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A Day on Frontier (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Sep 21st, 2023 @ 6:15pm by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher M.D. & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher & Lieutenant Nash Winters & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Ashreth "Ash" Th'Raanin & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire

1,620 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Lockdown
Location: Various
Timeline: MD01 09:30am

Captains Log.

It has been two weeks since the Tholian attack on Starbase Frontier. It turns out that several of the crew who were assigned here were on temporary assignment. This was very frustrating and I thought they would be here much longer. However it seems that Starfleet are not making this easy for me.

Regardless of this, the starbase is now fully operational. The Starship Wellington dropped off the last of our supplies and has departed the base in the early hours of this morning. We are not yet fully staffed, however we have been managing pretty well.

I spoke with Admiral Jagger yesterday. It seems our encounter with the Tholians has not gone unnoticed. The Tholian government have contacted the Federation Council and want to send a diplomatic party to the base. Apparently they want to discuss the possibility of trade, ease tensions and negotiate border and shipping lanes. Frankly I don't trust them. Tholians are not known for their diplomacy, but if we can show them that we are not a threat and get off on the right foot, it could make the area stable. At least for a little while.

The Tholian party is due to arrive tomorrow morning. I have set Commander Tormek the task of managing the preparations for their arrival. I only hope this will bring peace between us.

End Log

Kagami sat back in her chair after finishing recording the log. She ran a hand through her hair. She was no where near ready to handle such negotiations with the Tholians. Granted she held the rank of Captain, but this was a big step between the two civilizations.

"Commander Tormek," she said as she tapped her comm badge. "How are the preparations going for our inbound visitors?"

A moment of silence ensued before the station's Klingon first officer replied, "Not well. Who authorized these Tholians permission to enter our starbase after they assaulted our station and killed many of our warriors?!" The anger and resentment in his voice was palpable and did nothing to hide his disapproval for this supposed 'diplomacy'.

Kagami sighed. The first officer had not taken lightly to the idea of hosting a Tholian diplomatic party on the base. However it was essential they prevail to ensure a peace between all three of their governments. "Starfleet Command and the Klingon High Council think it's a good idea. I need not remind you that if we fail at these talks we may lose more people, many of them dishonourably..."

Another silence propagated for several seconds. "...Very well. I will not dishonor our governments." His voice sounded less terse but became more genuine. "But I will not negotiate with the Tholians or become their puppet! That is your job, Kag'mi. I hope you will choose wisely." The scowl on Tormek's face couldn't be visually seen across the verbal comm channel but he was severely unhappy with the looming Tholian presence.

The Captain frowned a little. She knew that the commander was still not familiar with how to address her. But she couldn't blame him. The Japanese customs of only using first names of people who you were close to can be confusing at most times. "Don't you worry, I'll play diplomat for both of us." she replied simply to him.

She rose out of her chair and made her way out of her office into Main Operations. "We should meet later today, to go over our plans for when they arrive..." she suggested knowing that the comm channel was still open. "There's a new coffee shop that opened a few days on the Galleria. What do you say?"

There was another pause. "I do not drink coffee. But I accept your invitation. It is apparent we have much to discuss. Tormek out." And just like that, his forceful vestige disappeared and the comm channel became silent.

[Docking tubes]

The little Black Dress is a mainstay of a real Lady's wardrobe; while this on had shown sufficient cleavage but not to the range of being a tramp or the Kind of girl most Orions are seen as, the skirt reaching above the knee and longer than a Micro Mini length.

The dangling earrings of silver with small blue black Opals just added to the Orion's attractive outfit. Her past shoulder black hair was swept up in a silver comb over the left ear.

She had her duffel / purse style carry on with her forged papers; done to perfection by a Cengeti Programmer; whose people had been the Computer designed Federation Computers before the Binar took over. Her friend had taken the challenge to prove Cengeti programming is still superior to those Binar Tablets they are peddling.

