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Harsh First Welcome

Posted on Thu Nov 2nd, 2023 @ 5:31pm by Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Commander Tormek

1,999 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Lockdown
Location: Starbase Frontier - First Officer's Office
Timeline: MD 01, 1040 hrs


Ki'ana had expected to be called to see the First Officer at some point. She was unusual, for one, and so far one of a kind on thie station. The call came neatly in the middle of her shift, and so she'd made her way a few decks up, smoothing out her uniform as she did so. First impressions were important, especially ones such as this one. Not only was the First Officer a Klingon, he was also a member of the KDF - which meant that she needed to put her best hoof forward and represent, not only for herself and Starfleet, but her people as well. She buzzed the chimer to his office and waited to be let in. To say she wasn't at least a little nervous would've been a pretty big lie.

"nuqneH?!" yelled a robust and firm voice from the other side of the small administrative chamber. The door hissed open presenting a tall, armored Klingon wearing traditional armor seated behind a Federation desk with several gray, red and yellow Klingon PADDs disorganizedly strewn across his workplace.

The sight that greeted her beyond the doors was... well, unusual, to say the least. Never mind the mess on the table; seeing a Klingon seated behind a Federation Starfleet made desk was a little jarring - and here she'd thought he might've asked for something of Klingon make to be installed for his own convenience.

Nonetheless, she wasn't here to judge him on his housekeeping or his choice of workstation, for that matter.

"Lieutenant, junior grade Ki'ana reporting as asked. Sir." She came to attention before the man. "How may I be of assistance?"

Tormek's eyes widened when he saw a very tall and very slim bald woman clad in a Starfleet uniform walk into his office. Her species was foreign to him. Very much so. Yet the way in which her long arms loosely swung and her physical posture carried itself... He rose from his chair to his full height, still two inches shorter than her. His brow furrowed then parted. "I am Commander Tormek, first officer of this station and the Klingon Defense Force's primary representative. You will address me as 'commander'," he formally introduced himself, puffing his muscular chest wide. "Sit."

It felt weird (as it always did) to find out that, in spite of the very large difference in their rank and appointment, the Commander stood about two inches (or perhaps more) under her in height. But then again Ki'ana had also learned that most women didn't reach nearly seven feet tall (or have hooved feet for that matter) since leaving Kaminar - surprise, surprise.

"Yes, Commander." Sit she did, in front of him, looking up at him. He was still standing, after all.

The woman's obedience was welcome and he held out a thick semi-gloved hand toward her. "I require your transfer orders," he said, waiting for her to produce her PADD which contained her personnel file and the appropriate administrative functions. "What is your position and why are you here?" he quickly asked in the interim.

Ki'ana handed over her PADD without complaint. "I am a science officer, Commander, and I was transferred here by order of Starfleet Command. It wasn't exactly my choice. Nonetheless. I am pleased to be here, working in this rather unusual environment," She replied evenly. 'Why are you here'? Was this a test of resolve on her end? What had he hoped she'd say, she wondered to herself.

He procured the small silver Federation administrative device from her then began to peruse its contents. A single four-year posting aboard a Luna-class starship named USS Camelot was the extent of the strange woman's Starfleet history. Her origin - the planet Kaminar - was not well known within the Empire, and he personally possessed little intelligence to evaluate her origins. "So, you say it was not your choice to be here but you are still pleased? Explain this," asked Tormek.

"I am pleased to be here because being here offers me the oppprtunity to work with colleagues that can offer me truly unique perspectives." Ki'ana offered politely. "I know that I might have the opportunity to work with Klingon scientists - I look forward to exchanging views with them on whatever topic we are presently researching. Such opportunities are difficult to find, even in today's Starfleet. Why should I not seize it?"

Tormek dropped the PADD to his desk with a soft clatter then squeezed his half-gloved fists tightly causing the leather to expand and audibly crinkle. "You sound naive - like a targ pup exploring the forests of Qo'noS for the first time unaware of the dangers he faces."

Ki'ana's threat ganglia squirmed, threatening to burst from thr back of her head as they did whenever there was an imminent threat. Against the squicky feeling of trepidation that had begun to build in her chest she met the Klingon's eyes with hers and held his gaze firmly. "I am perfectly aware of the dangers and risks I face while working here, sir. I accept them, and the possible benefits that this assigment will bring for me. I choose to come into this assignment with an open mind, and that is all."

He grunted then tented his fingers in front of his large chest. "I see. So you are willing to fight and die with your Klingon and Federation brethren when the time comes? To secure your place in Sto-vo-kor as a true warrior-scientist?" He then challenged her again, "...Or will you cower from battle when you are needed the most..?"

"I will fight to defend my brethren, Federation or Klingon, and any others that work with me when the time comes." Ki'ana replied firmly. "To the death, if things must come to that. I do not know what truly awaits me beyond death, but when I breathe my final breath, I shall pass knowing that I have fought my hardest."

