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The Siege

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 3:50pm by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 3:50pm

1,632 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier Varios Locations

Kagami stepped upto the command console as the station shook slightly. The station was already at Red Alert. Green disruptor blasts bounced off the stations shields.

"Looks like they're no longer tolerating the wait." Kagami said, she gripped the command d console again as the station shook slightly. She opened a station wise announcement. "All hands this is Captain Izumi. We need to hold this station until Commander Tormek returns. You all have your orders, hold your ground and do not let the Duras get a foothold here! To the Starfleet personnel, good luck. To all Klingon personnel, Qua'pla!"

Quinnlin stood at the Operations Console ; his fingers dancing over the console as he began allocating the recommended power throughout the station. His Damage Control Teams all reported standing By their ready stations and the station was still at full operational status.

"May the Goddess of Luck and Profits shine upon us all." He commented as he worked. "Operation Crews on station Captain."

"Return fire!" Kagami ordered simply. "Phaser turrets only for now. Lets try and scare them off."


"You heard her, everyone!" Maki barked as she handed out Phaser rifles to the Medical Staff. "I want room-to-room fighting from each and every one of you! These filthy bastards want our patients bad enough, then they're really going to have to fight for it!"

Marina nodded. She was ready to put up a fight, she wasn’t going to give up easily. “They want a fight they’ll get one!”

With everything that was going on, Twyla wasn’t missed. As her eyes cleared and she gathered herself she checked her body for any obvious wounds and damage. There was none. So she grabbed her weapon and headed for the command bridge.

[Open Space]

VepKa had course for the United Federation of Planets, the reaqlm she had known to be the Intelligence Center. The Commander would be heading to The Empire to report and relay to our 'Allies' the Federation. VepKa had gotten free so she changed het outer hologram to that of a registered Federation Class fast Transport; small but agile. She would make port and start relaying what she knew through the Admiralty.


Starbase Frontier opened fire, the phaser turrets blasting out bright orange beams in all directions at the Duras fleet. Several of their shots struck the Duras's ships, bouncing off their shields and some being more lucky and hitting vital systems causing damage.

Lt Fox entered the Command Bridge and took her place at the Intel console and began conducting scans, looking for a vulnerable spot on the aggressors ship.

Quinnlin monitored the Operations Panel.

"Full power to all weapons and shielding, non-vital systems on standby; diverting all power to the weapons and defence." He announced. "Power Grid holding up , no loss as yet, for potential Captain."

Frontier continued to fire bak, the many phaser turrets and arrays returning blasting out the orange phaser beams and pulses. The Klingon ships remained at a distance opting to bombard from a distance.

As Frontier took more fire, it was evident that the stations shields were holding.

"Open a hail to the lead Klingon ship." Kagami ordered. "Maybe we can stop this before it gets too out of hand."

Quinlan quickly moved his fingers over the controls.

"Channel open,You are live." He reported as the screen reacted.

The image on the main viewscreen switched to show the Klingon Commander. "You plan to surrender?"

"Lile hell we will. But there's no way to get past our defences. There's no point to this. So how about we call this off abd you go home?" Kagami suggested. "Retreat now or else I'll show you what this base is really capable of."

"Not unti I get my seat on the council back! I will destroy your pathetic little station!" With that said the channel cut off.

The Klingon ships began straight rums on Frontier, striking the base with their disruptors and torpedoes.

The much larger Negh'var Ship moved in closer, bringing its main disruptor into range. They were much more powerful and devastating than the others mounted on Klingon ships. Without hesitation it opened fire.

The whole of Frontier shook violently as the barrage from the Negh'var struck the station. Sparks erupted from the consoles in main Operations. It was evident that they had a single target, and even though Federation shields were strong, they just weren't strong enough to take the pounding from the Negh'vars main disruptors.

Several consoles around Ops exploded, showering the crew with sparks. "Shields are down!" The officer at tactical shouted over the chaos. "Boarding parties are being beamed over."

