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Presenting the Slave to Master

Posted on Mon Sep 18th, 2023 @ 4:17am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire

1,245 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lockdown
Location: Ready Room.
Timeline: MD01 08:30

Vep Ka made her way to operations, walking past the command area towards the Ready Room, smoothing her uniform before she rang the chime.

Kagami in her office was going over the final preparations for the Tholian diplomatic party. Truth to be told the Federation didn't know that much about the Tholians or their culture. However a diplomatic solution here could maintain peace between them posisbly for a long time. When her chime rang she looked up at the door. "Enter" she called simply.
Walking with Orion natural grace VepKa moved to the front of the desk and knet upon ne Knee as is proper.

"VepKa presentig your New Klingon Intel Representative to the Honor of the House Star Base Frontier. I am but your Humble slave; a Gift of Faith from The High Council of the Klingon Empire to Lord Izumi of Federation."

The Captain blinked a couple of times. "Come again?" she asked clearly confused at what she had just said. 'Lord Izumi of Federation? House of Starbase Frontier?' she thought. Was this some sort of Klingon test? She wasn't too sure as she stared blankly at the Orion.

"I am Vepka of the Empire, gift of the High Counsil to Lord Izumi of the Frontier station. A gifted Slave to do my Best Service for your House... I mean station." She repeated.

"Yeah..." Kagami said. "So, you're not a 'slave' here. So how about you get off the floor?" she said simply. "And this is a Starbase, not a house..."

"My apologies, this is the Traditional Introduction for the passing of ownership." VepKa replied.

Kagami sighed. 'Orions...' she thought to herself. "First of all, I'll make one thing clear. You're not a slave. Slavery was abolished hundreds of years ago on Earth." she told her. "What is it you are here to do again...." she held up a single finger "...and don't say 'be a slave' or anything like that."

"As Stated." Vep'Ka replied."The Klingon Representative for Intel, a gift from the High Counsel to Your Station." She raised her hand to quell the Master's reply."In the Klingon Empire Slavery is still in Practice if one is Purchased from an Orion Slave Trader and by Klingon Legalities and Traditions I am bod as a Slave of the Empire As the Empire is cooperatively maintaining this station I am of the understanding Federation Honors the culture and Laws of all members." She explained calmly as though to a child or stubborn opposition, whatever the case.

"This is not 'In' Federation but shared space so therefore I am by Klingon Legalities and Traditions a Slave on Temporary Transfer of Ownership to You." Remaining knelled but eyes almost blazing green. :I am Honor Bound to remain a Slave under you ." A sly grin. "I know you would not question nor negate my Duty of Honor to this Station and insult the Generosity of the High Counsel... Master."

Kagami pondered what she said for a moment. "Ok, well in that case. You are to be referred to as an officer from now on, not a slave..." she held up a hand, "Regardless of what you are." she told her sternly. "How about you get off the floor?"

"Of course Master." VepKa rose with a certain trained grace. Between us You will be Master; I am here to support your command. She stood in a lady like fashion and looked to the Master.

"Why not call me, Captain..." Kagami said. "I would much prefer that."

"Officially I agree with following the Federation Protocols in meetings and around other crew." Vep Ka answered. "That is honoring Federation Tradition. When can we follow my preferences and what I have been both raised and trained to follow? Your Federation professes honor other cultures. I am of a Slave Race and have that which I follow from that background?"

Kagami sighed. "Honestly, I don't agree with the concept of owning someone. Like I said slavery was abolished by Humans hundreds of years ago. However, I will respect your culture. But while you are on this starbase, you will have the same rights as everyone else. Regardless of title."

"You are a kind Master Captain. Vep Ka bowed slightly. "I am honored by your kindness. I look forward to serving you well and the Station r planning."will have protection of all encrypted Data. I will not give our enemies a glance into our planning.

She picked up a PADD and held it out. "This is a discussion we can have at a later date. Right now however we have a Starbase to get up and running. Here are your assigned quarters and duty manifest," she told her with a smile. "I would also advise that you report to Commander Tormek. Technically he is your direct superior being in the KDF and as First Officer."

"It shall be as you wish." Vep Ka decided not to over use the unwanted traditions on her Master. "I will attend to both directly."

"Oh and don't forget to be cleared by medical too. We have just got a new Chief Medical Officer. Its protocol to be cleared for duty by medical before you can start your duties." Kagami told her.

"It is a skilled man with his trade?" Vep Ka asked. "Unlike other Klingons I do not intend to exhibit battle scars as a trophy." She nod. "Who would lie a marred Slave Girl other than a Klingon." She told. "May I ask how much do you wish Analyzed outside the Intel Data Drops?"

"Doctor Nishikino is a woman." Kagami said simply in response. She pretended not to hear the comment on selling out her body to Klingon men. She also hoped that this Orion wouldn't be doing that on the base with any of the crew, especially the Starfleet crew.

"As for that..." she said referring to the intelligence Data. "Analyze it as you please. The better I know whats going on, then I can make better decisions that may be the difference between life and death out here. Understand what I mean?"

"I take 'Walk Abouts' around paces I work and hear things in places Federation assets dare not wander, and Only Marines go if trouble. Do you want to be privy to rumors I might hear there as well?" Vep Ka asked honestly. "Trouble hides in shadows; all stations have Shadows in which things hide."

"Indeed I do." Kagami said. "Any information that you discover needs to be passed up to the right people. We're on our own out here, so we need to know anything and everything thats going on."

"I will include the rumors that are passed to me when pertinant to Base Operations of really ... interesting." Bowing. "Whatever makes you better informed as we know the Earth saying holds true." Grinning like an Orion Feline. "Knowledge is power." turning to leave "Intel is all about knowledge. And Ferngi rule is beware of a Vulcan's desire for knowledge." Her expression was full of mischief. "My thirst for Intelligence makes Vulcans seem like Dullards."

Kagami raised an eyebrow as she watched the Orion woman turn to leave. "Well ok then. Remember to report in to Commander Tormek and get cleared by medical for duty."

"As you so wish Master." With a bow she exited the Ready Room.

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire
Imperial Intelligence Officer


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