Lieutenant JG Remira "Remy" Johansen
Name Remira "Remy" Johansen
Position Starfleet Intelligence Officer
Second Position Tactical Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 35 | |
Affiliation | Starfleet |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'7" | |
Weight | 145 | |
Hair Color | Red | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Lean and athletic, sharp features, but a warm and inviting smile. |
Spouse | N/A | |
Children | None yet | |
Father | Robert Johansen (Deceased) | |
Mother | Isabel Johansen (Deceased) | |
Brother(s) | Edward Johansen, 30, Starfleet Engineering Officer | |
Sister(s) | None |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Remy has a hard outer shell. She's kind, but difficult to get to know. She keeps her heart close to her chest, she always has, but losing her parents six years ago hardened her even more. She speaks multiple languages fluently, and will adopt to cultural customs and mannerisms of the people she is dealing with. Klingon is one of the languages she knows well, and can fight with a bat'leth and drink blood wine with the best of them. This is one of the reasons Starfleet intel pegged her for this posting. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Adaptability to situations and ability to blend in; strong work ethic and a good mind for intelligence work, approaching an investigation from all angles; she's tough and unwavering Weaknesses: No filter when talking her honesty can be brutal - this has earned her the occasional warning, though no official marks on her record; She doesn't like to let people in or ask for help; Can sometimes get stuck on a problem that would take less time if she'd be willing to admit her weakness |
Ambitions | She would like to field work as an infiltration officer. It's why she started studying languages at such a young age, practicing behaviors. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Vulcan, Andorian, and Human martial arts. Practicing with her bat'leth and mak'leth. Running, parkour, rock climbing. Having a glass of wine and listening to music. |
Personal History | Remy was born and raised Starfleet. Her parents were officers, her dad eventually making Captain, and she and her brother were raised on ships. She decided at a young age that she wanted to be an intelligence officer - infiltration specifically and started studying languages, especially those of races that were hostile to the Federation. Her parents supported Starfleet, but tried to steer her to a less dangerous route - like science or operations - but they were unsuccessful. She remained steadfast and determined. She and her brother have always had a good relationship. Moving around a lot as children, they always had one another. They both got to see a lot growing up, and were and still are true believers in Starfleet and everything that it stands for. Remy entered the Academy when she was 18, her brother was a junior when she started. At the beginning of Remy's junior year, while Ed was on his first mission they got word that their parents ship was destroyed by the Breen. There were some survivors, but neither of their parents were found among them. They found a recording that Remy's dad made before he went down with the ship, but no one knows what happened to her mother. Remy knows that her parents chose to become Starfleet officers knowing that it was a dangerous job, and they wouldn't want either of them to stop living their lives because of their death. She misses them deeply, but has done her best to push forward in their absence. It has caused her to keep her colleagues at arms length more than she'd like - knowing how fragile life is, and not wanting to go through that pain again. |
Service Record | Graduated Starfleet Academy: 2382 Starfleet Intelligence Special Ops: 2382-2383 Undercover (Classified) 2383-2389 Starfleet Intelligence HQ 2389-2390 USS Carlsbad, Intelligence Officer: 2390 - 2393 Starfleet Romulan Listening Outpost: 2393-2395 Starfleet Intelligence HQ: 2395-2396 |