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No Bones About This Doctor!

Posted on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 9:13am by Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Commander Tormek

921 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Lockdown
Location: Starbase Frontier- Sickbay
Timeline: Approximately 2 hours after "We Were Here First!"


Tormek strode into the starbase's expansive medical ward with prominent footsteps reverberating across the deck plates. The entrance hissed shut behind him and the sterile smell and bright overhead lighting temporarily assaulted his senses. He furrowed his prominent brow before looking across the myriad of injured personnel now present. Many were Klingon - his own people - yet many more were Starfleet and other members of the Federation.

"Where is Lieutenant Nish'i'ko?" he bellowed in an effort to locate the starbase's new chief medical officer.

Everyone in the vicinity immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to face the XO. A few of them began to fidget nervously, evidently intimidated by Tormek's larger-than-life appearance.

Finally, the crowds parted and a slim red-haired officer with brilliant blue eyes stepped forward, the look on her face indicating she was less intimidated by him and more generally annoyed at his disrupting Medical proceedings at an inopportune time.

"Nuqneh?!" she addressed the Klingon gruffly.

He grunted a hard reply of acknowledgement while raising his chin, then stared at the small Human woman's face and body. Tormek observed her contrasting hair and eye coloration alongside her slim, possibly nutritionally-deficient physique. It was clear she was not a warrior. "I am Commander Tormek," he stated in an equally-gruff reply. "You are Lieutenant Nish'i'ko." It was less of a question than a statement. "I require a report of all casualties and the recovery times for those who are still alive."

"We've got approximately 58 reported injuries, most of them non-life-threatening," the red-head responded. "We'll be discharging them as soon as we're done patching them up. But that being said, 14 of those injuries are severe enough that we'll need to keep them overnight for observation, along with a further six who are in critical condition; they may be kept in intensive care for over a week, possibly a month, we'll just have to see how long it takes them to recover."

The detailed news of those with superfluous injuries compared to those with grievous ones was a welcome report to Tormek. Their recent combat trials against the Tholians had proven a great success, and now it seemed many of his warriors would recover soon. Yet...he hesitated to praise the youthful-appearing medical chief for her efforts thus far. "Who is currently in 'critical' condition'?" he firmly asked. "How many of them are Klingon??"

"Let's see," the Redhead replied, pulling out her PADD. "Lieutenant Syban has a compound fracture in his left Tibia; Lieutenant Konakh has a severe concussion from a Thollian slamming him up against a bulkhead; Lieutenant Rydak had his right arm sliced off; Ensign J'Tol was standing too close to a Thollian when his exo-suit ruptured, and the escaping gasses caused third-degree burns. Ensigns Kelmar and Cooper both have several broken ribs and internal bleeding. The nature of their injuries varies wildly, so how long one of them has to stay in the ICU won't necessarily determine how long the others stay."

Tormek's gaze turned severe and traveled across the multitude of injured crew members laying on an expansive network of biobeds. This was no way for a warrior to die. It was...dishonorable. And it was his duty to rectify their suffering. "Show me my people. I wish to speak to each one of them."

"I'm afraid I can't do that right now, Commander," the Redhead shook her head. "We have to focus on getting the patients stabilized before you can speak with them. We'll let you know when they're available for visitation."

The tall Klingon commander impatiently stepped forward toward the blue-collared Starfleet lieutenant. "I am this station's first officer and I demand to see the wounded Klingons here in this sickbay!" he forcefully declared. His fists clenched at his waist, the targ-leather fabric creaking while being stretched by his large knuckles.

The Red-Head quickly moved in front of him. "And I'm the acting head of Medical, so when I say that a patient is unavailable for visitation, that's final!" she declared, still attempting to maintain an air of rationality in spite of her dwindling patience. "This a non-negotiable matter, Commander; please step back, or I'm going to have to remove you from sickbay!"

He stared at the smaller Human for several long seconds of silence with the eyes of a rabid targ. His prominent wrinkled brow creased while his dark brown eyes trained themselves on the medical officer blocking his path. He could decapitate her within seconds just like he'd done to one of the Tholian baktag, but that was not an honorable action nor one expected from the second leader of the entire starbase. Instead, he scowled back at the lieutenant revealing his sharp and semi-crooked teeth. "I will leave on my own accord, Starfleet. If any of my people die here under your supposed 'expertise', I will punish you."

"I don't intend to have them die," the red-head stated firmly. "Not under my watch, anyhow."

"Then see to it and cease speaking to me!" Tormek flailed his arms in an open gesture to indicate the obvious. "Perform your duty as a medical officer and ensure there are no further deaths. If there are...those will be your responsibility and you will answer to me." He turned his back on the lieutenant then stormed out of sickbay.

Posting by (In Order Of Appearance):

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer, Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Maki Nishikino, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer, Starbase Frontier


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