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Let's have a rock concert!

Posted on Sat Aug 12th, 2023 @ 8:07am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher & Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano & Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins & Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano & Lieutenant Miku Uesugi

1,992 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Main Galleria
Timeline: MD 09 - 20:30

The Main Galleria of Starbase Frontier was a sight to behold. Four levels of shops, restaurants and other services in a promenade style. The Galleria was called such because of the huge windows that spanned over the four levels on the upper decks of the base's 'mushroom' design. The windows allowed you to look up from your shopping and gaze at the stats above, or stand on one of the other levels and watch the Starship traffic.

At the moment the Galleria only had a few shops, bars and restaurants open. It was also home to lost of the shared services such as the diplomatic offices, schools and shrines. However a lot of these services had yet to open, many of then still being finished.

However a large stage had been set up on the primary level in an area of the Galleria that hadn't been finished yet. It had been set against the lower section of the windows, with the four balcony levels looking down. A perfect place for a concert.

Captain Izumi had organised for a small concert to take place. She hoped that this would not only boost base morale, but allow for cooperation between both Starfleet and Klingon personnel. Plus, there was nothing better for this as live music.

Crowds had already started to gather. Kagami was on one of the most upper balconies looking down on everything. Hstsune had been put to bed and was being watched by one of her yeomen. She hadn't had a night out for a long time, and since this was a casual affair she had dressed accordingly. Her outfit comprised of a black cropped tank top, dark red and grey pleated skirt, black leggings and leather boots. For the first time in years she actually felt comfortable, although it had been four years since she lost her husband, maybe now she could finally move on? She smiled as she watched more of the crew and visitors to the station arriving.

Ushio had spent the time leading up to the event replicating leaflets which had been distributed in all public spaces, in both Klingon and Federation standard:

Playing for the first time in four years:

The Ushaan-tors
Reunion Concert!

With a special guest performance by Commander Tormek

Join us for a night of music and fun!

Located in the Main Galleria

Ushio, Miku, and Itsuki were backstage, preparing to head out on stage. They all were dressed in regular clothing, as the members of the Ushaan-tors may all be Starfleet officers, but they made a blood oath not to perform in uniform. At Itsuki's request, the three of them were joined by Ichika, Nino, and Yotsuba, though the three of them were largely there for moral support.

"There's quite a lot of people here." Miku said as she peeked out from behind the curtain.

"Well, we'll just have to give them the best fucking show they've ever seen." Ushio said. "Let's do this."

"Knock 'em dead, Ushio!" Yotsuba cheered. "You've got this concert in the bag!"

"Fuck yeah, we do!" Ushio said, making pistols with her fingers as the three of them proceeded to walk onto the stage, waving to the cheering crowd. As Itsuki sat down at the drum set, Ushio and Miku picked up their guitars and slung them on. After briefly tuning them, Ushio approached the mic.

"Thank you, thank you all." Ushio said. "This concert has been a long time coming. The three of us, finally back together after all these years. for those of you who don't know us, we are the Ushaan-tors. My name is Ushio, I'm the lead singer and guitarist, that's Miku on bass, and finally, our drummer. Through all my years of drumming, I've never seen anyone hit the drums as hard as our drummer, Itsuki."

Kagami listened to their introduction. This sort of event was only really possible on a starbase. A starship didn't really have the amount of space on board to host an event like this. She had picked up a soda in a paper cup earlier and was drinking it through the straw as she watched.

Commander Fletcher was leaning on the railing of one of the other balconies, dressed incognito with a blue windbreaker and black pants. This wasn't necessarily his choice in music, but he figured declining an invitation wouldn't be a good idea. Everyone else in the family was at home in bed which he'd rather be at this point.

"Now, this first song, I'd like to dedicate to someone who is not with us tonight:" Ushio said. "Someone who meant a lot to our Captain, and I think he deserves a fitting tribute tonight. So, without further ado, here tonight, for the first time in Federation standard and Klingon, a 400 year old rock gem that we helped renew interest in. Now, please excuse my butchering of the Klingon parts. Pointers in the Klingon language were... Surprisingly hard to come by. Itsuki, why don't you go ahead and start us off?"

Itsuki tapped her sticks four times before hitting out the beginning drumbeat, in which the bass and guitar followed suit.

"Sing along, if you know the words!" Ushio called out before the first verse began.

"Too alarming now to talk about.
Take your pictures down and shake it out.
joq vIyajchu'meH jIH, ghoSpu' je

(Truth or consequence, say it aloud)
SoptaHvIS tu'lu'
(Use that evidence, race it around)

Sing it with us! Ready?

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes.
vaj ghaHvaD naDev che'wI'

(There goes my hero)
(He's ordinary)

'ach mIw'a' 'oH mIw'a'
(Don't the best of them bleed it out)
nuvpu' qeylIS nuv
(While the rest of them peter out?)
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around

vaj ghaHvaD naDev che'wI'

(There goes my hero)
DeSDu'Daj ghotpu'
(Watch him as he goes)
There goes my hero
He's ordinary

During an instrumental riff, Ushio spoke.

