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You were too good

Posted on Sun Dec 17th, 2023 @ 10:35pm by Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire

1,092 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Small apartment in Badlands
Timeline: During two week span after incident.


Vep Ka wore her typical Little Black Dress with chain-mail shirt over it, the Gauntlets, armored Knee high boots with Knife in each side. The Thick waist belt that had the two drop down holsters, one her special Disruptor and the Other her extending electrified Pain-stick. The cloak with the hood up hid the Revolver in the case a dampening field is used.

Being in the Bad Lands it is imperative she take care each step; this section of the City community is for the 'Hired Help of what might have been called 'White Collar Crimes and Vep Ka knew just where to go this time.

She rang the chime on a known Informants door and the pass-code for her association with the Hacker in question.

It had been a direct line to get here, she had suspicions and needed confirmation. If anyone could find the information this Hacker could; not really knowing what Pseudo name she is using is normal, but Vep Ka knew the real name of the hacker and had used her several times in the past.

THe Door opened and after entering and the door sealing Vep Ka removed the hood and let it fall back out of the way.Showing the silver chain Choaker around her neck.

"MY KSG..." A brunette Cingeti female rose from her desk and came around to embrace Vep Ka and noted the chain. "Does a Rag come with that showing where to return if lost?" She joked.

"Klingon Slave Girl, really, I thought we closer than that?" Vep Ka said in monotone. "When do I lose that branding?" Ending the hug and stepping back. "The chain is payment for an offense incurred a bit ago."

"So what is the job?" The Cengeti asked going back around her desk and pointing one of the two the comfortable high backed chairs across from her.

"Hacker hunt." Vep Ka said coldly. "Involved with the Offence that got the trinket."Have a little score to settle, debt owed me." She pull the top of the choker down to show the healing bruising around her throat from two grabs by the Tholian Rocky. "This is kind of Personal."

"Ouch, I see your point." The Hacker said. "What did a hacker do , that looks mechanical claw or something?"

"Tholian..." Vep Ka told without breaking eye contact, watching the surprise in Her Hacker's eyes.

"Surprised that your head still... attached." Commenting as her left hand twitched.

"You know me better than that; I was told not to hurt them."

"NOT hurt THEM." THe Hacker gasped.

"They know to fear me, I can be dangerous if needed." Cold stare. "Now to the Hunt." Vep Ka did not hint as to what she is doing under the cloak. "Someone hacked the Frontier Station Mainframe pretty high level." Explaining slowly. "Someone who had to get highest level command codes, how many on that list?"

"Half dozen at most."

"How many have used the coding knowledge do you think; or might be paid to hack us?" Vep Ka asked.

"F-four I think if they are whom I think they are?"

"Who would set a self destruct countdown as a prank to show they could?" Vepka watched the hands hesitated, eyes flinch a second before Vep Ka jumped up out of the chair. t

Extending staff with one electrified side long enough to reach the Neck of the Hacker as warning. her eyes colder than normal.

"It was one... you." Cold words came out as she started to move around the desk. "Who would take a job where one could; in theory blow up a whole station?"

The rod never wavered nor gave hint of an opening as the sidesteps of Vep Ka are practiced to a point of natural Muscle Memory.

"Before you ask, I always warn that when in doubt or lost check the facts." Stopping behind and to the right of the Hacker. "I checked the Reactor gauges, not a single erg towards detonation... all a prank."

Leaning closer before speaking.

"Whom do we know that likes to Prove themselves superior to all the Federation Computer experts?" She spoke softly. "That and not even a Kaboom, you were the canidate, but you do not harm." Vep Ka gave her some credit.

""Lives matter." The Hacker said. "I want to prove me better, not kill to do it."

"You are too good, if the power had reacted I might have missed it, but there was never a danger; thus, you are only hacker I know with a grudge that does not do Harmful terrorism, just scare people a little."

"That is me." The nervousness in her voice shown through. "SH
hock emotionally but no bodily harm."

"Almost..." Vep Ka all but spat. "I had MY neck on the line twice." The rod stayed steady. "Now you know no one touches me unwanted, and I had orders not to harm, but I did put a scar in them; they thought I tried something Harmful to them..." Closer to whisper. "And I did put the Fear of Vep Ka in them."

The hacker replied by trembling a bit.

"You Do realize what the Klingon sentence is for such actions; what is expected of me when I find that Hacker?" The Hacker nod and began to tear up. "Consequences... always have consequences. I am sure you knew I was there, you got me in?"

"Y-yes..." Hacker's trebling voice answered.

"Give me the master and destroy all copies and do something so No One can use that program again." Vep Ka demanded.

Hacker fingers danced but her head stayed still. "W-why should I-I do this i-if I know what you are to do?"

"Call it repentant for my bruised neck." Vep Ka warned. "I wish it had been someone else I am actually fond of our work relationship, but my Masters will not take kindly when I report who did it." The Hacker whimpered. "This will end your 'Fun at my expense. Never again as I do get ... testy about that, I am dainty and bruise easily."

"Y=you are a L-Lady afterall..." The Hacker added.

"You understand me...' Vep Ka snatched the memory information data stick. "Now who hired you to sare people off Our Station?"

"I-I cannot do that..."

"You are DEAD anyway Makana of Cengeti People." Using the real name of the Hacker to show Vep Ka could find her so easily. "How much pain stick time do you want first..."

The Hacker sobbed at the thoughts in her head.



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