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The new resident Flyboy

Posted on Fri Dec 15th, 2023 @ 11:47pm by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Scotty Kayne

1,012 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Docking Port 7
Timeline: MD01 08:00

Lieutenant Scotty Kayne stepped off from the docking port into the station itself, the trip from earth had been so long, he thought that the USS Ganymede had gotten them there on pure impulse power. Of course, he was used to being in the driver's seat for such a trip, and not just along for the ride. he made his way down the corridor after dropping off his bags to the Quartermaster, and began to make his way towards Deck 2. Frontier was massive, and he was still trying to wrap his head around how he was here. He found himself a turbolift and stepped in.

"Station Operations, please." he said, and the turbolift whisked him away towards the Upper levels. Scotty was nervous, he had been on Starships before accepting this assignment, now he felt like he was playing in the big leauges. The thought quickly brushed away by the opening of the turbolift doors, Kayne walked out into the Command center, he got the attention of one of the other officers at work.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Captain Izumi, could you point me in the direction of her office?"

"Ah yes," The officer replied. He pointed to the upper level of the Operations center and the office that was overlooking it. "She's in there." He told him.

"Thank you." Kayne said, and made his way towards the upper level, he saw the hustle and bustle around the Ops center. He came to the office door and rang the door chime.

"Come in," a voice called through the door.

Scotty straightened his uniform and entered the office,

"Lieutenant Scotty Kayne, reporting for duty, Captain." Scotty stood at attention on front of the desk, awaiting Izumi's Response.

Kagami looked up at the man in front of her. "At ease lieutenant, before you strain something." She gestured to the seat in front of her desk with her hand. "Take a seat."

Kayne sat down in the chair at the front of the desk. "Thank you, and if I may say, I'm looking forward to get back to duty, I'm glad I was accepted for this posting."

The captain nodded. "We do need a flight control officer. Tell me though, being over flight control on a Starbase is a lot different than piloting a starship all the time." She told him. "Managing incoming and outgoing ships and shuttles can seem a bit boring. Of course you will also be expected to pilot the Kingfisher on missions. Is that something you were aware of?" she asked.

Kayne nodded in response, "I did skim through the job description, ma'am, I'm ready to take a quote on quote 'boring' assignment, especially after the 7 years." He the grinned and let out a small chuckle, "Of course as far as the Kingfisher is concerned, can't keep a flyby out of the action too long. That, and I've always wanted a chance to fly an Intrepid Class starship."

Kagami smirked. "They're good ships. I commanded one before I took this assignment." She told him with a smile, she remembered her time on the Missouri and the memories felt like a warm embrace. "I understand that you took a leave of absence last year. Is that something I should know about?" she asked curiously.

Scotty lowered his head, "My mother passed away a couple weeks ago, I knew it was coming, and put in for an LOA, as her only son, or surviving family member for what its worth, I felt it necessary to be with her to help get her affairs in order and get her belongings squared away before I returned to duty." He said, a touch of depression in his voice, the cleared the thoughts from his mind, "Rest assured, the business is behind me and while it still brings me great sadness, I refuse to let it interfere with my duties." He said, confidently

The expression on Kagami's face changed. She looked down briefly at her desk and then up at the Lieutenant. "No offense, but thats utter bullshit Lieutenant." she stated. "There is no way in hell you are over your mother's passing after only a few weeks. I know what its like to lose a family member. I lost my husband nearly four years ago, and trust me, you never truly get over it." She told him.

She let out a sigh. "I'm sorry if I came off as harsh. But I believe in getting straight to the point." She paused for a brief moment. "I am more than happy to allow you to continue with your duties, but I want you to speak with one of the base's counsellors as well. You need time to grieve, don't throw yourself into your job. It will come back to bite you in the ass one day. Trust me, I did that and it almost destroyed me." She moved around the desk and slipped down into the seat next to him. She turned the chair to face him, it seemed far more personal to be facing him at this distance.

"Listen..." she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Its going to be hard. I'm sorry to hear you lost your mother. But you're part of my crew now. You have us now as your family. I heard it in your voice just now, that you still need some time. If you need anything, my door is always open. Understood?" she told him softly.

"Aye captain, I'll do that, thank you." Kayne said, "Permission to get my quarters squared away and assume my duties?"

Kagami nodded. "Of course, get yourself settled in. There is a staff briefing at 0900 this morning." she told him.

"I look forward to it." Kayne said, "I'll get settled in and see you there."

Kagami gave the young man a brief smile. "Dismissed lieutenant".

Ksyne returned the brief smile, stood and amde his way out the office door to get settled in.

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Scotty Kayne
Chief Flight Control Officer
Starbase Frontier


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