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Commemoration Part 1/2

Posted on Wed Sep 25th, 2024 @ 4:34am by Lieutenant Commander (Soghla') Thorillo Son of Drej & Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant JG Nico Yazawa & Hatsune Izumi & Tadao Yoshikawa

1,116 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Midnight
Location: Galleria
Timeline: Three days following the conclusion of our last mission

The mood on station had been somber following the end of their last mission - understandably so, really, considering their losses. The Klingons especially seemed down, considering who amongst them had departed for Sto-vo-kor. Someone had to do something about the mood of doom and gloom, and Ki'ana had been one of the first to step up and offer.

The plan for the evening was simple. Come in something comfortable. Have some food. Mourn if you'd like. Butt foreheads if one felt like, but no real violence. As much as either side might've wanted revenge for what'd transpired, Ki'ana wanted a (relatively) peaceful gathering for everyone involved. The Kelpien bustled round the lounge with trays of food balanced on either hand, setting them out on tables for people to take from in a sort of buffet. The mood was somber. A sparse few crew members stood around and talked, or cried. Or both at once. It was a heart-wrenching sight that made even Ki'ana's lip quiver.

She looked to the woman standing just behind her - despite recent events, Alexis was just the same as she'd been when they first started... dating? That was what they were doing, right? Not quite official, not quite friends anymore. "How're you holding up?" She asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Alexis concentrated on setting out the platter of food Ki’ana had asked her to prep. She glanced around and noticed several crew members in various stages of…well…emotional states. That was the last thing she wanted for herself. She’d seen one of the station’s counselors about what had happened. She’d also redoubled her efforts at work and she’d leaned into Ki’ana…but she didn’t want to unravel here.

She saw Ki’ana’s look and felt a flush hit her face. She wasn’t sure of their “status” but she like where things were going. She coyly smiled at the Kelpien and then, on a whim, threw her a quick wink. Alexis then went back to working on the food.

Ki'ana took that to mean that she was feeling alright, all things considered. Everyone had been shaken by their recent encounter and were dealing with it in their own ways. She set down the tray of food in her hands and turned around to whisper in the human's ear. "My place when this is done?" She suggested cheekily. "For drinks or more food, or... whatever you'd like." Yes, it was a playful quip with many other implications behind it - and Kii knew that pretty damn well. Her only hope was that Alexis might reciprocate.

Feeling brave or foolish (she wasn’t sure which), Alexis whispered back. “Your place. Ten minutes after this is over…”

Before Ki’ana could reply or blink, Alexis gathered up the empty platter and made for the prep area. She smiled pleasantly as she walked away.

Heat instantly flared in the Kelpien's cheeks as she watched the human walk away. "I can't wait." She murmured as she returned to work.

"And to think just a few weeks ago, I was giving him shit for killing one of my patients..." Maki lamented as she gently swirled what little remained of her tomato juice around the bottom of her glass. "I mean, I suppose I ought to forgive the old battleaxe out of partial respect for the dead, but... can you really blame me for hesitating?"

"Well, he did save Captain Izumi..." Nico reminded her. "You know how Klingons are, they love to die with honour and glory."

Maki shrugged. "All I'm saying is, if Ensign J'Tol had wanted to die, it would fall on Medical to ethically euthanize him, not have some big, hulking Klingon with next-to-no medical training take it upon himself to gut Ensign J'Tol like a fish."

Nico just gave her a weak smile in response. She wasn't too sure what to say in reply.

VepKa all but burst upon the scene in her Full Klingon Uniform/ armor followed by two Vendors from the Promenade wheeling a full barrel of Blood. Moving to a table to place it she gave the Vendors a small satchel to cover the cost.

VepKa had a Mug in hand.

"Facing the enemy!" That is the way to die." She began. "The Klingon way as well as stated in the Earth Hagkure; bible of the Samurai." Continuing her honor for the fallen. "Fill your mugs and drink to those who precede us. Those that have fallen to keep this station alive. Drink in True Klingon fashion and sing tales of Glory to them!"

"I'll stick to the blood of tomatoes, thank you very much," Maki muttered before throwing back what remained of her drink. "Time for a refill..."

Marina wasn’t sure if she should attend or not, the level of emotion was high as it was for her senses. Realising she couldn’t really not be there, given her position as station Counsellor. The events had been hard on everyone, luckily for her she’d sustained only minor injuries unlike some of the crew. She offered a polite nod and a smile to everyone as she entered the room.

He heard through the general chatter that there was a Commemoration for those lost in the recent Duras attack, Thorillo wished that he had been here for that battle and did his part to fight all those traitors. He entered and tended to stick to not approach anyone in particular. Not knowing those lost or any of those here to pay their respects, Thor felt out of place but he did go and grab a goblet of Blood wine to fit in.

His mug was barely filled when a clank was felt and heard. Standing there was VepKa the Klingon Intel Chief. Full Klingon armor over her Little Black Dres with Disruptor and Pin stick on her hips, the Orion Klingon. Smiled that sly warrior grin.

"The name are not always remembered or known, just the deeds and Honor of dying as a warrior facing the enemy is Toast worthy." VepKa announced. "To dying as a Klingon Warrior. "She brazenly toast.

Thor grinned and clanked his goblet back again before holding it above his face. "To dying as a Klingon Warrior!" He echoed. "Sto'vo'kor is full of glorious songs and merriment celebrating those joining the honoured!" He added, loud enough to all in earshot and chugged a gulp of Blood wine, a small amount escaped his mouth and flowed down the sides of his chin. It looked like he had eaten actual blood.



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