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Reporting for duty

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 6:07pm by Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox & Captain Kagami Izumi

875 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight
Location: Star Base Frontier

Lt Jg Fox, having gotten herself squared away found herself with mere hours left before her report for duty time. This was as good a time as any for her to get something to eat, and then report to the command deck and introduce herself to the Commanding Officer.

After having what passed for a decent enough lunch, she stood up and brushed herself off. Dressed in Black pretty much told everyone you were Intel. But she looked more civilian than an officer. But that would soon change, of that she was sure. So she headed over to the turbo lift, and headed for the command deck.

As she emerged into the room from below, things came into focus. She stepped off the pad and looked toward where she thought the Captains office might be and started forward.

Main Operations was comprised of two levels, the lower level had several smaller sub-levels with consoles and a large holographic schematic of the station in the middle. The Upper level was mainly a balcony and walkway, a small flight of stairs led up to the Commanders Office which overlooked the room.

One of the officers turned to the new arrival, not recognising her. "Hi..." she said as she approached. "Are you cleared to be here?" she asked noticing that the Klingon/Human hybrid wasn't wearing a uniform.

Twyla stopped. “Yes, I think I am. As for the uniform, Intel personal wear this from time to time as a uniform. If that’s not the case here, I’ll get changed. But my reason for being her is to report for duty. Lt Jg Fox reporting as the Intel Cheif. Could you show me to the Captains Office please?” She asked kindly

"I see..." The woman replied. She pointed to the room up on the upper balcony. "The Captain is in her office up there..." she stated with a smile. She returned to her console.

“Thank you.” And she continued on to the COs office. Once she reached the entrance she rang the doorbell and waited to be acknowledged.

Upon hearing the chime go, Captain Izumi looked up from her desk at the door. "Come in" she called simply.

Twyla checked herself and then entered. “Lt Jg Fox, reporting for duty Captain.” And she held the salute until it was returned.

"Ah yes, Intelligence right?" Kagami asked. She beckoned for her to take a seat in front of the desk.

Twyla took a seat in front of her new Commanding Officer. As she did she placed her padd on the desk in front of her. “Thank you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. “ said the young Intel Chief.

"So, what brings you all the way out here?" Kagami asked curiously. "Its not an easy task managing the intelligence between both the Federation and Klingon Empire. Epsecially in close quarters..."

“I didn’t really have a choice sir. These were my orders. But I’m looking forward to learning the politics of the area and getting stuck into things. May as well make the best of it.” Stated boldly

"How much do you know of this area of space?" Kagami questioned.

“Not as much as I’d like. But that can be remedied once you’ve shared with me your expectations of me and my department.” Replied Lt Fox

"Well, as you know there are two divisions of Intelligence on this station. You will be responsible for all the Intelligence handling and reports on the Starfleet Side. You may have to also work with Klingon Intelligence too. With two governments pulling the strings here, you have a delicate and hard task Lieutenant." Kagami told her.

“I agree. I’ll be as diplomatic as possible. And I’ll get to work as soon as possible.,” replied Lt Fox.

The Captain nodded. "Is this your first assignment as an Intelligence Chief?"

“As Chief, yes sir. I’m usually the one out ground pounding gathering info. It will be refreshing to be the one collating and sifting through what’s used and what isn’t. At your discretion of course!” Replied Fox

"Well, this base will soon become a doorway to the whole of the Pytonian Passage. We are expecting trade and commerce to flourish here. Afterall, we don't know whats beyond the passage yet." Kagami explained. "There will be plenty of work for you to do here."

“I was hoping there would be if I’m honest. Do you have plans to see what’s on the other side of the Passage?” Asked Fox

Kagami nodded. "Yeah. We are hoping to do exploration missions through the passage into unknown space." She explained with a smile. "Afterall, that's why we're here."

“That’s great. I’ll have a team ready to deploy at your command. And if you want me to go with them, I’ll be glad to.” Replied Fox

"Ok. Well, here is the location of the intelligence offices. You should go and get to know your staff." Kagami said as she passed her a PADD.

“Thank you.” Replied Fox as she took the pad, gave a quick head nod, and departed the area, headed for Intel.

Lt. Twyla Fox
Chief Intelligence Officer


Capt Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer


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