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Missing Parts - Part 1

Posted on Mon Jan 8th, 2024 @ 2:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Mon Jan 8th, 2024 @ 2:08pm

1,048 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier
Tags: 2396, Character Development


Chief Warrant Officer Firax sat at his desk scowling and muttering under his breath as he read through the daily report. Seems there had been another incident involving the Klingons and Ferengi's. Why the situation was handed over to Starfleet security instead of the KDF security was beyond him. As far as he was concerned the Ferengi's involved in the situation brought it upon themselves, then again it could just be his bias towards Ferengi coming through. He sighed and thought about the issue for a minute and decided to leave the issue to Lieutenant Fer'ran to discus with Lieutenant Amor, after all this involved Klingons. He moved on to the next item, it appeared that several Starfleet engineering tools had come up missing from crewman work bags, puzzling indeed. After a thorough review, he definitely could not just put this off as misplacing the items, he decided to contact Lieutenant Commander Kord as this definitely was a Starfleet matter. =/\=Chief Warrant Officer Firax to Lieutenant Commander Kord do you have a few minutes for me to discuss something with you?=/\=

== Main Engineering ==

Lt. Commander Kord was busy adjusting to his new environment. He had already met a few of the officers in Engineering and the temporary Assistant Chief. Now he was busy working with them to compile a data for everything and, oddly, things were coming up busy. Equipment and tools he was all too familiar with like the micro-spanner and tricorders were coming up .. missing. Not large amounts, merely a single unit here or there, but it all added up eventually. He wasn't surprised when he heard the communications from his badge.

=/\= This is Lt. Commander Kord, go ahead Chief. Is this about the missing equipment? =/\=

Firax cocked his head to the left and replied with a rooster type cackle =/\=You must be, how do the humans put it? "A mind reader" commander. I have received several complaints about minor engineering tools and equipment disappearing. =/\=

Lazarus blinked. This was an odd situation; an odd circumstance. He chuckled, shrugging at his fortune - or perhaps misfortune?

=/\= Chief, that's odd you say that. I was just looking into this myself. I've been noticing small, almost singular devices disappearing over a slow period. It's been going on for years now, and I've only just seen it pop up in our inventory. Do you have anything to add to help me solve this situation? =/\=

=/\=Not as of yet Commander, I would like to discuss this with you in your office, perhaps over a glass of Meridor?=/\=

=/\= On my way =/\= replied the Gorn as he gathered his PADD and made way a few decks towards the Nausicaan Security Officers office. It was only around fifteen minutes later that he arrived at Firax's office. Entering, the Gorn made no show of himself as he requested entry. Once he was allowed, he stood casually, though not without some manner of discipline apparent.

"Alright Chief," Lazarus said in way of greeting as he sat down his PADD with the evidence of missing devices, "This is all I have on the situation. Not a single one is notated to any officer, at all. Which is odd because requisitions requires some manner of attachment."

Firax did not even blink when the Gorn walked in. He just motioned for the lieutenant commander to take a seat and poured a glass of a blue beverage and slide it to Lazarus. Firax then picked up his PaDD and looked at Lazarus, “I have come to the same conclusion; I would blame the Ferengi, but the number of items stolen during the time period plus the value of the items almost eliminates the greedy little pest. Same with the Orion’s. I am curious though why the Quartermaster personnel for the Engineering department has notated these items being removed for usage. I believe that may be as good a starting point as any other to begin our joint investigation, what say you?”

The Gorn took the offered seat, adjusting his tail to conform with his posture as he relaxed. He gave a nod of his head as thanks for the liquid, taking it first to his snout for a sniff, then a taste with his serpentine tongue, then he down the acceptable liquid. He sat the empty glass back on the desk, continuing his work with the Nausicaan.

"Our evidence does seem to implicate the requisition department more than anything," Lazarus concurred. "How do you propose we approach this situation?"

Firax sat back and took a swallow of the Meridor and motioned to Lazarus to help himself to more. He was in deep thought. "Well, I say we go and pay a visit to both Quartermaster's, Federation and Klingon. We will ask for a full requisition of engineering equipment, and then compare it to our own list. It will be a start, though I do believe the Klingon quartermaster will be a headache about the whole affair."

"Really? the Gorn inquired, raising an eyeridge in surprise. He took the offer for more with a nod, pouring, then drinking. After swallowing he exhaled heavily. "I would have figured the Klingons would be the more honorable, though I suppose the ones here are quite stubborn-headed."

The Gorns remark was moreso concerning previous events happening in a timeline far, far gone - and thankfully so. His moment of reflection gone, his eyes returned to Firax.

"Let us start with the Klingons first," Lazarus implored. "Then, as you say, we finish with the easiest in the Federation. Get the lists, as you say, and compare them. Simple. Done. This will be proof that something is going on. Then we move forward with ... investigations? Diving into personnel habits of our officers and departmental crew?"

Firax smiled "Most of the Klingons assigned to Starbase Frontier find it a dishonorable duty posting. Working with the Federation, as the humans are wanting to say, 'leaves a bad taste in their mouth.' I agree we will hit the Klingons first, a tactic they will not see coming and have little time to prepare for."

Lazarus grinned. As they discussed a plan, he started to like where this was going.


Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase Frontier


Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Security Officer
Starbase Frontier


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