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Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 10:31pm

Lieutenant Commander (Soghla') Thorillo

Name Thorillo Son of Drej

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander (Soghla')

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon/Romulan
Age 32
Affiliation Klingon Defence Force

Physical Appearance

Height 5’9” (175cm)
Weight 195lbs (88kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description With the hybridisation of Klingon and Romulan DNA, Klingon does seem to dominate over the Romulan though as he discovers in later life that the two blend well.

His Klingon heritage gave long semi curly black hair and typically begins after a large exposed forehead that has a somewhat softened collection of ridges that if inspected closely follows the Romulan forehead ridge lines from between the eyebrows and out to the sides of the head above the ears, instead of going straight from between eyebrows to the center of the hairline on top of a full blooded Klingon.

The Klingon ridges do hide the Romulan ones with a pattern of bumps of various sizes and heights that is consistent in a radial direction from between the eyebrows. So it isn't immediately recognised as not Klingon but unless inspected very closely.

Though covered by the ample just past the shoulders long black semi curly hair are what once were Romulan pointed ears, in various attempts by himself to hide them further after he left Carraya IV prison colony he crudely mutilated them. The scars look like battle injuries, and he is great with that story. The pointed tips are gone but some of the pointed shape could be visualised if his ears are closely inspected for a time so he keeps them covered by hair.

His eyebrows do have a slight upwards curve but it is very subtle.


Father Drej Son of Ronkek, adopted father and husband to Shinga, a low ranked Combat Engineer.
Mother Shinga Daughter of E'max, adopted mother and a low ranked Security officer.

Personality & Traits

General Overview While his birth mother, Avasa Daughter of J'okral and a prisoner of the Romulan Star Empire, made it a point to teach him all about Honour and the way of life that Klingons conduct themselves, she allowed Narek s'Xerus, his birth father and a security guard of the Carraya IV Romulan prison colony, to explain the mannerisms and traditions that Romulans often live by. It wasn't that hard to find a balance considering Thorillo, or Thor for short as most of those living in the colony called him, never experienced life on either side.

There were those in the colony who did preach about the fact that they and their forefathers and or foremothers are dishonoured prisoners, and will never find glory in battle. They often regaled the young ones, away from the elders who enforced a peace, with tales of glory and taught them the story about why there was hatred between Klingons and Romulans. Of course the guards nor the prisoners who accepted their fate attempted, knew of these secret meetings, to stop any of them as it was important for their children to know what awaited them outside the colony.

This did give most of the Klingons in the colony, including the hybrids, hesitancy and lack of desire to leave. The type of peace they have in the colony was unique and prior to the children's departure they took it for granted. They'd truly see for themselves that they'd not be accepted by either side, though Thor had a lot of time to think of how'd he might go about overcoming such hardship as a test of his courage, honour and one day give him glory for the loresingers to sing of a hybrid proving themselves as Klingon. He'd not have a chance on Romulus unless he had a complete reconstruction of his appearance so Qo'noS was his only option if he wanted to find purpose away from the bland peaceful life in the colony.

Hearing about the KDF and being an officer on a warship and battle sounded much more exciting. It had been a constant dream of his throughout his childhood.

He is fluent in Rihannsu and Klingonese. He did some basic Reman, but it was hard to pronounce with his jagged teeth though if he heard basic words he could understand like hello, bye, and so on.
Strengths & Weaknesses He has developed a keen sense of paranoia after leaving the colony and he considers it a strength, it does leave him mentally drained if not properly balanced with secured rest. Of course being exposed as a hybrid is a great weakness for typical Klingons and Romulans will turn on him.

His Klingon DNA affords him some redundancies in organs and physical strength he has yet to push himself to his limits. He is somewhat hesitant to find his limits as it could lead to his exposure being a hybrid but if he can see that getting to his limits won't do that then maybe he'd go for it.

