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Raktajino & Tholians

Posted on Mon Sep 25th, 2023 @ 12:31am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek
Edited on on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 1:55am

1,642 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Lockdown
Location: A Sip of Glory Coffee Shop - Main Galleria
Timeline: MD01 - 09:45am


The new coffee shop on the Galleria had shortly become a very popular spot for both Starfleet and Klingon officers. Not only did they offer a variety of coffee blends, ranging from strong Earth Columbian to Raktajino, but it was all freshly imported not replicated. Kagami remembered reading a report about how the owners had reserved a large space in the Galleria Storage Bay Eighteen to keep their coffee beans. She didn't really mind, having a little taste of home this far in space was good for morale. Plus, she really enjoyed the coffee they serve.

The shop was actually a decent size, with a large glass front and double entrance doors. Several bistro style table and chairs were placed in the seating area and booths lined the walls. The line to the counter was a mixture of Starfleet Reds, Golds and Teals with the occassional Klingon armoured uniform dotted amongst them.

Kagami stood behind a Lieutenant in the line. The sound of steam venting from the barista machines was loud and the whole experience was very much the same as a proper coffee shop back on Earth.

"Oh Captain. Would you like to go before me?" The Lieutenant said as he noticed her. He offered to give up his position in the queue indicating for her to step around him with his hands.

"No thats ok Lieutenant," Kagami replied with a slight smile. "I'm just here for coffee like you. I don't believe in line cutting because I have four pips as to your two."

With that said she returned her gaze back to her PADD. It wasn't long until she had made her way to the front and ordered a Klingon Raktajino, double sweet. Spotting one of the wall booths, she went and sat down. She just hoped that Commander Tormek would show soon, they still had to go over everything for the Tholian visit.

The first officer's arrival was unceremonious. Unlike the base commander, Tormek had no time for frivolous breaks to indulge in 'coffee shops' and other Federation amenities. He quickly walked toward her with long strides while holding multiple Starfleet and Klingon PADDs in one of his hand. "Captain," was his simple and curt acknowledgement when he approached then hovered next to her booth. "You wished to speak to me?"

Kagami gestured to the empty booth seating opposite her. "Take a seat, I thought we should go over the preparations for the Tholian diplomatic party. We need to get everything right to avoid an incident." she told him before taking a sip of her coffee.

Tormek moved to sit in the plush-coated booth across from his captain, finding the supposedly-comfortable padding to actually be most uncomfortable. As hit rump sank into the booth, he suppressed a private scowl and looked the short blue-eyed Human in her eyes. "Proceed."

"How prepared are we for the Tholian arrival?" she asked simply. She had tasked the commander with ensuring that most of the security and needs for the Tholians were handled correctly.

"Station security appears adequate. Our personnel have reconfigured their disruptor and phaser modulations for maximum efficiency against their exoskeleton armor," he reported before tensing his torso. "But the Tholians still have the advantage in personal combat. Too many Klingon warriors were lost engaging them with bat'leths. I must again tell you, Captain Iz'mi, that their arrival on this station will only expose our collective weaknesses!"

The Captain nodded. "Yes it may, but it also shows that we are strong when we work together too." She told him. "I want the security forces to be armed, but I want their weapons to be concealed." She told him as she took another sip of her coffee. "I don't want the Tholians to think we're showing aggression. That wouldn't help with any negotiations if they think they're backed into a corner."

Tomek placed a closed and heavy fist on the table, refraining from slamming it down. "Show aggression? THEY attacked US!" his voice became severe and his eyes narrowed. "To show them strength is to kill an equivalent number of them in retribution...not invite them to join us!" Then he leaned back in the uncomfortable padded booth. "Perhaps I am not suited for these 'negotiations'," he pondered out loud to himself.

"Yes they did attack us." Kagami replied calmly. She understood his frustration. "However, they couldn't beat us could they? It was a victory for us wasn't it?" she paused for a brief moment. This Raktajino was really good and it was going down smoothly. "However, since we defeated them in battle, if we can score a victory in diplomacy then there will be no chance or reason for them to bother us again. Surely thats worth it right? Whats more important, showing them that we are stronger than them in more ways than one, or having an all out war with them which results in more bloodshed?"

