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Mon Oct 23rd, 2023 @ 1:59am

Lieutenant Ashreth "Ash" Th'Raanin

Name Ashreth "Ash" Th'Raanin

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 34
Affiliation Starfleet

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 175
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Lean athletic build; more of a runner/swimmer body; strong but not overly bulky; stands and greets people with typical Andorian posture, back is straight, but head is often slightly bowed


Spouse Evamaa "Eva" Zh'khallar
Children Jenaeah Zh'khallar (13), Sile Sh'taothol (11), Kal Ch'kaoqal (9), the children live with their Shen mother and Chen father on Andoria during the school year (though their Chen father is in the Imperial Guard and rarely home); and come to see Ashreth and Evama'a on the Starbase when school is not in session
Father Gragek Th'raanin; Shaavik Ch'maalik
Mother Mali'il Sh'caan; Filaanis Zh'tkelis
Brother(s) Shaamis Th'raanin; Laaniish Ch'maalik
Sister(s) Kalaya Sh'caan
Other Family Ex-bond group Deleya Ch'kaoqal and Kevak Sh'taothol. The bond group broke up once the fertility window had clearly passed for the four to have children. However, Ashreth and Evama'a had truly fallen in love, and remained together and had a Starfleet wedding.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ashreth has a way of adjusting his presence in a room based on what's needed and appropriate for the situation. This was a natural gift as a child, which is is what caused him to elect the career path he's chosen. He could be the life of the party, or sit quietly at the table and let others shine. He's comfortable speaking truth to power, and excels at reading the room. Growing up on Andoria, he's no stranger to combat skills, but he prefers to only use them when necessary.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Easily adapts to situations and people; can get along with a wide variety of people and is often the common link among different groups of people who don't necessarily get along; Despite his children being long distance much of the time he keeps in touch regularly, and when are aboard he is very attentive and he has a good relationship with them and his wife

Weaknesses: He can allow himself to be pulled into too many directions trying to make impossible situations work; engineering - he took the required basic course at the academy, but really would have no idea how to help in engineering in an emergency;
Ambitions To complete a proper engineering extension course to obtain some competency - mainly because it's a prerequisite to completing the command course requirements if he ever would want to be a Captain some day.
Hobbies & Interests Music, he plays the Andorian instruments hyperblat and flabbjellah, and also picked up the guitar and mandolin at the Academy. He sings to his wife and children, but hasn't sang for anyone in public yet.

Ice swimming, and Ice (Mountain Climing) and hiking; kal-toh, and strategic games

Personal History Ashreth was born on Andoria and raised their in Andorian schools with three siblings. He had parents serving in both Starfleet and the Imperial Guard, so he had influences on both sides. As a child, he was always a peacemaker among friends. He never really stuck to one specific friend group, but would be friends with everyone. Even though it was sometimes the "cool" thing to do, he would never participate in badmouthing or starting fights with opposing friend groups, but would defend people being bullied, and often broker peace, and even create new friendships out of prior enemies. Teachers at his school encouraged him toward Starfleet - any career really, but often told him that he would make a great diplomat, ambassador, or counselor.

The words of his teachers stuck in his head, and he had the support of his parents, so he elected to go that route, and set his studies toward passing the Starfleet entrance exam as soon as it was available to him.

He also felt the duty to Andoria and the population crisis to join a bond group, and have children. Also he truly did want children, and with Andorian's fertility window being so short, and so young, his first child was born while he was still in the Academy. Fortunately the bond group was supportive of his career, and he had the freedom to finish school, and travel was arranged so that everyone could be together without interfering with his studies or assignments.

Ashreth and the zhen mother of the bond group, Evamaa were on their first assignment together when their second child was ready to be born. The chen, Deleya rendezvoused with their starship so that they could be there for the birth. (Kevak was away with the Imperial Guard.) It was at that point, that Deleya mentioned that the four should have more children if they were able, but that perhaps as a bond group they would have no more responsibilities to one another other than caring and raising the children once their window was over.

Ashreth and Evamaa had no immediate objections. The bond group was formed out of friendship and duty more than romantic attraction. However, as Ashreth and Evamaa continued to serve, and try to be long distance parents, a romantic spark developed between them, and by the time the group's third and final child was born, Ashreth and Evamaa had a chemistry between them that couldn't be denied, eventually leading to their marriage.

All four want what's best for the children, which is why they are being schooled on Andoria, but visit Ashreth and Evamaa often. Ashreth and Evamaa also use leave time to visit the children during the school year to make sure the children know that they are important to them.
Service Record (If in-Char Year is still 2396 per homepage)

2384: Graduated Starfleet Academy

2384-2389: Counselor USS Missouri

2389-2396: Counselor USS Arcadia (Promoted to Assistant Chief Counselor in 2391)

[2388-2396: Guest Lecturer at Starfleet Academy XenoSociology]