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Starbase Frontier is visited by aliens from the far outer reaches of the Beta Quadrant. The Sonno. Eager to make a first contact, Captain Izumi allows them to visit the Starbase and discovers that the Sonno are eager to open trade with both The Federation and Klingon Empire.

However, the Sonno have a strange biological affect on the crew of the station. The crew find themselves not being able to fall asleep regardless of how tired they are! Now the crew have to find a way to keep themselves from being tired, or find a way to fall asleep so the trade talks can begin!

Start Date Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 12:23pm

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Title Timeline Location
Developing a plan
by Lieutenant Commander (Soghla') Thorillo Son of Drej & Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant Aiden Percy & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana
Conference Lounge
A Pool Day For Hatsune (Backpost) [Part 2]
by Tadao Yoshikawa & Captain Kagami Izumi & Hatsune Izumi
A few minutes after Part 1 Starbase Frontier- Water Center, Deck 9
A Pool Day For Hatsune (Backpost) [Part 1]
by Tadao Yoshikawa & Captain Kagami Izumi & Hatsune Izumi
1 Week After "Commemoration," 2 Weeks before "Arrival Of The Sonno" Starbase Frontier- Water Center, Deck 9
Arrival of the Sonno
by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Commander (Soghla') Thorillo Son of Drej & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana
A First for a First Officer
by Lieutenant Commander (Soghla') Thorillo Son of Drej & Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vok'Ka
IKS M'oQreH, en-route to Frontier
Commemoration Part 2/2
by Lieutenant Commander (Soghla') Thorillo Son of Drej & Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant Aiden Percy & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox & Commander Ritsu Tainaka & Lieutenant Quinnlin & Lieutenant Alexis de Silva & Lieutenant JG Nico Yazawa & Ensign (lagh) Eyosa & Hatsune Izumi & Tadao Yoshikawa
Three Days After Last Mission Galleria
Commemoration Part 1/2
by Lieutenant Commander (Soghla') Thorillo Son of Drej & Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant JG Nico Yazawa & Hatsune Izumi & Tadao Yoshikawa
Three days following the conclusion of our last mission Galleria
Reporting for duty
by Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox & Captain Kagami Izumi
Star Base Frontier
Three Blue Shirts, Together By Circumstance
by Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Barely an hour after "Brainstorming Under Siege" Starbase Frontier- Main Sickbay, Deck 26

Mission Summary