
Returning to Space

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 12:02pm by Captain Kagami Izumi & Hatsune Izumi
Edited on on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 7:05am

718 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Starfleet Academy & USS Kingfisher
Timeline: MD-01 11:15

[Two Months Ago]

"And there you have it, this is how you rotate shield frequencies when you are under constant fire..." Captain Kagami Izumi explained to the room of Starfleet Cadets. Many of them noting her explanation on shield frequency rotation on their PADDS. "Now, make sure to..." she paused momentarily as she noticed an Admiral enter at the back of the lecture hall. "Like I was saying, make sure to memorise this. This will be on the test at the end of the semester."

She caught the Admirals eye as he moved slowly along the back wall. "Cadets. Thats all for today. Dismissed." The sound of shuffling and movement filled the large room as the younger cadets made their way out of the room.

Once the room was empty, Kagami looked up towards the Admiral who was now making his way down the center aisle.
"Admiral Paterson," Kagami said with a smile. "Its been a while sir."

"Indeed it has Kagami. I still find it weird that you're standing at my desk now," he said with a smile as he approached. "Although..." he dropped his voice to a hushed tone. "I think I could teach it better..."

"No doubt sir. You're a veteran in the field of Security and Tactical." she paused for a moment. "However, I doubt you dropped by the Academy from Headquarters to ctiricise my teaching methods."

Paterson sighed and shook his head. "No, unfortunately I'm here on business. This is by far not a casual visit."

Kagami turned and began to stack the PADDs on the lecturn. "Well sir, what do you need from your best student?" Kagami asked with a smirk. She held the PADD's close to chest and turned to lead them both out of the room.

"I know you made the decision to teach here at the Academy since you lost your husband. I also understand that you're a single mother and you want to be in a safe place to be there for your daughter; however... I need you out there again Kagami" Paterson told her.

Kagami froze and turned around slowly to face the Admiral. "No disrespect sir, but I made it clear to Starfleet I would happily only return to space when my daughter was old enough to not rely on me so much. Honestly, only I can make that decision. A starship is no place for a young child to grow up!"

"I know you'd say that..." Paterson said. "I could easily order you to take this command. But I know you'd be stubborn enough to simply resign your commission. You tried that once, and you didn't have the heart to do it."

Sighing Kagami looked down at the floor, then back upto the Admirals face. "Well you might as well give me the details. What is it you want me to do?"

A smile stretched across Paterson's face as he placed a hand on the womans shoulder. "Lets walk and talk. I'll fill you in on all the details..."

[Present Day]

The Intrepid Class USS Kingfisher, NCC 84483 dropped out of warp. Its nacelles lowered back to their horizontal position as the ship slowed to impulse speeds.

Captain Kagami Izumi sat in the command chair of the ship. It felt oddly familiar even though the Kingfisher was a brand new vessel. Her previous command the USS Missouri had also been an Intrepid Class Starship, however now the Missouri was under command of another Captain. She looked over to her left at the other command chair, one that would usually be taken up by the ships Executive Officer.

However today, instead of a Starfleet Officer a young child was curled up on its soft fabric, sleeping soundly.

"Captain, we're approaching the Starbase now." The officer manning the helm of the ship reported.

"Take us in Lieutenant and dock the ship," Kagami ordered as she pulled herself out of the chair. She took a few steps towards her daughter and gently shook her awake.

"Hatsune, Hatsune... We're here."

The girl opened her eyes sleepily and looked up at the viewscreen. "Is that it?" she asked softly.

Kagami held her daughter hand gently. "Yes Hatsune, thats our new home. Welcome to Starbase Frontier."

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer
SB Frontier

Hatsune Izumi

Admiral Paterson
Starfleet Command



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