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Passing the time

Posted on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 1:54am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek

1,753 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Lockdown
Location: Turbolift
Timeline: MD02 12:00

The silence was deafening. Kagami had been trapped with Tormek and the Counsellor for what seemed like hours. However in reality it had only been just over the one hour. She was starting to grow a little bored, not to mention sleepy. She could feel her eye lids become heavier, the last thing she needed was to fall asleep, especially with her injury. The chance of going into shock and losing consiousness was high if she surrendered to fatigue.

Finally she built up the courage to break the silence that hung in the air. "Well, it looks like it might be a while until someone breaks this lockdown. No doubt we have people working on the issue, so lets talk about something to pass the time?"

Tormek paced around the small turbolift in a repeating compact circle. Hours of extreme boredom and trepidation had now passed during which his mental fortitude was become more and more tested. He kept glancing to the small purple-haired captain laying on the ground with her severely-broken leg, then back to the Andorian counselor. After another long moment of silence, he finally spoke in reply to Kag'mi. "There is nothing to talk about! You will die soon without medical attention." He grumbled to himself, " will all of us when the oxygen depletes from this section of the station."

Kagami sighed. "Well, if we are to die here. I would rather die side by side with people I actually know, than just strangers." She said. "Lets talk, plus, it'll keep us distracted and occupied."

He folded his robust arms across his chest, his Klingon armor creaking as it stretched. "What do you wish to discuss?" he challenged her. "The failure of Federation diplomatic protocols?"

"Not the time..." Kagami said in quick response. "It occured to me earlier today that if we're going to work together in running this starbase we're going to need to get to know each other." She paused for a brief moment. "We're all totally different, wouldn't it best best that we know each other better so we can overcome any challenge? The best starship crews are those who share a deeper bond right?"

The first officer's fists subtly clenched. Her response was the epitome of Human hubris. "Yes, let us ask these questions - with no obfuscation. Like Vulcans do. So, why does the Federation insist that it is a peaceful empire yet continues to expand and assimilate other species under the disguise of 'diplomacy'? Why is it so naive to think that it can establish peaceful relations with the Tholians, a well-know xenophobic species?"

"Thats above my pay grade I'm afraid," Kagami replied softly a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "I wasn't meant to be out here you know. I was quite happy back on Earth, but Starfleet needed a Captain with my experience in this position, so here I am."

Tormek suppressed a scowl and momentarily looked away to the nearby turbolift bulkhead. "You expect me to believe we are all prisoners of our governments?" He slapped the broken turbolift control panel once more for good measure and to make his point. "I was never destined for this assignment either. I was a successful warship commander relegated to this...posting, for political reasons," he confessed. "This is not an honorable position for any Klingon warrior."

"Well..." Kagami said in a softer more open tone. "What happened?"

He scoffed at her intrusive question and allowed his fingers to caress the hilt of the d'k tahg holstered in his belt. "It is none of your concern," he retorted.

"On the contrary..." Kagami objected. "Should your current commanding officer know of your previous assignments?" She looked up at him and held up a hand. "And before you say it, I can always look it up on your file later. However, I would prefer it if you told me in your own words. After all, I enjoy a story."

"It is not a 'story'," he corrected the captain. "I am an officer within the Klingon Defense Force - a graduate of the Qo'noS Academy which produces the finest warship captains in the galaxy! My family did not possess the wealth and prestige of other officer candidates belonging to greater Houses, so...I was tested and forced to prove my worth at a young age. I received the highest marks in combat intelligence and tactics, and grand strategy." He then proudly raised his chin. "For my final evaluation, I strategized a hypothetical invasion of Federation territory and achieved a simulated 70% projected victory rate across all major engagements."

The Captain raised an eyebrow at what he had just told him. "So, you studied hard, you earned your rank and from the sounds of it got made commander of a vessel." She took a breath. "Then somehow found yourself here?" She paused for a brief moment. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it rare for the KDF to remove a vessel commander? I thought Klingons challenged their commanders to the death if thats the case?"

