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Sickbay Drama

Posted on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 2:38am by Lieutenant JG Nico Yazawa & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones'

871 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Lockdown
Location: Starbase Frontier- Sickbay, Deck 26
Timeline: Approximately The Same Time As "Caught Off Guard!"

"Within the last 14 days, have you experienced any new or worsening symptoms?" Maki inquired as she ran the tricorder over Nico. "Fever, headache, nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, and the like?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Nico replied simply keeping her head led up high. She was trying not to burst out into fits of laughter, she never thought that Maki would be assigned to the same assignment as her.

"Do you have a family history of medical and/or psychological problems?"

Nico raised an eyebrow at the question. "No?"

"Are you taking any perscription medications, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and other various supplements?"

Nico shook her head.


"Oh, that doesn't sound good." Nico said as the alarm wailed and the lights in the sickbay changed colour.

"No, nononononono!" Maki shouted as she dropped what she was doing and made a mad dash for the reception area. "Computer, cancel Quarantine Lockdown! This is not a medical emergency!"

=Unable to comply= the computer reported.

Maki gnashed her teeth. "Computer, activate the Emergency Medical Hologram! I wanna know what this bullshit's all about!"

=Unable to comply.=

"Like hell you're unable to comply!" Maki scowled. "Goddamn, stupid freakin' piece of shit subroutines, unable to comply my ass..."

"Language..." Nico said she had followed the doctor out of the main medical ward.

"So... if you don't mind my asking, how did you two meet?" One of the doctors inquired.

"not exactly by choice..." Maki muttered, largely to herself.

"Totally by choice," Nico smirked. "We were friends in high school. Although Maki is younger than me, so I was her senpai."

[A little while later]

Nico was still working on getting the sickbay doors open and was even attempting to look into why the entire base was on lockdown. However no matter how hard she tried, the computer wasn't letting her access any of the base systems. She even tried to interface with the Kingfisher but all command pathways seemed to be blocked.

Suddenly a new announcement started to wail out across the entire station. "WARNING! Self Destruct Activated. WARNING! Self Destruct Activated...." the message then cut off.

"So much for waiting for orders," Maki grumbled as she took out her phaser. "Everyone stand back! We're doing this the hard way!"

The medical staff looked on as Maki used the phaser to cut out a hole in the door that would be just big enough for a person to squeeze through.

"Anyone who's in shape to do so, get the stretchers," Maki ordered. "We need to start making our way to the nearest escape pods, pronto!"

Nico nodded as she helped grab one of the stretchers. "Its going to be a squeeze." She said simply. She grabbed one of the tricorders. "There's no direct access to the escape pods on this deck. We'll have to take a detour around quarantine forcefields..."

"Great, because the last thing we need is a labyrinth of forcefields to make this more stress-inducing than it already is," Maki grumbled, before turning her attention to the medical staff. "Let's get a move on, people! Time is of the essence, here!"

The medical staff nodded and ran off to began loading the patients onto stretchers.

"Well, lets not waste time..." Nico said. "I'll navigate us."

Maki sighed. "As much as it pains me to be putting my life in your hands, Yazawa, it like we don't have much of a choice," she muttered, twirling a lock of hair with her index finger. "Just don't let it get to your head that I'm suddenly becoming dependent of you or anything like that; your ego's big enough as it is."

Nico smirked Maki. "You've always needed me..." she said as she squeezed through the hole in the door and began to scan with her tricorder. "Come on people! Keep up!"

"If I didn't have a reputation to uphold, I'd be shoving my boot so far up your ass you'd need to have surgery to have it removed!" Maki scowled as she squeezed through the hole, beckoning for the other doctors to follow.

"Oh come on..." Nico said with a sigh. "Just put aside your little Tsundere attitude for a moment..."

"I am not a Tsundere, thank you very much!" Maki huffed indignantly. "I just... have my standards, is all. Yeah, that's the story I'm sticking with..."

"You totally are..." Nico teased as she they made their way down the corridor helping the patients towards the escape pods. She was still 'playing silly' but deep down she knew that they had to escape sooner than later, for if the base did self-destruct it would take them all with it. She didn't like that idea at all.

Posting by:

Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones'
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Nico Yazawa
Engineering Officer


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