THe Human Security man noticed her while she was five people back; he seemed to rush them through so that he could process the Lovely Orion now in front of him.

Handing him her PADD she focused her green eyes upon his and that demure; or sultry depending on angle, matched with her Orion bred winning smile had his attention party distracted.

"Ms. Veeta..." He read the name on her papers, she let a bit of her charm loose as she lean closer with a better view for him.

"Just - V-e-e-t-a." She purr. "You are being so nice to me the formalities are... not pleassing to my ears. Please use my name without them.

"Veeta.. Very pretty name." He said to her as the computer processed the papers with the simple program.

"That is better, yes?" She gave him a look with the sparkle of her eyes that only Orions are able to do.

"Yes." He said as the computer approved the papers.

"Thank You." She accepted her PADD back and a wink as she walked onto the Station.

Vep Ka of the Empire shook her head as she stomped along the corridor towards the Main Promenade. Hre gear and small furnishings would be delivered discreetly to the Intel offices after she checked in and had access to the offices.

Her Quarters are secured by Her Klingon Handler so he would go there and get the Uniform on before she reports to the Officer on duty or the Captain herself.

Counselor Th'raanin, the newly assigned Andorian Chief Counselor stepped through the airlock and showed the security officer his orders. The Starfleet officer looked him over quickly and nodded, "Welcome aboard, Counselor." The officer handed the PADD back to him, and Th'raanin made his way into the station. He carried nothing with him, his personal effects would be transported to the quarters. Since he didn't have belongings to deal with he made his way directly to Ops to report to the Captain.

Ensign Remira Johansen, Starfleet Intelligence followed the Andorian in medical blue. She heard the security officer refer to him as Counselor, and she sized him up a bit as he left the airlock. Interesting she thought to herself. "Ensign Remira Johansen," she said showing him her orders. He let her pass through. She carried a small duffel, and made her way to find her quarters and drop her things off.


Activity in sickbay had finally started to die down now that a those who had received lesser injuries in the fight with the Thollians had been treated and subsequently discharged, allowing Medical to focus their efforts to those still in critical care. No doubt Commander Tormek was enthused about getting his men back, and the supply ship the station had been expecting today would no doubt replenish the small handful of them that were beyond saving.

But even still, there was work to be done in regards to the two officers who were still in Intensive Care; Lieutenant Konakh was scheduled to undergo an MRI scan at 1400 hours to identify possible complications stemming from his concussion, and Ensign J'Tol was scheduled to undergo his seventh skin grafting procedure at 1730 to try and heal damaged (or otherwise destroyed) layers of skin that had been burned off. Despite Commander Tormek's indignation about the fact that Medical wasn't discharging them immediately so that they could return to duty, the fact remained that these were life-altering injuries, both physically and mentally; if not given the proper care, there wasn't a rat's chance in hell that they'd be able to perform their duties as they had prior to sustaining their respective injuries.

Doctor Halesworth-Fletcher made her way towards the office of the chief medical officer. She rang the chime.

The door to the office snapped open, and seated at what would've been Lieutenant Sh'Alkins's desk was now a slender, female humanoid with bright red hair and striking blue eyes.

For what it was worth, though, she wasn't all eye candy, as Starfleet had been very methodical when it came to selecting a suitable replacement for Lieutenant Sh'Alkins. Word of mouth was that this new CMO was an heiress to the vaunted Nishikino Family Fortune- a highly reputable line of doctors with several hospitals and outpatient centers sprinkled throughout the greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Whether that be true or not, the fact remained that this woman's connections to the Nishikino family meant that she practically lived and breathed this sort of work- it was hardwired into her DNA, to put it bluntly.

"Can I help you, Lieutenant?" she asked, spotting Abi from across the room.

"Ah yes doctor," she said as she stepped in holding a PADD. "I was just wondering how you want us to proceed with these treatments. I know the Klingons have a 'different way' of treating burns. Especially since they refused dermal regeneration. So, I was wondering how should we proceed?"

To be continued...


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