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Heart Of Honor ["Lockdown" Backpost]

Posted on Sun Jan 7th, 2024 @ 2:43am by Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Commander Tormek

1,932 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier, Sickbay, Deck 26
Timeline: MD01, 2000 hours


The hour was not late aboard Starbase Frontier yet Commander Tormek's day had been occupied by a most unpleasant task -- to somehow prepare the entire facility and its occupants for the incoming Tholian diplomatic delegation scheduled to arrive in less than 48 hours. 'Tholian diplomatic delegation' was a contradictory term as far as he was concerned, and he had made his opinions of the matter quite clear to the Federation commander several hours prior with perhaps a bit too much force. Yet now, as he swiftly walked through one of the starbase's corridors, his Klingon PADD made a distinctive sound indicating an incoming transmission. He pulled the polygonal device from his belt's clip then scrolled across its red and orange interface. There appeared to be a request from sickbay...from the defiant new doctor.

Tormek scowled to himself then changed his course to head to the nearest turbolift. This must be worthy of time or I will confine her to her quarters with nothing but gagh and water for the next week, he swiftly determined. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the entrance to sickbay on Level 26. The doors hissed open and he was again assaulted by the sterile smell of Starfleet medical facilities. He walked into the large chamber then announced his presence. "Lieutenant Nish'i'ko!"

As if on cue, the titular red-head emerged from an adjoining passageway, Medical PADD already in hand.

"Ah; Commander Tormek," she greeted. "Just the person I had wanted to speak with; I won't be keeping you long, so just go ahead and have a seat."

His prominent cranial ridges flexed as his brow furrowed and he looked down at the much shorter ginger-haired Human. He declined the invitation to take a seat and instead stood tall while crossing his armored arms across his chest. "What is this about?" he demanded.

"Well, it's in regards to Ensign J'Tol," Maki went on to explain. "Or more specifically, his treatment options. He's gone on record to state that he doesn't wish to pursue skin grafts, but I'm concerned that when his scar tissue contracts, it could hinder movement, which I'm concerned could get in the way of his duties."

The first officer grunted. It was not unusual for his people to refuse medical treatment, especially that from a Starfleet doctor. But with this new cooperative alliance in its temporary place, perhaps there was more to this issue than simply traditional Klingon stubbornness. "I wish to see the ensign."

Maki furrowed her brow. "Well, if it'll help you in making a more informed decision, I suppose I can allow you access into the burn unit to get a better idea of his condition; however, given the extent of his injuries, I'm going to ask that you refrain from touching the patient directly."

"I will not touch your 'patient'," agreed Tormek who then hastily gestured to the doctor with a firm, pointed index finger. "Proceed."

Nodding, Maki proceeded to lead Tormek down a series of long, winding corridors, stopping briefly to have him wash his hands, before drawing up to a set of double doors- the signage above which denoted the ward's function as a "Burn Treatment Center" in both Universal and Klingon.

"Alright, before we enter, be sure to put these on," Maki instructed, handing Tormek a kit that contained a sterilized gown, cap, mask, and gloves. "Because the patient has several open wounds, we'd like to take all the necessary precautions so as to prevent the spread of infection."

He did as instructed, awkwardly attempting to cover his strong hair and powerful goatee along with his full chest armor and gloved hands with whatever sort of supposed medical preventions he had been instructed to wear. Klingons did not require such frivolous precautions - their immune systems were naturally much more robust and resilient than those of fragile Humans. "I am prepared," he finally declared. "Let me see my officer."

Nodding, Maki pressed a button on the wall and the doors to the burn unit slid open.

Stepping inside the sterile chamber and smelling the stench of latent burned and recovering flesh, the first officer looked back to the chief medical officer once he located his abominable-looking fellow Klingon compatriot. "Leave us, now."

"I'm afraid that goes against protocol, Commander," Maki shook her head. "All visitations to the burn ward have to be supervised by a member of the Station's medical staff."

"No, it does not go against Klingon protocol!" reprimanded the station's first officer. His ridiculous-appearing light blue hair-cap, gloves and torso gown were now the least of his worries. One of his officers was suffering, unnecessarily. "You will remove yourself from my presence, at once. This is an order!" he sternly declared.

Maki puffed up her cheeks, but whatever thoughts may have been going through her head at that moment went wisely unspoken.

"I'm going to step outside," She stated, almost as a warning. "But if I come back and the patient's deceased, you can bet I will be noting this in my next report."

A low growl was Tormek's only reply to the doctor's incessant lingering which had finally ceased. Starbase Frontier's first officer steeled himself as he located Ensign J'Tol - or what remained of him. He walked close to the young warrior, stoically observing his brutally burned body and deformed face which was deeply charred. "J'Tol," he spoke to his officer in their native tongue, "it is I, Commander Tormek."