He grumbled at her logical frame of thought before smirking with concern. "You speak like a Vulcan, now. The Tholians do not care about our sense of honor or glory, or your Federation ideals for mutual cooperation. They despise any species not of their own. This 'diplomacy' with us is simply a platitude; a step to discern our resolve in fighting a future conflict!"

"May I remind you..." she took another sip of her Raktajino "That our whole mission out here is to ensure that this passage of space remains open for the exploration, expansion and trade networks of both The Federation and Klingon Empire. We need to consider the bigger picture, if we can prevent conflict with the Tholians, at least for now, then we can keep our grasp on this space." She paused again to take another sip of the Raktajino. "If we start a conflict, we'll have a whole Tholian fleet at our door. They can easily overwhelm us, not only will they either kill us or take us as slave labourers, but we will have also failed the entire mission we were sent out here to do."

"Surely, failing such a mission that serves the best interests of our peoples is more dishonourable than negotiating a temporary peace and ceasefire?" She asked.

A short moment of silence ensued while the Klingon first officer processed the very real totality of their current mission. It was a staunch reminder of his place and duty, something he'd recently lost in the recent fervor of the personal combat with the silicon enemy. "I...understand."

"Good," Kagami said. "Now, back to business," she stated as she picked up her PADD and tapped on it. "So, the Tholians are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Security will then take them to the conference lounge..." she paused for a moment. "What do Tholians eat? Do Tholians eat? Can they eat in their suits?" she asked as she used her other hand to scratch her head. "Usually we would have some sort of refreshments set out to make things go easier, but I honestly have no idea what Tholians eat. If they eat at all?"

What did Tholians eat? Refreshments?! Tormek reached out and stole the PADD from his captain's hand then forcefully flung it to the side of the wall. A loud clatter broke the calmness within the rest of the shop. He lowered his voice, "Do you take me for a fool, captain? Or are you a fool yourself?!" he challenged her. "You are concerned with organic food and liquid refreshments for a silicon race that possesses no regard for our lives! How many more of our people do they need to send to Sto-vo-kor before you and your government understand the threat the Tholians pose?!" His voice was passionate and becoming loud and semi-furious.

A moment of silence fell upon the coffee shop as Kagami's eyes narrowed, scowling at him. "I am more than aware of how dangerous the Tholians are Commander!" She said back, her voice firm and steady slightly raised. "If you haven't noticed I am responsible for everyone's lives on this base and that includes yours! So don't you ******* dare raise your voice to me, or you'll be finding yourself on the next transport back to Quo'nos, dishonourably sent back for being a hot-headed asshole!" She had by this point risen to her feet.

"Now, I'm going to make this very clear. You will keep your temper and you will not jepodise this chance. Yes the Tholians are very dangerous, extremely xenophobic and I don't trust them as far as I can bloody throw them. But if we pull this off its a step in the right direction! If this doesn't work and they attack us, then save all that pented up anger for the battle! Because quite frankly Commander, we'll need every bath'leth and phaser if this does go south!" She slammed her fist on the table. "And don't you forget who is in command here!" She told him. By now the coffee shop had fallen silent and moat heads had turned. "So keep your temper in check, you got that?!"

"Don't you people have better stuff to do?!" Kagami asked loudly to the crowd before turning away from the first officer.

The tall Klingon commander kicked his chair back and stood defiantly when the small Federation captain spoke to him in a child-like-Klingon manner. "Iz'mi!" he barked after she turned her back on him showing disrespect. "If you were anyone else, I would kill you where you stand!"

Kagami let out a sigh. "Then be glad that I'm not someone else!" she said. "I'll talk to you later, be in a better mood when we do!" with that said she walked out of the coffee shop with a slight headache.


Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer
Starbase Frontier

CMDR Tormek
First Officer
Starbase Frontier


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