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We were here first! (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 7:23am by Commander Tormek & Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher & Lieutenant Commander Sydney ap Iorwerth & Lieutenant Perlin Amor & Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano
Edited on on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 8:20am

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 10 - 08:45

Kagami walked quickly out of her office as the red alert Klaxons wailed, echoing around the doacious multi-levelled station operations. She stood at the main command console and unlocked it with her hand print. "Report?" She asked over the Klaxons before silencing them. The room had darkened and they were all now bathed in red light.

"Seven Tholian vessels have dropped out of warp, they're literally right on top of us at one thousand meters from the docking ring," one of the officers from tactical reported. "Their weapons are charged and they seen to have locked on to us."

Kagami wasn't expecting the Tholians to show up quite so soon. No doubt they were here to do one if two things. Either attack the station and annex the opening to the passage, or open diplomatic negotiations. However knowing the Tholians it was most likely the former over the latter. "Call battlestations. We might have to defend ourselves!" The Captain ordered.

Commander Fletcher looked down at the console, analyzing the tactical situation, "Captain they have us surrounded," he said, "Figures considering the fleet just left..." He tapped a few buttons and then looked up, "The Kingfisher and the M'oQreH are powering up."

"Keep them on standby. Let's see if they'll talk," Kagami said. "Hail the Tholian fleet. Maybe they'll listen to reason first?"

The lift to the starbase command center's main level came to a halt at its destination and deposited the Klingon first officer within the busy tactical chamber. The alert klaxons were shrouding the room with pulsating crimson hues, and for the first time in many days since his arrival...he finally felt comfortable. Tormek paced across the various consoles and behind their attendant personnel before speaking to the captain. "The Tholians will only be dissuaded by force. We must fire on them immediately," he proclaimed. Why they had suddenly arrived at the starbase was of little consequence, now.

Not far behind him was Nino, accompanied by Itsuki.

"What in the blazes is going on out there?!" Nino demanded as her younger sister moved to take a seat at the Tactical console.

The Klingon commander briefly turned to witness the salmon-haired Human security chief take her station. The woman's question was not relevant yet it was pertinent at the same time. "The Tholians appear to have mistaken us for a Cardassian cargo facility," he answered with tonal disdain for this unprovoked posturing.

"Shit," Nino hissed under her breath as she moved over to the security console. "It was only a matter of time before something like this happened..."

"Tensions with the Tholians have always been high. So yeah... Plus we're right on their border" Kagami replied.

To everyones surprise the Tholians actually answered the hail. The viewscreen of main Operations was filled by the sharp edged face of a large Tholian commander. He glowed bright orange and the dark slits that were his eyes seemed to look into a black void.

"I am Captain Kagami Izumi of the Federation Starbase Frontier. You are awfully close to us, what is your reason for being here?" Kagami asked simply. She had a no-nonsense attitude in her tone, obviously she had dealt with Tholians before.

"Human. You have violated our territory." The Tholians responded simply. The universal translator doing its best to determine their language of clicks and ticks. "Your Starbase is now in Tholian space. We claim this."

Kagami frowned. It was well known that the Tholians take what they want and they were a force to be reckoned with. "This Starbase was constructed in unclaimed territory. You have no claim to this system. So, I'm only going to tell you this once. Back off your fleet, we were here first!"

There was several seconds of awkward silence. "We claim this system. Your assets shall be seized as prizes of the Tholain Assembly. Your adults shall be put to work as slave labourers."

Kagami looked over briefly to Tactical. If she could stall them long enough then Tactical could bring the stations weapons online.

She muted the channel.

Itsuki nodded and expertly danced her hands over the Tactical console.

"Engineering reports all dorsal Phaser Arrays and Torpedo Launchers are online," she reported. "Relaying orders to power them up for battle."

"Ventral and Mid?" She asked simply.

Itsuki shook her head. "I'm afraid those won't be here until Tuesday, Captain."

"Damn... those will have to do then..." Kagami replied as she turned back to the viewscreen and unmuted the channel.

"And you think we'll accept that? What about the children we have on this base? Would you really attack a starbase with children aboard?" Kagami asked. She understood that Tholians were very protective of their own young, so much they would often kill to protect them.

"We have no need for your offspring. They cannot work so will be exterminated." The Tholian said in response.

Kagami crossed her arm. She could feel the anger building up in her stomach. "This station is armed and we will not surrender. This is your last warning, back off or we shall response with the full force this starbase has to offer."

"Your defenses are no match for us."

"You may test that assumption at your convenience," Kagami said simply. She pressed a button on her console cutting off the Tholian. "All hands. Battlestations. Civilians report to shelters immediately."

Sydney was within the many science labs on the starbase, although this wasn't like Earth but close enough, he was finishing a department readiness report for his new CO but the klaxon sounded... Blairing throughout the station, unable to run Sydney pretty much wobbled his way towards the nearest turbolift which was thankfully at the bottom of the corridor. Zooming upwards onto the command deck, he stepped onto the deck plating and made a sharp turn into the command centre thankfully he studied up on the deck plates. He stood still for a moment, trying to locate the science terminal at which point he took his stastion.

The base shook as the Tholians opened fire on the station. Kagami held onto the console as the volleys of weapons fire hammered against their shields.

"I see how it is," she muttered. "Tactical return fire with phaser turrets. Let's show them we have teeth."

"Dorsal phasers primed, Ma'am" Itsuki reported. "Target locked, and... firing!"

The base shook again as the Tholians unleashed yet more fire upon them. Kagami grasped the console as she steadied herself. This was not how she wanted the start of her new command to be.

"Partial shield loss reported in the Galleria, Captain," Nino reported. "Wait, I'm getting an update... Damnit! We've got reports of intruders on decks 7 through 10; looks as though the Thollians have managed to slip through a gap in our defenses..."

"Security to Galleria. Intruder alert." Kagami called she looked over at Tormek. "Get your warriors down there Commander. Show those Tholians they are no match for us!"

A growing growl emanated from within the first officer's throat, one of intense repugnance. The tall Klingon slapped the commbadge on his sash then forcefully spoke into the open inter-station channel. "Tholian intruders detected on the promenade galleria. Assemble in section 27 and prepare for battle!" he briefed in his native tongue while moving with quick strides to the turbolift. As he turned back to face those in the command center before the lift doors closed, he simply said, "They will regret this attack...for all time!"

=/\= My people are ready!=/\=

To be continued...


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