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Tue Oct 24th, 2023 @ 2:22am

Lieutenant Nash Winters

Name Nash Winters

Position Chief Operations Officer

Second Position Chief Operations Officer - USS Kingfisher

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 45
Affiliation Starfleet

Physical Appearance

Height 6-2
Weight 210
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Athletic, slim, fit, and muscular. Small moon shaped scar under his right ear from a childhood accident


Father Nicholas
Mother Helen
Brother(s) Robert aka Bobby, age 36
Sister(s) Heather, age 26

Personality & Traits

General Overview Nash is a very kind and giving individual, whose charm can be disarming at times. To strangers, this might come across as insincere or fake, but once people get to know him, they know he genuinely cares about people. He’s very strong willed and likes to do things his way, but has become more adaptable as he got older. As a Starfleet Officer, he is very enthusiastic about his work and also not afraid to offer his opinion. He thrives in team situations and has a lot of friends among his shipmates. Nash longs for companionship, but has not found the right person with whom to involve in a relationship. He’s had several short term affairs, but nothing lasting longer than several months.
Strengths & Weaknesses Nash is collaborative and a team player. He’s loyal and is supportive in the chain of command and acts for the good of the mission. He also may take risks a little too easily; Nash goes out of his way to volunteer for tasks and missions and may be over eager at times. One of his major strengths is his willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty for his friends and family. Once someone enters his circle of trust, they are in it for life.
Hobbies & Interests History, Anthropology, Paleoanthropolgy, mechanical and chemical engineering

Personal History Born in San Francisco, Wynters is the middle child of three. He has an older brother Bobby, and a younger sister, Heather.
Like typical boys at age 6 or 7 or so, Nash liked to play “good guys-bad guys” with his brother and sister. He would make up scenarios and act them out together as a threesome, similar to cops and robbers, etc. It was in these early years that he became interested in law enforcement and everything that went along with it. His interests shifted as he got older, and with his love of baseball, liked to read about the history of the exploration of Earth. He enjoyed all aspects of history, from Ancient Rome, the Renaissance, all the way up to the 20th and 21st centuries. Toward the end of high school, in his late teens, and early twenties, his interest in space exploration picked up steam. It was a year after graduating high school, Nash decided to enter Starfleet Academy.

Upon acceptance at the Academy, Nash decided to major in Engineering and a minor in exo-anthropology.
Service Record Starfleet Academy, 2368-72
-Purple Academy Ribbon of Excellence

Academy Accelerated Engineering Program, 2372-74

USS Appalachia, Helm Officer, 2374-80

USS Carlsbad, Transporter Chief, 2380-90
Assistant Chief of Operations, 2390-93

Starbase Frontier, Chief of Operation, 2393-present