Kagami gripped her command console. Suddenly main operations was filled with the distinct sound of Klingon transporters. "All hands, we're being boarded!" Kagami said on a station wide communication. "Initate ant-boarding procedures..." she had to dash away from the command console as a Klingon warrior materialised next to her.

He immediately drew his bath'leth and attempted a swing at Kagami. Luckily she ducked and managed to get a lucky shot with her phaser knocking him back.

Fox drew her phaser and engaged the closet intruder she could find. She then began working on a force field to keep out more intruders.


The Duras had been expecting sickbay to be a relatively swift and uncontested procurement; these "weak" doctors and their "code of ethics" would, at least in theory, be slim pickings, and possibly even hostages to wager for the Captain's inevitable surrender. And so, a platoon of no less than ten Klingon Swordmasters beamed directly into the the main waiting area, their Bat'Leths drawn and anticipating this would be over in a matter of minutes.

What they hadn't been anticipating was for the Chief Medical Officer to waiting for them with a high-powered phaser rifle aimed right between their platoon leader's eyes.

"Bet you didn't see that coming?" Maki grinned as she squeezed the trigger, practically blowing the platoon leader's head off before he had so much as a chance to react.

unleashing a guttural battle cry, the remaining Swordmasters lunged forward as Maki dive-rolled behind a nearby barricade, where at least a dozen or so heavily-armed members of the station's medical staff were waiting to cut them down.


More boarding parties beamed into the main Operations center. It was like and endless battle. The sound of Bat'leths in combat and phaser fire filled the room.

Kagami had picked up one of the Klingon Bat'leths and was doing her best to keep one of the Klingon soldiers at bay. Her tactical and security training was coming in useful as she blocked his attacks, finally she delivered a blow to his leg causing him to fall to the deck.

With one thrust, she delivered the final blow. But it was too late, another Klingon grabbed her from behind.

Kagami was pulled back by the burly Klingon and he swiftly disarmed her. "Ready to die Human?" He asked with a toothy grin as he held Kagami's arm above her head.

"Let me go!" Kagami demanded attempting to kick him, but unable to reach him.

"I give you an honorable death!" With that said. He drew his knife and quickly plunged it deep into Kagami's side. Kagami winced as the blade penetrated her skin. She locked eyes with the Klingon.

"Is... that all... you've got?" She spluttered as a few droplets of blood escaped her mouth. The Klingon gave her a toothy grin as he twisted the knife cause her to scream out in pain.

A gruff voice then spoke from behind the Klingon. "It is dishonourable to torture your enemy in battle Pa'teq!". Kagami watched as a bat'leth was driven into the Klingoms chest, sending him backwards releasing her from his grip.

"I apologise for our lateness Captain Iz'mi,"

Kagami looked up as she sat on the floor, the knife still wedged in her side. "Tormek?"

Tornek gave her a wide toothy grin as he looked down at her. The room was then filled with the sound of Klingon transporters. More of KDF troops were beaming aboard and had started to engage the Duras soldiers.

"You got help?"

"I made a call for battle! The Empire responded!" He replied as another Duras Klingon took a swing at him. Tormek was quick, cutting him down in a few seconds with his bat'leth. "Stay there Iz'mi! I shall claim victory in this battle!"

Kagami couldn't help but smile. She looked over towards the large viewports out into space. Outside another battle was being waged. Klingon ships from the Empire were engaging the Duras ships in open combat. From what Kagami could tell in her state, the Defence Force ships were winning.

She sat there in a state of daze as the sounds of fighting around her echoed and rang in her ears. It then all became silent and still. It only lasted a few seconds before it was broken by the sound of a Klingon transporter.

Standing there over Kagami was Duras. He looked down at her, his bat'leth drawn. "I am Duras." He said simply as he began to raise his bat'leth. "Your death will be a message to the High Council that we are strong and deserve to be accepted back into the great Hall. You fought valiantly and honourably. But you will still die weak!"

He swung his bat'leth down. Kagami braced herself for the blow. It was all over, this was where she was going to meet her end. Her last thought was of Hatsune. She hoped that she would understand when she was older and that she achieved her dreams. Her eyes closed, she was ready for death...

To be continued...


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