Lieutenant Ukram House of Gocx

Name Ukram House of Gocx

Position Commander of the Guard

Second Position Weapons Officer IKS M'oQreH

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 57
Affiliation Klingon Defence Force

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2''
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description He is a tall, well built Klingon male, with the typical Klingon bony plates protruding from his torso, along with a series of seven bony ridges from his nose to the top of his forehead. He is bald in the crown of his head but does have hair on the rest of his head. His skin is dark black. He sports a long beard.


Spouse Baz'ra, house of Back (Divorced)
Children Aimee, house of Gocx, 26
Pisto Gocx, 24
Father Ka'upp Gocx
Mother Ma'ru Gocx
Brother(s) Jell Grocx
Kraw Grocx
Check Mimpact (BIL)
Sister(s) Kem Mimpact
Sogi Gocx
Other Family Biv Mimpact, Niece, age 7.

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is not a typical Klingon, in that he has dedicated himself to more worldly pursuits than simply battle. He is intelligent, quiet, and methodical. He, however, HAS earned his honor, according to his father, by a show of intense bravery during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, and the Cardassian Rebellion. He saved several of his comrades in arms, as well as the enemy, so that they might live to fight another day.

He doesn't talk much, but when he does, he is sure to say something profound and "deep."
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
-Physical strength, ie, is very strong and can lift much
-trained in trauma and triage
-Witty, dry sense of humor

-Is sometimes unaware of his own strength
-cute blondes
-is seen by other Klingons as "weak minded" bc he won't fight unless he HAS to.
Ambitions -To help more Klingons evolve past their warrior status
-retire with a high rank
-perfect knowledge of Klingon biology and anatomy
-Perhaps teach medicine
Hobbies & Interests -Reading
-Singing (to himself in the shower)
-Terran war trivia buff, particularly the US Civil War

Personal History Born on Qo'onos (Kronos), the second child of two Klingon parents. He has a large family. He is single, having let "the One" get away. He is from a "good" bloodline; both of his parents are decorated warriors, as are his brothers and one sister. The other sister has defected to Earth, and is mostly estranged.

He attended school long enough to learn the basics, but because his parents felt that their sons should be warriors, they were taught mostly by their parents. Ukram, though, was always hungry for knowledge, reading through large tomes his parents had, borrowing the school books from the kids in his neighborhood, and using the hololibrary to research things that interested him. He has a fascination with Terran/Earth warfare, especially the United States' Civil War, an ancient battle of highest honor, in his mind, of good v evil.

He was able to convince his father to let him attend secondary/high school by promising to continue his warrior training after school and on weekends, which he did. He scored very high in school, graduating with high honors. He chose to attend the Starfleet Academy, with his parents' blessing because they believed he'd go into tactical training. However, he soon changed studies to medicine and his parents were upset for a long while. However, when he was able to show his dedication after graduation to the Klingon Federation by saving warrior's lives, they were much more accepting of his choices.

He has dated several people of many genders, but nothing has stuck, and he's content to just be a bachelor if that what his future will be.
Service Record 2362-Kronos Military Academy

2366-70-KDFbI'rel tlharghDuj, jr. Medical Officer

2370-74- KDF tI'ang ghompu, Jr. Medical Officer

2374-78-KDF Ddraig Goch, Medical Officer

2378-82-KDF Hegh , Sr, Medical Officer

2382-86-KDF Grumsh, Sr. Medical Officer