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Arrival of the Starbase Chief Engineer

Posted on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 9:09pm by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord

1,709 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier; Deck 2 - Station Commanders Office
Timeline: MD01: 08:30
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord put down his PADD and closed the feed that before had the visage of his beautiful mate, Eradaar Ezazzan. The two had been on a lengthy discussion about their exploits as of late. Eradaar was discussing her role as a bonified Ensign on the USS Poseidon and how she was now starting to tutor the newer Cadets. Lazarus had shared his travels from Starbase 92 and past Risa, heading towards the Klingon-Federation Border. He had taken a ride on a merchant transport, one contracted by Commodore Paladin as a favor since the USS Poseidon was under strict orders by Starfleet Academy to stay near the Cardassian Border for training exercises. The trip had been long, but not hard, and made easier by constant contact with his mate.

He gave a smile as it crossed his reptilian lips. A renewed purpose and vigor had invigorated his being since Eradaar and he had proclaimed their love. No doubt their separation - however temporary or extended - would provide some challenges to their relationship, but Lazarus had faith it would succeed. Eradaar did too, constantly expressing it, and encouraging Lazarus to follow his ambitions and dreams so it could benefit their little Clan of family.

The arrival to Frontier was without ceremony and pomp, instead a trivial affair with a short greet by Starbase Security to get acquainted. Whilst he had indeed applied to the position of Chief Engineer, with the blessing of Commodore Paladin and his mate behind him, it was still somewhat up in the air as to what the final fruition of that application was to be. Gathering his two duffle-bags of belongings, the seven-foot tall Gorn towered above most of the crowd at the Starbase and as a result gathered unintentional attention. Moreso from the Klingons that saw him, most jovial and appreciative, but some Federation species showed either fear or resentment. Lazarus had long come to terms with such looks, both positive and negative in nature. He would adapt here as he did on the Poseidon, if for no other purpose than that of his family.

His first stop was to his quarters on Deck 4 where he left his belongings and ensured a straightened uniform. Checking the rooms mirror and satisfied, Lazarus then made way promptly to Deck 2 for the Station Commanders office. Reporting in was to be the most important part of his job. Everything else would come later. Arriving shortly after, Lazarus took a claw to the console beside the door to chime the doorbell.

When it opened, he entered, making sure to be careful of the height restrictions on the door as he leaned down slightly. He stood at attention then, presenting himself properly as he spoke his greeting.

"Lieutenant Lazarus Kord reporting as ordered," he announced, his voice hoarse and reptilian, but somehow emitting a fine tone to it.

The first thing that Kagami did was look up at the large Gorn. He towered above her, especially since she was sat down at her desk. "Ah yes..." She said as she shuffled a few PADD's around and finally pulled one out. "Here it is..." she said as she skimmed its contents quickly.

"Lieutenant Lazarus Kord, recently transfered from the Starship Poseidon?" She asked to confirm.

"Aye, sir," replied the Gorn, formally. "The USS Poseidon was my station for the last three years. I was an Engineering Officer. My expertise stemmed from my understanding of Miranda-class systems, sub-systems and a deep understanding of its warp core. I admit such practical applications may be a challenge here on this more advanced Starbase."

"Yes, a Starbase is a much bigger challenge." Kagami stated. "I see that your file has many redacted entries in it." She also said as she skimmed over the PADD. "You have had dealing with Starfleet Intelligence I gather?"

Lazarus snout twitched. There was a brief instant of recollection, long ago, of a Terran applying a pain stick to him. The memory faded quickly. He knew the procedure here. While it had been more lax on the Poseidon due to the presence of Commodore Paladin, he knew that anywhere else he had to be careful. Section 31 would not appreciate a breach of protocol beyond trusted sources. Not that Captain Izumi could not be trusted, he knew she could. She had an exemplary service history.

"Aye, sir," Lazarus confirmed. "I ... was relocated for my safety and offered a career in Starfleet due to my expertise and skills. Captain Johnson and Commodore Paladin of the USS Poseidon were most understanding of my predicament. I am unfortunately not cleared to express that predicament with anyone else as of yet. My apologies, sir."

"Hmm..." Kagami said. "Well, if some big shot admiral wants it that way, I have no say in that matter. They're an Admiral and I'm a Captain." She told him. "I see here you have expertise in advanced engineering concepts?"

