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Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 2:40am

Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran

Name M’ress Fer’ran

Position Chief of Starfleet Security

Second Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer - USS Kingfisher

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Caitian/Ferasan
Age 31
Affiliation Starfleet

Physical Appearance

Height 6’2”
Weight 250
Hair Color Blue/White Fur
Eye Color Aqua
Physical Description A Caitian/Ferasan Hybrid of Strong Musculature from training as a Federation Ground Force Officer. Her Father was a Caitian which gives her a graceful appearance, while her Mother was a Ferasan which gave her a strong sense of personal honor, duty and a bit of an aggressive streak. She keeps his fur clipped close, and what passes for hair in a long ponytail. Her uniform is the standard security uniform with tactical hard-vest and duty belt with new issue type 2 phaser in a drop leg holster.


Spouse None
Children None
Father M’rar
Mother T’less
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview A Ground Force Officer in Starfleet Security, M’ress is a product of two separate but similar cultures. Large and Imposing like her mother but with a cat-like gracefulness of her father, Mar’tan tries to honor both in her day to day life. She strongly believes in the goals of the Federation and Klingons in that their alliance is better for the galaxy.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Expert in Small Arm tactics

Hand To Hand Combat

Security Enforcement and Procedures


She’s quick to want to go to the “stun first” option.
A weakness for sweets, and pets.
Ambitions Captain of a Combat Cruiser
Hobbies & Interests Security Manuals
Restoring Classic Phasers and Weapons
PT, like a good Ground Force Officer.

Personal History Born on Qo’nos on the Federation Embassy Hospital to Father M’Rar of Cait and T’less of Fenra, M’ress was named for an ancestor of M’Rar’s family. Proud of her heritage, She easily found herself wanting to follow the path of her father as a Security Officer. Her mother wanted her to join the Imperial Klingon Defense Forces which she seriously contemplated but decided that opportunities would be better with the Federation.

She attended Klingon schools where she learned much in the way of combat skills, tactical knowledge, and the way of the warrior. She made friends easily, showing a natural talent for leadership that would continue to serve her as she attended Starfleet Academy.

At the Academy, she focused on the tactical and security track. She excelled in physical exercises, combat sims, and a three day war game where she lead a platoon of Ground Force Trainees.

She graduated with honors into the Federation Ground Forces, integrating into Starfleet Security forces easily.

At present she’s assigned to Starfleet Security in Rapid Reaction Forces.
Service Record 2383 -Graduate Starfleet Security Forces

2384-2389 - Ground Force Officer - Cestus III Colony Garrison

2390-2391 - Thenzethi Front - Rapid Reaction Forces

2391-2394 - Rapid Reaction Forces - USS Kennedy - Archanis Sector Command

2395-Present - Starbase One - Grarrison Officer - Security Section Commander - Decks 100-120