The severely-burned warrior twitched his extremities then grunted with suppressed pain when he opened his burned eyelids to look at the commander. "La'..."

Tormek put a light hand on the man's shoulder as to cause him minimal pain. "You fought well against the Tholian petaQ. I have seen your combat footage from the station's security logs. Rest comfortably knowing you have secured your place in Sto-vo-kor." Then Tormek exhaled a deep breath as he stood next to his fellow warrior in consolidation.

J'Tol suddenly reached up and clasped Tormek's arm, his deeply burnt skin peeling off in the process as his fingers tightened around the commander's bicep. "...I...request Hegh'bat. I do not wish to die like...this. ...On a bed within a Federation sickbay..."

Starbase Frontier's first officer raised his chin, his eyes leaving the ensign's while he processed the request. The young warrior had fought well and displayed the qualities of honor, duty and sacrifice during his duels with the Tholians. As was expected of each Klingon. And now, he lay there before him, crippled with no hope of ever becoming the same warrior he once was. It was not a difficult decision for Tormek. Ensign J'Tol, his essence, had died several days ago when he suffered these catastrophic wounds. What was left of him now was simply a shell, one prohibiting him from passing through the gates of the afterlife. And the longer he remained here - under the assault of Federation medicine - the greater his chance of instead meeting Gre'thor.

"I will honor your request," Tormek approved, reaching out then clasping the wounded warrior's burned forearm with his own. "We will meet again soon, brother, in Sto-vo-kor. I will ensure your family and the Empire knows of your valor. And that you were an honorable warrior." The words were difficult for the first officer to say, but they were necessary, and he would make certain he affirmed his vow to his fallen brethren.

Tormek then began to chant one of the songs of Kahless, his prominent opera tonality and inflection reverberating through the small burn ward. And Ensign J'Tol soon joined him despite the pain it caused, and managed a final smile with his crooked and sharp teeth devoid of lips.

The d'k tahg was pulled from its holster then its cross guard clicked open with a flick from Tormek's thumb. He raised the knife high over his head then plummeted it into J'Tol's heart, forcefully breaking through the warrior's robust rib cage and into the fragile organ. A simple 45-degree twist was all that was necessary to complete the ritual, after which Tormek pulled the blade from his comrade's chest. Pink blood spurted out from the man's chest and onto the first officer's chest gown, and the nearby biobed medical monitor suddenly began to blare critical alarms.

J'Tol gasped, his mouth wide as he locked eyes with Tormek. He tightened his grip on his superior's arm which the first officer reciprocated. "...For Kahless..." And then he was gone, his dark brown eyes vacantly staring up toward the ceiling with no life left in them.

Tormek's eyes became intense with anger, rage and passion, and he tilted his head up to the bright ceiling then bellowed a heartfelt cry of honor for his fellow warrior.

Hearing the alarm, Maki rushed back into the ward, accompanied by a team of doctors.

"Oh, my God!" she gasped upon laying eyes on (the now deceased) Ensign J'Tol. "You killed him!"

The first officer observed the multitude of Starfleet medical personnel rushing into the room and paid them no attention. They were not his people, nor could they possibly understand Klingon tradition and honor. The short red-haired doctor was perhaps the most insufferable. Her incessant proclamations privately reinforced his opinion that no Klingon warrior should ever be subjected to her 'medical care'. "Yes," he snarled at the doctor before surrendering his pink-blooded d'k tahg to her with a forceful push of it into her chest. "He requested Hegh'bat and I granted this honor. File your reports, then ensure his body is returned to me undesecrated."

Maki's eyes flared with anger.

"You know what, buddy? You're done!" she exploded, motioning towards the door. "Get the f**k out of my sickbay, and pray to God or Kahless or what-have-you that when I eventually get around to submitting my report to Captain Izumi, your sorry ass isn't shipped off of this station on the first available transport!"

The Human doctor's meager threats mattered little to the first officer but he did take notice of her temper and disregard for his people's cultural prerogatives. "My duty here is done and I will gladly comply!" Tormek replied with equal tonality, grateful to hopefully never set foot in a Starfleet medical bay again. Then he snarled his lips at N'ishi'kino in response to her disobedient proclamation. He stepped forward to within mere inches of her, his physical prowess strong and robust. He spoke in a low, threatening voice, "...But if you ever speak to me in this manner again...I will kill you where you stand! Understood?!" His fists had clenched, the gloved leather armor creaking as he dared her to test his resolve.

"GET OUT!" Maki roared.

Tormek forcefully pushed his right hand which was still covered in pink blood into the chest of the short doctor's medical gown then wiped his fingers and the back of his digits across it to prove his worth, fortitude, and the level of sacrifice he was willing to undertake. Then, he stoically turned away from her and stormed out from the sterile and decrepit-smelling sickbay, the exit doors hissing open then closed behind him with a void of fanfare.


Posting By:

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Maki Nishikino
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Frontier


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