"Now, an old Earth tradition, with tribute concerts, people would ignite lighters and hold them up. So, come on, everyone; lighters, PADDs, whatever; let's light up this galleria for Athrun Izumi!"

Itsuki began hitting the drums, the cue that the singing would continue.

"Kudos, my hero
Leaving all the mess
naDevwI' tIQwIj'e'

(You know my hero)
ghu' neH
(The one that's on)

vaj ghaHvaD naDev che'wI'
(There goes my hero)
DeSDu'Daj ghotpu'
(Watch him as he goes)
There goes my hero
He's ordinary

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes.
vaj ghaHvaD naDev che'wI'

(There goes my hero)
(He's ordinary")

The song concluded in a master class of drumwork by Itsuki with some guitar work by Ushio.

The Ushaan-Tors played a few more songs in their set before it was time for Ushio to share the spotlight with the Station's executive officer.

"And now, for a rather different part of our program: We're going to do something we've never done before, and we're going to play some Klingon opera." Ushio said. "And to help us out, we have a guest vocalist. You might know him as the station's XO, or as the CO of the IKS M'oQreH, please welcome to the stage, Commander Tormek!"

There was little fanfare or ceremony when the tall Klingon commander stepped onto the stage. No brilliant light show as the Humans used to partake in. Instead, it was how it should be; a simple stage for a simple Klingon to convey his message through verbal art.

Commander Tormek took his place at the center of the small designated area. His long, dark and glorious free-flowing locks of hair cascaded over the traditional silver armor adorning his chest. He observed the crowd who were mostly composed of Federation members and select Klingon warriors. Not an ideal audience, but perhaps the best opportunity to convey Kahless' message to those who did not believe. He spread his arms open to them in a traditional gesture to introduce himself.

"I am Tormek, Son of B'ceiK, of the House of Torn," he announced with firm vocal projection. "The Andorian officer before me, Lieutenant Sh'alkins, has sung of heroes. Her song is most worthy. And now I will sing to you about HONOR!"

Ushio nodded. Working together with Tormek, they had arranged for the music they were going to play, and began the opening melody to the first song.

Tormek began to sing in a low, bass-filled tenor in his native Klingon tongue as Itsuki provided the opening drum line.

(When Kahless sleeps,)
(When Kahless sleeps!)
(Our Empire is broken,)
vaj LoDnI'lI' je,
(With your cold bat'leth,)
qevpoblIjDaq yI'av,
(Search the stars for your glory,)
'ej bISuqmeH SuH,
(Your foes will tremble,)
reH quvHa'choHli'.
(Every warrior is challenged.)
ben qeylIS qa' vIghojta'!
(But I hold Kahless' secret!)"

Tormek's surprising singing voice hit every note yet not quite at the level of professional opera singers within the Empire. He was eloquent yet not masterful.

The concentration by his musical compliment on the other hand, was on point, and for first time musical performers of Klingon Opera, the Ushaan-tors were handling the situation quite well.

Miku was probably sweating the hardest, but Ushio gave her a reassuring nod and wink as Itsuki hit the drum line to usher in the next verse.

"ngoDmey, porghwIjvaD jatlh,
(The path to Sto'vo'kor,)
naDev DaDup. qu...
(A great path...a great path,)
qaSbe'chugh, vaj yI'angnIS,
(Our sacrifice will reveal it,)
reH 'e' vIpIHchoH.
(Our honor commands it.)
'ej tugh SuvwI' je tu'lu'!
(And a great warrior will be born!)

"qeylIS lughajchugh vay',
(His wife will be honorable,)
quvmoHmeH batlh ghaH,
(His son will be honorable,)
(They will all serve together in battle!)
vaj chepqu'choH ghotpu'!
(And the Empire will be victorious!)
...vaj chepqu'choH ghotpu'!
(...And the Empire will be victorious!)"

When Tormek sang his final bar and finally ran out of breath, he stopped to inhale again then look across the assembled crowd, spreading his arms open once more before looking back to Sh'alkins.

Nodding in response, Ushio raised one hand, making the symbol of the horns, in a show of unity. Federation and Klingons together.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause. Several of the Klingons shouted out loudly amongst them, applauding and saluting the first officer and his song.

Kagami joined by clapping as she stood on one of the balconies. She wasn't really a fan of Klingon Opera, but she did appreciate the skill it took to pull it off like that.

"Thank you!" Ushio said. "Thank you for coming out tonight, you've been a great audience!"

Ushio looked back at her bandmates. A look of sadness was in her eyes, for just a few hours before they were supposed to perform, Ushio had received orders to pack her things, as she was being reassigned. In fact, she had only broken the news to the Nakano sisters when they first met up backstage.

Miku and Itsuki gave Ushio a reassuring nod. This certainly would not be the last time that the Ushaan-tors would play together, and whatever was next in store for Ushio, it would be okay, as one day, the three of them would meet up once again. And who knows? Perhaps they would take the time and release their long-anticipated second album?

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano
Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Miku Uesugi
Medical Officer


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