Tormek clenched his fists then released them as emotion flooded his thoughts. "I was not 'removed' - I was promoted," he intensely clarified. "The BuQreH is a fine warship and I defended my honor and position many times as its captain! But the High Council...decided I would be a good 'representative' for the"

Kagami couldn't help but smirk. "So, you've been promoted huh..." she said. "Is that such a bad thing? You've still got command of a Bird of Prey, and you're helping me run this starbase. You've got the honour of helping pave the future for both of our people, whats so bad about that?"

"I am in command of nothing as long as we are trapped in this turbolift. There is no honor in this," he angrily refuted. "This situation would never have occurred within a Klingon facility. And now, there will be no honor or glory for any of us. We will all die here - you sooner than the Andorian and I - in a disgraceful manner. I blame you for this failure and our fates, captain."

"Oh, its totally my fault that the station computer decided to go all 'lock down' on us..." Kagami replied sarcastically. "Grow up! Start thinking clearly!" She snapped at him quickly in a more aggressive tone. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him. "You're a Klingon officer of the Empire are you not? Put honor and glory aside for a moment and use your damn brain! Not every situation calls for brute force or anger! Learn to accept whats in front of you and think of the best way to overcome the challenge. Battles are won by tactics and strategy, not just charging in without thinking. Any good commander knows that, and if you don't use tactics or strategy then you only end up getting people or yourself killed for no reason!"

Suddenly a new announcement started to wail out across the entire station. "WARNING! Self Destruct Activated. WARNING! Self Destruct Activated...." the message then cut off.

Kagami's face turned to instant concern. "Computer, deactivate Self Destruct. Authorisation Izumi-Three-Four-Red-Omega..." she said hoping the computer recognised her command codes.

"WARNING! Self Destruct Activated... WARNING! Self Destruct Activated..." The computer replied simply.

Kagami swore. "We need to get to Operations now!" she said.

The computer's alert voice and accompanying siren produced deep crimson pulses within the turbolift. Tormek experienced a visceral and anger-fueled reaction which forced him to stare at his crippled commanding officer with pure contempt. "You have killed us all!" he yelled. "Cease your Human excuses!"

"And exactly what do you want me to do about it?!" Kagami asked sharply. She instantly looked away from him, looking at the ground. Silent tears formed in her eyes. "I never wanted this. I never wanted to be back in space. I just wanted to stay on Earth and watch Hatsune grow up. I guess I failed at being a mother and a Starfleet Captain."

Mentally, the first officer prepared himself for the inevitable. His fate as a Klingon warrior would finally be sealed, but it wouldn't be that of a true warrior. He couldn't achieve his place in Sto-vo-kor with such an dishonorable death...stuck in a turbolift with no recourse. "...No!" he decided. "We will not die today, like cowards." He moved next to the captain and maneuvered his hands beneath her shoulders and waist, then hauled her up and slung her lithe form over his shoulder.

With his free hand, Tormek pulled his disruptor then aimed it at the already-destroyed side console. He fired once and an intense bolt of green energy blasted away the remains of the interface. He fired again, then again, and then again, until all of the control housings were melted and nothing more than sparking deuterium hull remained.

The turbolift lurched then started to descend until it came to a rapid stop approximately 20 meters below.

"HEY!" Kagami said. "Put me down!" she flailed.

Starbase Frontier's commanding officer's objections were silently noted and Tormek unceremoniously placed Izumi back down on the turbolift's deck plating. The shaft's pod had moved which now presented a new opportunity. With his hands now free, Tormek stepped to the closed doors and wedged his fingertips into the small opening. He grunted and tried to pull them apart, achieving only a small gap. But it was enough for him to turn his forearms inward and gain more leverage.

"...HhhHH!" he started to yell as he pulled the doors open and finally presented an open pathway to a lower deck within the starbase.

"You're forcing them open?" Kagami asked. "I would help, but I can't stand. We shouldn't be far from Ops, so we can stop all this madness! Just get me to the command console!"

Tormek trained his eyes into the Andorian's blue irises then nodded to the antennae'd man whose presence he did not enjoy. "You will carry the captain while I procure the path to operations," he instructed, then dipped his head in between the now-parted turbolift doors before moving through into one of the lower decks. "Bring her! We must find a maintenance tube hatch then climb back up to the primary control deck."

Kagami now being supported by the Counsellor watched as the Klingon Executive Officer made off down the corridor with haste. "Well, we might as well follow him..."

To be continued...


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