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Doctor On Deck

Posted on Sun Jun 18th, 2023 @ 8:42am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins
Edited on on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 7:08am

1,418 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Captains Office
Timeline: MD 01 - 17:00

The USS Kannapolis dropped out of warp at Starbase Frontier. Aboard the New Orleans class starship, Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins bade farewell to the quarters she had called home for the past two years before slinging her most important bags over her shoulder. The rest of her packed belongings would be beamed aboard the starbase, but Ushio had two bags she didn't want to chance to transporters; one was her miscellaneous personal belongings that she would need immediately, while the other was a guitar case which held Ushio's pride and joy: An antique Gibson guitar that she had obtained back when the Ushaan-tors were still a thing. Despite it having been four years since she last played with the Ushaan-tors, Ushio had continued to care for and maintain the Gibson, and she wouldn't dream of letting anything happen to it in a cargo transporter.

Ushio made her way down to the shuttlebay, where some of the colleagues whose trust she had earned had gathered to see her off. Ushio shook hands and accepted the congratulations of her colleagues before she reached the waiting shuttle, where Lieutenant Commander Donington stood as one of the last to see Ushio off. When she saw her former boss, instead of shaking his hand Ushio proceed to give him a big hug.

"You were a great assistant." Michael told Ushio. "I look forward to reading about the great things you've accomplished."

"Thank you, Chief." Ushio responded. "I wouldn't be where I am today if I weren't under your careful tutelage."

Having said her farewells, Ushio boarded the shuttle, and the pilot closed the ramp and began the takeoff procedure.

"Kannapolis control, this is shuttlecraft Dale Earnhardt, requesting permission for departure."

"Shuttlecraft Dale Earnhardt cleared for departure. Contact Starbase Frontier traffic control on frequency," the controller read the frequency.

"Copy that; cleared for departure and contact Starbase Frontier, frequency," the pilot read the frequency back. "Shuttlecraft Dale Earnhardt."

As the shuttlecraft left the shuttlebay and began flying towards the starbase, Ushio was able to take in how massive it was. This would be her first starbase assignment, and she was beginning to understand that it would be a lot bigger than a starship.

As Ushio took in the sight of the starbase, the pilot began preparing for landing.

"Starbase Frontier, this is shuttlecraft Dale Earnhardt, conducting personnel transfer from USS Kannapolis, requesting landing clearance."

When the pilot received no response, he hailed the starbase again:

"Starbase Frontier, this is shuttlecraft Dale Earnhardt, please acknowledge last transmission, over."

Ushio lowered her head into her hands. Clearly things were not off to a good start...

"Shuttlecraft Dale Earnhardt. Apologies, our communications systems are not yet fully operational. Use Landing Pad Three" came the response. "Captain Izumi will be expecting Doctor Sh'alkins to report in as soon as you're aboard."

"Understood. Shuttlecraft Earnhardt out." The pilot said, terminating the communication and turning back to Ushio. "Sounds like you've got a busy day ahead of you."

"If communications are a mess, then who knows what medical is going to be like." Ushio responded.

Once the shuttle from the Kannapolis landed, Ushio disembarked and began to make her way towards the Commanding Officer's office, inevitably asking for directions a couple of times along the way, a flurry of thoughts were going through the Andorian woman's head, mostly some were related to a cadet she had performed with back in the Academy: Ushio knew that this certain cadet hero worshipped Captain Izumi, and she'd probably give up everything to trade places with Ushio.

But it was more than just Academy era memories; Ushio had heard recently from her bassist and drummer from her most recent musical endeavor, and the three of them had thrown around ideas for potentially getting the band back together. Though how and when, Ushio was still figuring out on her end.

After what seemed like an eternity of walking and entering incorrect rooms, Ushio found herself in front of what she had been assured was the correct door, and pressed the chime and waited to be let in.

"Come in" Kagami's voice called from inside the office.

The doors to the office swooshed open, and the face of the person sitting at the desk was unmistakable:

Patricia is going to flip her ever loving shit... Ushio thought. A smirk briefly crossed her face, but she quickly wiped it away.

"Sorry I took so long getting here." Ushio apologized. "You won't believe how many times I've gotten lost today... Anyhow, Doctor Sh'alkins reporting for duty as ordered, ma'am."

"No problem doctor, the base is a fairly large place," Kagami said with a smile. "Welcome aboard Starbase Frontier."

"Thank you, ma'am." Ushio nodded. "It's an honor to have the opportunity to serve under you. I had a friend back in the Academy who would very much love to be in my place if she knew I was serving under the Kagami Izumi."

Kagami sighed. "Another fangirl huh..." she said. "Seriously, I commanded the Missouri for a couple of years and everyone seems to think I'm the best thing since sliced bread... What is even with that?!"

Ushio perked a curious brow.

"I'd expect that'd be something of a badge of honor for you." She said. "To learn of how far-reaching your impact as a Starfleet officer is. I know I'd be blushing enough to turn my cheeks purple if I found out that my work has inspired the next generation of doctors."

"Well, the hero-worship crap ends now, at least in front of me or the others on the base." Kagami ordered simply. "I need your full focus on your job. We're on the very edge of known space right now, and this base will become very busy sooner than later."

"Have you had a chance to review the specifications for the main infirmary?" she asked.

"I have," Ushio said. "Though after the experience with the state of communications, I'm frankly not very hopeful on the state of medical."

"Well the station is still being finished. I believe the infirmary deck was only fitted out last week. You might want to get down there and see what you've got to play with. We still have ships bringing supplies, so don't expect it all to be set up and ready to go." Kagami told her.

"Of course." Ushio nodded. "Then I shall get down there after I'm done speaking with you and see what magic I can work."

Kagami simply nodded. "Be sure to brush up on Klingon medical procedures as well. This base will soon have a lot of them aboard. As Chief Medical Officer you will be responsible for their health as well. That will include patching up their sparring wounds," she explained to her. "How much do you know about Klingon culture?"

"They're a warrior race." Ushio responded. "Much of their culture revolves around combat and conquest. They've been historic enemies of the Federation, but ever since the First Khitomer Accords were signed, they've been everything from indifferent neighbors to valued allies. At least, that's the reader's digest version."

"Pretty much." Kagami replied. "Well this is a joint venture. So there will be 'teething' problems. Thats why I am making sure all the senior staff know what they've signed up for."

"I fully expect to see the results of some of these 'teething problems' passing through my sickbay." Ushio sighed. "Perhaps my short-lived experience as a surgeon on the Brady will come in handy after all..."

The Captain nodded. "Any questions?" she asked.

The doctor shook her head.

"No, ma'am." Ushio responded.

Kagami straightened up in her chair. "Good. For now, I want you to get used to your infirmary. Find your assigned quarters and get settled in. You'll be on duty tomorrow morning." she said. "Welcome to Starbase Frontier. If there's nothing else, then dismissed doctor."

Nodding, Ushio silently stepped up to Kagami's desk and extended her hand for the human to shake. There was no point in her reiterating verbally that it was a pleasure for her to be there.

Kagami simply shook her hand firmly and gave her a quick mini-bow.

Ushio simply returned the mini-bow with a nod, as the Andorian was unfamiliar with Japanese customs, before turning and leaving the office. Her next step would be to start sorting out the sickbay situation.

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer
Starbase Frontier and USS Kingfisher

Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Frontier and USS Kingfisher


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