Chin rising high with acceptance of the alien's proclamation, Tormek firmly grunted to her. "Good. You speak with fortitude - not softness and distraction like so many others within Starfleet." His dark brown eyes then glanced down to her PADD which lay on the desk in front of him. "I wish to know about your people and your homeworld. Where is it located? Which sector grid coordinates? How many of you are there in the galaxy?"

Once more Ki'ana found it difficult to decide exactly what this Klingon wanted. Did he already have this information, and had simply decided to test her on her knowledge at hand, or was he genuinely curious about all those facts? Whatever it was, not giving him any of the information he wanted wasn't a good idea - or maybe the entire sentiment was the pre-vahar'ai Kelpien talking. "Well, I am a Kelpien from the planet of Kaminar, located in sector grid 35A of the Alpha Quadrant. As to how many of us exist?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I am not certain. Millions, perhaps billions. As I've heard the continent I lived on had six million residents." Ki'ana offered him a kind smile. "I'm sure there's plenty more information in the starbase's computer - though I'd be happy to tell you more if you wish."

He listened to her while she spoke and manipulated his PADD to bring up a visual representation of the local galactic sector grids. 35-Alpha... That was outside of the Klingon Empire's surveyed territory. "Show me exactly where, so the High Council may one day send an...envoy to your world and establish relations," he requested, pushing the PADD forward to her.

All that, just to say that the Klingons might one day want to eatablish relations. Ki'ana found that amusing. As she marked out the location of her homeworld she thought to herself how amusing it might be for him and possibly other envoys of the Empire to discover that not all Kelpiens were as brave as she was, at least, those in her current stage of life that is. "It's days' travel away at warp from Earth. From Qo'nos, more." She said, looking over the star map. "But I assure you the destination will be worth the time spent. There are talks of making one of the unused islands into a nature reserve in fact."

Tormek grunted again, this time with hidden satisfaction. The alien woman had just provided him with a new planet for the Empire to exploi...explore. Perhaps a haven for even more subjugate warriors who would serve within the great imperial halls. "Yes...a 'nature reserve'," he replied to himself, his dark brown eyes narrowing with pleasure. High Command would be pleased to receive this new intelligence. The first officer glanced back up at her while tucking the PADD away into his desk. "Are your people strong warriors?"

"'Warriors' is a rather strong term to describe my people, sir, but rest assured we can be incredibly courageous when need be." Ki'ana replied. Part of her felt like this Klingon was about to go on a recruitment drive or something, interview her people, maybe find out if they had any interest in being soldiers or something. She found it quite amusing, actually - she couldn't wait for him to discover that a pretty big portion of Kelpien population would sooner hoof him in somewhere nice and soft before running away than fight. "I believe there is far more to strength than just physical prowess, of course. You might wish to visit and experience our culture with your own two eyes to pass final judgment on our strength..."

He frowned and his cranial ridges condensed narrowly into his brow. "Courage is honorable but your concept of strength is misguided," he rebutted. "Physical prowess is physical strength. Your people's culture is meaningless if they do not accept this truth. Unless you mean to refer to mental the Betazoids and Vulcans? The ability to manipulate another's mind?"

"Strength of character and mental strength - in which case you might find that my people hardly lack either." Ki'ana smiled. "Though in terms of physical prowess I hear some of us are comparable to Vulcans - though I do know we are stronger than the average human. Whether we exceed that of a Klingon?" She shrugged her shoulders. Best not to elaborate further lest he force her into a duel. Or something. Whatever was going through his mind. "I am not entirely sure."

"I assure you, K'ian'a," he placed deliberate emphasis on the Klingon translation of her name, "you are no match for any Klingon warrior in the combat arena, let alone myself." His gaze locked to her eyes with deep conviction. "However! If you wish to test yourself against a true warrior, we can arrange a time and place within one of the holodeck suites. And be sure to bring one of your Starfleet medical officers to treat your wounds immediately afterward," he smirked.

Such hubris, Ki'ana thought to herself. The size of a Klingon's ego was, of course, always proportional to that of their passion for battle. Wait till he met with any one of the successful Kelpiens who'd made it far as security or tactical officers - perhaps he might change his tone then. "Perhaps one day." She said coolly. "Will that be all, sir?"

"Yes, that is all, lieutenant." His dark brown eyes narrowed again at her. "But - if you address me as 'sir' one more time - I will ensure you spend the rest of your duty shifts assigned to the targ pen's sanitation detail. Dismissed!"

Someone really, really liked to be addressed by his rank, it seemed. Weird. Ki'ana tried not to let her annoyance show as she stood and exited the room.



CMDR Tormek
First Officer
Starbase Frontier

LTJG Ki'ana
Science Officer
Starbase Frontier


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