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New Chief on the Deck Plates

Posted on Sun Aug 13th, 2023 @ 8:09pm by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Sydney ap Iorwerth & Phoenix ap Sydney

2,117 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Verious
Timeline: MD08 09:50

The transport shuttle carrying various Starfleet personnel and their families along with merchants touched down in the metallic shuttle bay. Amongst the clattering people disembarking with the new R&D Chief, Sydney large and balancing every create and bag in his hands or strapped on his shoulders or back. These bags, boxes and creates held everything from personal effects to ocean research

The rebellious teenager, Phoenix followed behind his father, his brown chocolaty hair was in dreadlocks, dapped in roadman clothing, unlike his father he had a simple duffle bag holding clothing and trinkets, coming from a research station there were no shops to shop in.

At the bottom of the ramp, Sydney just dropped various boxes into his son's arms. "Here take that... And that... DON'T HOLD IT LIKE THAT." He exclaimed before saying "Sorry. Look I know I said we'll return to Earth but look, lots of new friends." Leading a research station that finished everything in its reign of space was fun. But his son was clearly in his rebellion phase. Look at his hair for evidence!

"It's always what you want isn't it Syd?" Phoenix asked rhetorically, brushing past his father. He was there but only when it was actually needed and not when Phoenix wanted. He still cared, hence why he wasn't weaving inside and out of people, making sure his father was still behind him. When they left Earth in 2390, he promised they would return and he held him to that, that was where his friends were, there weren't any children really on the research station.

The bags were dropped in their quarters, Sydney was left to report in at the CO's office, while Phoenix wandered the station, knowing him to find a safe spot to sleep things off when things got heated with his father as he did on the last station they were on.

Finally, he found the door that was labelled. The search had taken the breath out of him. Taking a quick breathing exercise where he breathed in and out for a second, he pressed the chime and awaited the call to enter.

Kagami had been expecting her new chief of Science for the last few hours now. She understood that there were many transports coming and going from the station most days. "Come in," she called.

Sydney walked in like a mother duck. Wearing his best smile, his arm glided through the air towards his new CO. "Captain," He started. "How thrilled I am to work under your care and explore this new region of space." Once his hand was shaken it was placed on top of his bump, "Oh, twins. 9 months along, any day now and they'll be here, I know, I know, should have taken maternity leave but science doesn't wait for no humanoid. Do they still teach that phrase at the Academy?"

Kagami couldn't help but smirk. "You weren't the only one who chose not to take maternity leave." She told her. "I chose to still command the Missouri until my daughter was born. She had impeccable timing though, she decided to make an appearance in the middle of a Red Alert." She chuckled slightly. "Take a seat, get off your feet."

He quickly did as he was offered, sitting across the desk he continued with the small talk. "I have a son, thankfully I was on Earth although he came during a leadership race for the department." He was keen to continue the chat but he was keen to know where Pheonix had gotten off too. "Shall we get down to business?"

"Indeed. First of all, I saw you primar field is in R&D. I'm curious as to why you requested the Chief of Science on a station this far out?" Kagami asked curiously.

"Well, there's lots of reasons." Sydney stated "If we are going to be exploring strange new words then we need experts to lead. Plus, to further my own agenda, I want to be the first to write a theory paper linking new words with already discovered words." His arms rested on his bump still as he lent into the much-needed back rest.

The Captain nodded. "Well I suppose that's a good enough reason. Plus a Starbase is a better environment for children than a Starship." She said. "Have you had chance to look over our science capabilities? Many of them are still being finished as we're not quite fully operational yet."

"Of course, Captain. They are much more appealing than my last posting." Sydney replied, then shocked as he remembered he had forgotten something. An introduction! "Goodness, where are my manners, I'm sorry, it must be the excitement. I'm Lt Cmdr Sydney ap Iorwerth... Call me Sydney, my last name means. 'son of Iorwerth', Welsh culture can be traced back to the Celtic warriors."

Kagami nodded she did know his name. "Thanks Sydney. I'll be sure to remember that." She stood up and crossed to the replicator. "Would you like dome tea? We have a lot to discuss."

"Please, Flowers of Vervoo VI tea. Only tea the kids don't punish me for," He said rubbing his stomach with a slight chuckle. "Let's get started hmm? The Federation Science Bureau have okayed the archaeology research for the Xupi homeworld team to explore star system 3922 Delphini, it's quite close to Federation space but it is a largely unknown system aside from scanning probes in 2375." He took a brief pause to take a sip of the drink laid out in front of him. "Then there's the Tellarite dreadnaught exploring a system we haven't catalogued against the Tholian border so we might need to rescue them before they start arguing." There was a whole of traffic inbound for this section of space. Some of which, Sydney couldn't wait to reap the results from.

