Departments & Positions

  • Command (frontier.png)

    The Command department is ultimately responsible for the ship and its crew, and those within the department are responsible for commanding the vessel and representing the interests of Starfleet.

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  • Flight Control (frontier.png)

    Responsible for the navigation and flight control of a vessel and its auxiliary craft, the Flight Control department includes pilots trained in both starship and auxiliary craft piloting. Note that the Flight Control department does not include Fighter pilots.

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  • USS Kingfisher (kingfisher.png)

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  • Takagi Shipyards (shipyards.png)

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  • IKS M'oQreH (vorcha.png)

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  • Strategic Operations (frontier.png)

    The Strategic Operations department acts as an advisory to the command staff, as well as a resource of knowledge and information concerning hostile races in the operational zone of the ship, as well as combat strategies and other such things.

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  • Security (frontier.png)

    Security manages the security and protection of the internal affairs of the Starbase.

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    • Starfleet Security

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    • KDF Security

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  • Tactical (frontier.png)

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  • Station Operations & Logistics (frontier.png)

    The operations department is responsible for keeping ship systems functioning properly, rerouting power, bypassing relays, and doing whatever else is necessary to keep the ship operating at peak efficiency.

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  • Station Engineering (frontier.png)

    The engineering department has the enormous task of keeping the ship working; they are responsible for making repairs, fixing problems, and making sure that the ship is ready for anything.

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  • Science (frontier.png)

    From sensor readings to figuring out a way to enter the strange spacial anomaly, the science department is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries.

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  • Medical & Counseling (frontier.png)

    The medical & counseling department is responsible for the mental and physical health of the crew, from running annual physicals to combatting a strange plague that is afflicting the crew to helping a crew member deal with the loss of a loved one.

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  • Intelligence (frontier.png)

    The Intelligence department is responsible for gathering and providing intelligence as it becomes possible during a mission; during covert missions, the intelligence department also takes a more active role, providing the necessary classified and other information.

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  • Starfighter Wing (frontier.png)

    The best pilots in Starfleet, they are responsible for piloting the starfighters in ship-to-ship battles, as well as providing escort for shuttles, and runabouts.

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  • Civilian Population (frontier.png)

    Starbase Frontier has a large Civilian Population. The Civilians vary from general people who live and work on the Starbase, to traders, people travelling through and family members.

    • Galleria Merchant Association

      The Galleria Merchant Association (GMA for short) is responsible for all shops, restaurants and establishments on the Main Galleria of Starbase Frontier. It is run and managed by Civilians with an elected 'Head Merchant'. The Council Leader reports to Captain Izumi on all related issues with the Main Galleria. The merchant association meets reguarly much like a council, and every owner and employee is a member and has a voice.

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    • Civilian Services

      The Civilian Services are Civilians who offer specialist services to the population of Starbase Frontier. These Civilians are emplyed by the GMA, and Starfleet to provide such services that are specialist and do nto require trade. These services are usually those that everyone requires such as civilian medical, education and non-profit organisations.

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    • General Civilians

      General Civilians are people who live on Frontier that may be family members, visitors, people travelling or just people who have chosen to reside on the station. These Civilians may work in some of the other departments on the station.

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