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Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 10:31pm

Lieutenant JG Ki'ana

Name Ki'ana

Position Chief Science Officer

Second Position Chief Science Officer - USS Kingfisher

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Kelpien
Age 29
Affiliation Starfleet

Physical Appearance

Height 6'7"
Weight 76kg
Hair Color N/A considering she doesn't have hair.
Eye Color Lilac
Physical Description Ki'ana would be considered unmistakeably feminine by human standards. Lithe muscle lines her limbs and stomach, earned from years of working on her father's farm. To find her without a pair of glasses on her nose is rare; the lenses don't actually work, she merely thinks that it lends to her appearance. She is partial to more form-fitting clothing off duty; she claims that it lends to her mobility.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Doratar
Mother Kivaa
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Several cousins resident on Kaminar

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ki'ana strives to befriend literally everyone. No, really. Growing up in a rural community where everyone knew everyone else, she tries very hard indeed to see the good in everyone and anyone she sees, even that effort is misplaced. Her peers say that she radiates girl-next-door vibes, which certainly helps her goal of getting along with everyone very nicely indeed. For someone of a species that normally treats trying new things and meeting new people with apprehensiveness, Ki'ana takes such things in stride well, leading some to quip that for her, vahar'ai came early.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Friendly
+ Hardworking
+ Endlessly supportive

- Tries too hard to make everyone comfortable with her
- Somewhat of a people pleaser
- Not very good at any sport that requires her to kick a ball.
Ambitions - Start up a kindness campaign with her captain's permission... when she's earned her commission. Of course, plans always change.
- Discover a species of plant and have it named after her.
- Start a family of her own.
Hobbies & Interests - The violin, which she picked up at Starfleet Academy. She was part of the Academy's violin ensemble before resigning to concentrate on her training and studies. She continues to play occasionally for relaxation today.
- Long, slow walks, preferrably with someone else, be it a friend, a colleague or more.
- Gymming. It keeps her fit and allows her to meet new people.

Personal History i'ana did not come from any form of notable background. In fact she was as ordinary as can be, born to a farmer father and schoolteacher mother in a countryside town on the eastern continent of Kaminar. Her father grew vegetables and fruit in the small plot of land and facilities he owned near the family home while her mother taught chemistry in the local school. The community itself wasn’t very big and thus tightly knit; visitors normally compared its dynamic to some small American towns on Earth where the residents were familiar with almost everyone else. All her young life would be spent helping her father out on the farm. Overall their life was simple but comfortable and all three enjoyed it greatly.

Reading of Saru, the first Kelpien to venture into the stars beyond, and his exploits as first officer of the U.S.S. Discovery before it’s destruction in the 23rd century served as a great inspiration to her. He’d only been a teenager then when he left his village for the greater reaches of the universe - she wanted to do that someday. To put herself back into the universe and see what more lay beyond the rolling hills of modern Kaminar and her home town and perhaps, just perhaps, make some discoveries of her own, no pun intended. It would not be until the age of seventeen that she truly decided that she would make this goal her destiny and that no one else would stop her from getting what she wanted.

Ki'ana would spend the next year studying the hardest she ever had, reading up on scientific topics, namely botany and any other materials she could find to educate herself in light of the entrance exam. At last, when she turned twenty-one it was time for her to leave, and she departed for the capital city of Kaminar and then Earth following a tearful farewell from her parents and the residents of the town who’d known her.

Her Academy tenure was spent largely like most other xenobotany science cadets: studying, practical lessons and sometimes gaining experience working the Academy gardens as part of their modules. When she wasn't doing those things, though, Ki'ana was a whole different person. Some of her classmates knew her to (responsibly) drink many of them under the table on Friday nights out and party like an animal when the circumstances were right.

Being assigned to the Luna-class U.S.S. Camelot fresh out of the Academy was the best thing she could've asked for as a science officer. Plenty of scientific facilities, among the best sensors any ship could have, a relatively smaller crew with which she could bond. It felt like home but better, and it was perfect. She would go on to spend the next four years aboard studying and cataloguing whatever she could find within her field and spending much time in the arboretum where she normally worked. Here she made plenty of friends, too, and sometimes a little bit more with her attitude and smile. It was at this time that she also took up the violin as a hobby, having been introduced to it by an acquaintance.
Service Record 2392-2396: Science Officer, USS Camelot