infiltration expert

+/- Creative thinker

Likes sparkly things
Ice cold temper
Views Federation personnel as weaker and indecisive.
Ambitions Be first Orion on Council.
Hobbies & Interests Sparkly thing to be adorned with.
Getting them as trophy of gift.
Fine singing voice
Earth Tennis
Fencing/ sword play
Form of Ninjitzu
Artistic Paint sketch / some crafting.

Personal History Veenacia of Orion was born into slavery, as such as soon as she could walk she began indoctrination into the Art of Seduction and pleasure. Assuring her first steps had grace to them. She took to the training well enough and other than using all she learned to expand her own comforts is not wrong but did annoy her trainers. The Orion was a bit if a challenge to keep track of and her curious Nature will one day be a downfall. It was discovered by the time she was 6 that if she is given paper and paints or drawing supplies The Girl would calm down and immerse herself in the drawings. It was not long afterward her drawings were of detail and creative style that some were sold on the market to off set cost of having her brought up.

The young woman was constantly swinging from something or doing an Acrobatic maneuver to get her either out of reach to anyone wanting to hold her down or help her gain access to where she wanted to be. Naturally she learned to cover her tracks so not to be caught pilfering scents or supplies she desired.

Rebellious and smart enough to get away with much.

While preparing her for sale an odd obsession was noted, The love of a hot and scented bath. This might have been good to know a bit ago when she caused disturbances. Still she went on the Block at the Tender age of 12.6 Earth Years old. Being an artist as her man selling point; the Artistic types fetch a nearly double price of Orion Girls. Her instrument of choice is a small flute she makes out of what she can get a hold of.

Imagine the Auctioneer and his surprise that a Klingon made a bid upon the Girl, several hearty looking brutes were eyeing the Artistic Girl, even as she was obviously not comfortable on the block, the three Klingons kept eat hing her. They paid a good price and didn't haggle. Paid and took delivery. Her paperwork shuffled to a recently dead Merchant not readily known dead, as yet.

Soon the girl stood before I realized the Klingon High Counsel and Chancellor himself.

"You were bought and paid for to serve the Empite,fail to do so and you ate of no worth and we depose of what we do not need." Smiling. " Serve us well with Honor... Vep ka of the Empire, My slave Girl and the Eyes and Ears of the High Counsel..."

Starting with a very bright Cengeti female, her people had done the Federation Computer systems 80 years before a Binar even came into the picture. The skill to become one with a computer and extract data was not so hard as leaving no trail.

The male Betazoid that taught her to mask her thoughts from a mind damaging scan or the lesser probing scans as his task and learning he imparted to Vep Ka.

The Romulan from Ta Shiar was to teach her the ways of Information Gathering from the computer, to informant and even thr sometimes harsh personal interrogation.

A short stint spent with a Former Moogie that was said to know men and ferengi better than anyone else alive. She had 17 children by three fathers and now the Madum of the best Brothel in known systems. This was her teacher about oomox and all male pleasures.

Her blade and marksmanship done in house within the Empire. She took the training too well some say, a slave Girl who became quite deadly fast. Vep Ka told people 'how often does a Slave get taught not only to defend herself but how to give back what we have taken for centuries?'

Seven years she went through training and not yet 20 years old she was ready to start he new life. Her first assignment was to ride on a Bird of Prey. Should have been simple, one of the female Klingons went out of Vep Ka's private quarters while adjusting her dress. Vep Ka noted her gift of lingerie, something pretty her Owner gave her for a 'Task' masterfully completed.

Vep Ka stormed into the common area where meals are served, declared the Klingon a thief and went to a challenge the Klingon said if she had taken what Vep Ka told as her undergarments, what Klingon would steal from lowly slave? Vep Ka attacked and won. With victory cut the skirt from hem to waist, exposing the Red with pink lace panty, Vep ka demanded the rest, making Klingon Female disrobe in common area
No one dare steal from her again.

The mission was to escort a human asset safely to Badlands. The information the person has transferred a copy of the data drop as payment for the Bird of Prey crew getting her out.

Her next 'Errand' had her playing Arm Candy to an Ambassador of The Empire to a Federation function. While the Delegate made small talk Vep Ka made time with a Security person at the monitor station, while he slept, Vep Ka used his unsecured system to bounce about the system gathering facts and other things. Getting what she needed while using a known pass code cut her hack time. She could erase her trail, delete any trace and be ready when the Officer started to come around. Smoothing her dress as it is un ruffled but she acted the part.

Her handler, the diplomat, asked what happened? Vep Ka reply simply, the sleeping agent worked, he thinks he has wonderful time he cannot remember.⁹

On an occasion she accompanied a strike team, they were unsure of an Orion being accurate, to prove her accuracy and skill she went along, the raid went off hitch free.

One of her major Tasks was to infiltrate a Brothel of Orions in the Bad Lands suspected of harboring 'Questionable ' merchants of information' operating in the area. The threat to Klingon interests had her assigned to the task. She found Human , Romulan and other civilian operations trying to get the same people. Vep Ka's original purchase was to a Ferengi that was deceased but word had yet to get around. The Klingon and a few legitimate Ferengi Purchases were sold to this dead merchant on paperwork. Vep Ka professed her 'Purchasing Agent had found out not to cheat a Klingon unless you can get away with it Rule the hard way, he didn't. A funny story about running half naked to escape; the Orions knew how little clothing or any that meant.I gave worth to the peddled story and how she survived.

It was a surprise to find the Orion Madame of the Brothel is the Information Merchant when they asked 'Veeta' to join their ring. Her first Intel of a major sell was ratting out a Romulan operations to an interested party.The 'Vulcan Professor of studying Sarak's teachings to cover her nature was easy to spot, so Vep'Ka made contact and offered the information about the Merchants for a high price and transportation out. A good excuse to be away if any retaliation came was mandatory. Owing a favor to the Klingons would blow her coveryet a favor owed by Tal'Shiar is priceless. The Rommie actually picked a fight and 'Marred' Vep'Ka, that almost ended the deal and Romulan asset until Vep Ka realized the damage can be repaired but needed cosmetic surgery and couple of days recovery.

The Merchants never saw the massacre coming and Vep Ka as 'Veeta' was in the SIck Bay and not even noticed as a survivor.The Tal'Shiar gave her a Scout Ship to escape in order to keep a 'Friendly Asset' safe.

Vep Ka did several other 'Tasks along the way with great reward to her 'Investors.' It was such a good practice to 'Gift her to Houses in need that she spent the better part of two years helping the Empire Houses not be deceived that her Owners saw opportunity to get her in Good with the Federation on this new Joint endeavor. They gift her to the Captain of Frontier Station.