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Today is a good day to die

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 12:21pm by Captain Kagami Izumi

1,095 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier, Main Operations

Previously on Starbase Frontier:

Kagami couldn't help but smile. She looked over towards the large viewports out into space. Outside another battle was being waged. Klingon ships from the Empire were engaging the Duras ships in open combat. From what Kagami could tell in her state, the Defence Force ships were winning.

She sat there in a state of daze as the sounds of fighting around her echoed and rang in her ears. It then all became silent and still. It only lasted a few seconds before it was broken by the sound of a Klingon transporter.

Standing there over Kagami was Duras. He looked down at her, his bat'leth drawn. "I am Duras." He said simply as he began to raise his bat'leth. "Your death will be a message to the High Council that we are strong and deserve to be accepted back into the great Hall. You fought valiantly and honourably. But you will still die weak!"

He swung his bat'leth down. Kagami braced herself for the blow. It was all over, this was where she was going to meet her end. Her last thought was of Hatsune. She hoped that she would understand when she was older and that she achieved her dreams. Her eyes closed, she was ready for death...

And now the continuation...

The strike never came, instead the sound of bat'leth striking down on metal rung in her ears. She once again opened her eyes and looked up. There was Tormek who had intercepted Duras's weapon with his own. Struggling against the other Klingons strength.

Finally he managed to divert Duras's attack away from Kagami. "You dare to strike down an unarmed opponant!" He bellowed as he pushed Duras back. "You have no honour Duras!"

Duras laughed as he steadied himself. "You ally yourself with the weak Federation!" he snapped back, showing his teeth at Tormek. "Once they were our greatest enemy and now you run to their defence! You are no Klingon!"

Tormek rushed forward in rage, he bat'leth swung high as he slashed and threw the weapons weight against Duras. Duras managed to block his strikes, and the two Klingons began to circle around each other as their weapons met each other. Both had locked eyes with their enemy as they engaged in back and forth swings with their bat'leths.

Kagami watched as she held the wound where she had been stabbed. She could feel her own blood bleeding out, she knew she had to stay awake. If she slipped away now she could very well perish here, that was an option she was not going to let happen.

"For crying out loud!" she exclaimed. "Tormek, stop playing with him and kick his ass damn it!"

A large toothy grin spread across Tormek's face. It was an order from his captain and he couldn't refuse it. "Yes Iz'mi I shall!" he replied. His swings and slashes towards Duras became quicker, more aggressive. He finally got close enough to deliver a kick to Duras's abdomen sending him towards one of the consoles.

Duras grunted as he struck the console. The impact had knocked his bat'leth from his hand. It clattered and clanged as it bounced away from him on the deck.

"Your treacherous bloodline ends now!" Tormek announced as he held his bat'leth high above Duras ready to deliver the final strike to the Klingon. "I will grant you a warriors death!"

"Not... Today..." Duras replied. He reached for his side and pulled out a dk'tahg. Just as Tormek began his swing, Duras pushed forward and lodged the dk'tahg into Tormek's chest.

Tormek stopped his swing, stumbling back. He looked down the knife lodged in his chest. A few splatters of blood escaped his mouth as he regained his composure and balance. "A... cowards... trick..." He spluttered. He then mustered the last of his strength to swing his bat'leth at Duras. The sharp steel of the weapon cut through Duras's neck, decapitating him.

Kagami watched as Tormek relieved Duras of his head. She couldn't help but feel relieved. But it wasn't the way she had of ended it. The sound of a bat'leth being dropped echoed around Ops as Tormek stumbled towards one of the console. He slammed his fist on its smooth surface.

"This is Tormek! Duras has been slaim! Victory is Ours! Qua'pla!" he said announcing it station wide and across the fleets outside. Frontier shook once again but very lightly. It seemed as if the last of the Duras ships were attempting to take revenge on the station. She looked up to see the last attacking bird of prey being hit by one of the KDF ships and bursting into flames.

Tormek slid down the console and ended up in a sitting position against it. Still wounded and in pain, Kagami managed to shuffle over to him. "Tormek..." she said. "Stay with me, I can get medical up here..." she said as she reached for the knife.

"No..." Tormek said as he held her wrist preventing her from assisting. "Allow me to die honourably." He told her giving her a large toothy smile. "It is every Klingon's dream to die in battle. Do not take this away from me."

Kagami tried to reach for the knife, but even in his weakened state his grip was too strong for her. "But we can save you. Its not that bad, if we can..."

"I wish to. I can join my brothers in Sto-vo-kor. Iz'mi, let me die like a Klingon. You continue to live as a Human, but... with the fire of a Klingon in your heart..." he told her. He seemed to suddenly relax. "Today is a good... day... to... d...." his hands went limp as his body succumed to his injury.

His grip failed him as his hand and arm flopped to the deck. Kagami knew that it was over. "I hope you find your way to Sto-vo-kor my friend." She said as tears started to form in her eyes. Carefully she closed his eyelids making it seem as if he was asleep. "The honourable Tormek will never be forgotton on this base. I shall see to it." She assured him, even though he had already passed to the afterlife it seemed like the right thing to do.

Commander Tormek had finally left the mortal world and was now well on his way to his rightful place in Sto-vo-kor, as an honourable man and as a warrior. Finally the battle was over.

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer


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