"Aye, sir," the Gorn confirmed. His stance and posture were formal. His voice even and presentable. He looked straight ahead as he replied to every question. "I am capable of deconstructing and reconstructing a Miranda-class warp core in less than eighteen hours, sir. I am capable of rewiring, rerouting, and reconfiguring systems on the fly to safely sustain power and subsystems as applicable. The USS Poseidon underwent several refits to subsidize its aging power relay systems from the 2200's and I was directly involved in instituting gel-pack systems, then tasked with assisting in their deconstruction and instead wiring modern power relay systems which included plasma and EPS conduits."

"I see," Kagami nodded. "Well, we don't have anything as old as a Miranda Class here. This is a brand new base, with some of the most advanced Systems incorporated from both Starfleet and the Klingon Defence Force." She told him as she placed the PADD down. "How familiar are you with the Intrepid Class?"

Lazarus had to think a moment. There was a period in the history of the USS Poseidon that training materials were passed down to understand Intrepid-class systems. That, however, went quickly from "mandatory" to "voluntary". Nothing else was said about it. Lazarus had assumed it was simply for training purposes, but soon came to hear through the grapevine that a Poseidon-A was under construction. That construction had since been placed on what he considered a permanent hold.

"Some of the engineering systems I'm familiar with," Lazarus admitted truthfully. "Captain Johnson had handed down required training material for Intrepid-class sub-and-primary systems to the Engineering Department. However that soon transferred into a voluntary requirement. I took classes one and two, but didn't go past the preliminary phase. Just enough to understand the modern systems being implemented in the Poseidon herself, sir."

"I see..." Kagami replied. She interwined her fingers and sat back in her chair slightly. "Well, you will also be responsible for all Engineering Matters aboard the Kingfisher as well as Starbase Frontier. We have also started construction of the Takagi Fleet Yards. Commander Tainaka will be the commander of the yards, however you may want to assist over there." Kagami stated. "Oh there is one thing. I notice that you're a Lieutenant?"

Lazarus took in the additional information mentally. He hadn't realized this assignment would have the requirements of additional responsibilities. The mention of the fleet yards slightly unnerved the Lieutenant, memories of harsh beatings and slave labor coming back fresh in his mind. For a few precious seconds his eyes looked far off, distant by light years as those memories still held sway somewhere in the trauma of his past. They were gone in an instant as he came to, freshly recalling where he was and what had been said. He'd have to talk his mate about this later.

"I understand, sir," Lazarus said, accepting the additional roles of responsibility. "I will do my utmost to appear where needed, when required, and will research the required Engineering Training Courses as soon as possible."

A bit of silence at her last question. "Yes, sir, I am a Lieutenant," he stated. "If that is a problem, I am very willing to undertake the role of an Engineering Officer to allow someone better suited to your required role as Chief."

"Not at all." Kagami stated. She reached over to the computer sat on her desk and tapped on the screen. "I think that it is only right, considering your qualifications and current role to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. You will have a lot of responsibility here, so your rank needs to reflect that." she told him. She tapped a few times. "Done, congratulations. You are now officially a Lieutenant Commander. I don't however have a half pip on me, feel free to replicate one for your uniform."

The Gorn blinked, genuinely taken aback. For a half-second he was speechless, then when he tried to speak his maw only parted halfway. He gulped, then nodded.

"Thank you sir, I am honored," and the Gorn meant it. "I appreciate your confidence in my abilities and will endeavor to live up to their expectations. I will also do as you instructed post haste."

A moment of silence to register this big career leap, then, "Is there anything else we need to discuss, Captain?"

This time, he looked at her. Not coldly. Not sternly. He simply registered her there, sensing the promotion granted him the right to do that.

"Nothing that I can think of. For the time being ensure you get that pip on your chest. There is a staff briefing at 0900. I understand thats only half an hour from now. That should give you time to secure some breakfast." She told him. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss with me, whilst you're here?"

"No, Captain. I think I am well situated. I will report promptly to the briefing as ordered," he replied.

She nodded in response. "Then by all means, dismissed." She paused for a moment. "Oh, and welcome to Starbase Frontier."

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer
Starbase Frontier


Lt. Cmndr. Lazarus Kord
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase Frontier


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