Thanks to his mixed heritage he seems to be more inclined to look at the bigger picture and seek greater glory than just submitting to his baser emotional urges for battles. That being said he often plays along with the reckless warriors to fit in.
Ambitions Let's just say he wants to prove that hybrids are just as brave, honourable, glorious and worthy of song as pure Klingons. He kind of has this developing wish that someday the Carraya IV colony inhabitants could one day be brought into the Empire. He is still working out how to make this wish come true, perhaps there are other Klingons who believe as he does, he has to be careful.
Hobbies & Interests He found he enjoyed The Romul'aad threatre production with his birth father one time during his youth. While dealing with his raging hormones he and his friends did enjoy the Klingon pain sticks ritual as it helped keep him along with his friends from getting too rowdy. His father taught him Llaekh-ae'rl, mostly as a form of exercise.

Especially when his birth mother presented it to them as a challenge to see who could withstand the pain sticks the longest. He was taught some musical instruction on the ka'athyra, though it was a crudely made version.

He didn't really do well at the instruction considering his mind was more focused on strategy and mechanics. He did learn the mok'bara from Lieutenant Worf when he practiced in the colony courtyard; he took the time to perfect the sequence ever since.

Personal History As early as 5 years old Thorillo s'Xerus, born to Avasa Daughter of J'okral and Narek s'Xerus, learned what peace and love was from former enemies as many stories of battles were told by both sides. The hostility long ago burned out after the Klingon Empire refused the return of survivors of Khitomer. Thorillo was gradually taught about both cultures of the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. How the peoples lived, how they sort meaning in life, their histories and even how perhaps one day the two empires could learn to become friends again.

Of course Thorillo took it all in but left most of the 'what ifs' to future Thorillo that he lived in the moment much to his parents' annoyance but they knew sooner or later he'd face the outside. That day came in the form of Lieutenant Worf, a Klingon in Starfleet. It was a rather surprising encounter for the colony and Thorillo's, along with several other teenagers', parents expected fears ten years later some of the hybrids and full Klingon teens wanted to see their homeworld.

The colony elders and Romulan overseers arranged for Worf and the teens to return in exchange for Worf's sworn to secrecy upon his honour that he wouldn't reveal the colony or the hybrids to either government. He agreed and the teens bid their farewells with promises to one day to visit, though that may be unlikely. Thorillo may have hinted at looking for a way to restore the honour of the Klingons and proving the hybrids in the Empire, of course it seemed like a fool's errand but Avasa and Narek wished their son the best of luck regardless.

After a cozy Romulan supply ship trip to the Enterprise-D and transfer to a Klingon bird of prey that took them to Qo'noS. Because they weren't full adults yet, Worf had pulled some strings for them all to get adopted by various couples, Thorillo was accepted by Drej Son of Ronkek, husband to Shinga and a low ranked Combat Engineer. His wife: Shinga Daughter of E'max, a low ranked Security officer, as Shinga had a little trouble getting pregnant, it may have been due to a battle injury or something. Thorillo s'Xerus became Thorillo Son of Drej and Shinga.

During the Cardassian-Klingon War, Thorillo did sustain battle injuries and almost was discovered as a Klingon/Romulan hybrid but he was surprised that their Field Medic didn't report it. Thankfully he didn't bleed green immediately, though he had noticed that his red older blood had twinged green and so he knew that he should clean it before senior officers saw it at any stage in the future.

Soon the conflict between the Cardassians and Klingons dropped to a cold status. It seemed he was making allies as he fought with various crews as reassignments came as the Klingons got settled in the annexed Cardassian space. Thorillo even reached the Sogh rank and was placed as Weapons Officer on a K'vort class bird of prey just as the Dominion War began to heat up with the Cardassian Union announcing they joined the Dominion.

The many battles and somehow managing to survive all of them to be part of the Battle of Cardassia. He even had temporary command of that K'vort class bird of prey but didn't accept the command when it was offered to him. Thorillo wanted to just fight and not get involved in the troublesome bureaucracy, though didn't say that. As a show of respect for his honour and dedication to being a warrior Thorillo was placed as Second Officer and Chief of Security along with the logged privilege of a promotion at his request.

After the war it was an empire wide party for the Klingons, non-stop drinking and merrymaking as rebuilding efforts were organised. Though not much of the Empire had suffered invasion, it was mainly the Federation that took the brunt.

Eventually in 2398 High Command requested Thorillo take the First Officer position on their joint venture with the Federation, Frontier Station and orders to deal with rogue elements of the KDF that had been causing some issues. They advanced him to Soghla' rank as part of the assignment but left the logged privilege for when they could manipulate him to take on a command.