Kagami nodded. "All in due course, right now we only have a few of our labs online. Speaking of which, there are fifty science labs here on Frontier. Plus the labs and science abilities of the Kingfisher." She explained. "You have a blank canvas to paint on. You can personalise the science department in what ways you seem fit." She explained. "Many of the labs have yet to be fitted, so now would be the best time to request any specific equipment or staff you want."

"Oh I intend to submit a full request to Operations, "Sydney expressed. "I have big plans and ambitions for the station. But do expect me to lead an expedition once in awhile, it can get quite claustrophobic when you're stuck in a lab."

"I can understand that. Speaking of which, do you have command experience? The Kingfisher being an Intrepid Class is well suited for Science missions. If you need to lead an expedition then I'm sure I can authorise you to command her when we're needed here," Kagami asked.

"6 years commanding a Regula I-type space laboratory. But to answer your question, I have not taken the bridge officer test nor majored in command & control." Sydney replied with pride, although it was now demolished, it still was a command assignment.

"I see," Kagami responded. "That might be something we will have to consider then," she suggested. "May I ask a more personal question?"

"Of course," Sydney replied, they were going to see each other often in or outside a work environment anyway so it would be best to know each other before it got awkward.

"I looked over your transfer papers and there wasn't any other adults transferring with you... I'm a little curious if you're not taking maternity leave who will be taking care of the little ones when they make an appearance?" Kagami asked curiously. When she had Hatsune her husband had been the one who stayed home when she was tiny, but it seemed as if Sydney didn't have that support.

"Actually when they arrive they'll be going to the Pioneer, an old MK III refitted Miranda class, that does Starfleet cargo runs." Sydney took a moment to drink the green and red liquid in his white cup. "Me and the Captain, Subrah don't get on well but once a tour is done, he finds me, I fall for him again and then we argue until he leaves..." Then he took a moment to wipe a single tear that dripped from his left eye.

A brief silence fell upon the room for a few moments. Kagami reached for the tissue box on her desk and pulled out a tissue for him. She gently held it out to him. "Listen," she said softly. "Lets drop the ranks for a moment Sydney. As one parent to another I don't think that would be the best idea. Obviously its upsetting you." Kagami took a brief pause. "I would never ask any parent to give up their children. Those little girls will need you. Don't give up on them so easily. I can arrange some support for you here on the station with the Civilian Services. I know what its like to be a single mother, when my daughter was born my Husband did help out. However she was only a few weeks old when he died. I've been handling everything, plus the rank of captain ever since. I know its not easy, but trust me. Its well worth it."

Shaking his hand in refusal to the pieces of tissues "Oh no, I don't want to abandon them." He continued. "Just know there's another father in the picture. I'm fine really, Phoenix is going through his rebellion phase and carrying twins, I'm exhausted. Need a week to myself."

Kagami pladed the tiddue down in front of him, just in case. "Well, at least spend some time with them here. They need to bond with you too. You are the one who will give birth to them." Kagami said in response. "I'm not telling you how to raise your children, thats your decision. But I will only ask that you consider whats best for you all. Don't do anything you will regret..."

She looked away briefly, there was a lot she regretted when she was pregnant with Hatsune, and even after she had given birth to her. But it was far too late for that now, she had become stronger and more independent now.

"Really Captain," Sydney said "I'm fine. More than anything, I'm looking forward to the due date so I can get back to my hobbies." Although some aspects of the science career path they didn't like either but he didn't want to mention it.

The captain nodded slowly. "Well ok then. But if you do happen to change your mind, be sure to come and talk with me. My door is always open." She said to her softly. "Speaking of which, you should spend the next couple of days settling in, arranging to get your son into one of the schools. Also make sure to check by the Infirmary to arrange for when the little ones do decide to come. Take the time to explore a bit of the station too."

"We're already attending the views in the afternoons... But he likes to find hiding places." Sydney remarked, and then the past crept into his head. "On my last post, his um, favourite hiding spot was inside the Plasma Variance Reactor thankfully they went out of service in 2351."

"Well this is a brand new starbase. I would probably ask him to not crawl into any plasma vents." Kagami replied simply. "There are plenty of things to do to keep him out of the base's key systems."

"I hope so too but kids need a comfort place, he'll have to find something else," Sydney said "I remember mine, it was the beach, we lived across the street, above a chip shop. Every bad day I went surfing... Whole different person then. But where my love for the ocean started."

Kagami smiled. "I know that feeling. I still love going back home to Japan to see the cherry blossoms." she smiled remembering their scent, pink colour and how they would dance and twirl in the air on the spring breeze. "Anyways," she said shaking her head snapping back to reality. "Like I said, take a couple of days to get to know the station and give me a shout if you need anything. Do you have anything you'd like to ask me?"

"Nothing of note," Sydney replied he was keen to know where his son had wandered off too.

Kagami nodded. "Well, if there isn't anything else. Dismissed, and welcome to Starbase Frontier."

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Sydney ap Iorwerth
Chief Science Officer

Phoenix ap Sydney


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