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It Begins! (Part 1)

Posted on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 2:40am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Chief Warrant Officer Firax

1,528 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier Briefing Lounge
Timeline: MD01 - 08:50
Tags: 2396

"Captains Log. It has been two weeks since the 'lockdown' as most of the crew are calling it. Starfleet Corps of Engineers have examined the logs of what happened. It seems that a bit of 'bad programming' in the main computer caused the lockdown and self-destruct. It was activated by one of the Klingon Restaurants on the Galleria. Apparently live food doesn't get decontaminated before it is cooked on this station, thats a protocol I intend to change. I hope however it doesn't cause more tension with the Klingons.

Apart from that, everything is back to normal. Commander Tainaka has arrived, she will be the commander of the new Fleet Yards which are under construction. The Takagi Shipyards will be able to service both Starfleet and Klingon ships. We already have three dry docks under construction. I am hoping that these fleet yards will not be seen as threat by the Tholians.

Speaking of which, we have not heard anything from them since they hastily left the station. I have a feeling that they will be back. It feels like when you find a spider in your bedroom, it will be in plain sight, but can soon disappear only to reappear again elsewhere.

There is a staff briefing scheduled for 0900 this morning. We have several new officers, yet we are still not up to full capacity. The Starship Okinawa is delivering a bolster crew compliment to the base, as well as much needed supplies to finish the base and fleet yards. She was due to arrive at 07:00, however she seems to be running late. Its not uncommon for a supply ship to run late however, epsecially an older ship such as the Okinawa. I have no worries about that of yet.

All is good out here for now. End Log.'

Brieifing Lounge

Kagami helped herself to coffee from the replicator as she looked around the spacious lounge. Compared to a starship it was huge, sporting several tables, a lecturn area, and an upper level with tables and chairs. It was mainly used for staff meetings and diplomatic events. Located directly behind Main Operations, Kagami never had far to walk from her office.

She leant against the replicator sipping her coffee awaiting the arrival of the requested officers.

It wasn't all that long before the first members of the senior staff began to trickle in, starting with- surprisingly- Lieutenant Nishikino. Contrary to some of the other Starfleet officers who were working at this time, Lieutenant Nishikino was aleady well past the early morning haze, having spent the morning holding the mandatory operational briefing with her staff- a once-daily regimen intended to heighten situational awareness, as well as reporting and anticipating safety events such as falls, medication errors, and delays in care.

"Morning, Captain," she greeted as she took her seat. "How's the leg doing?"

"Better," Kagami said in response. "Thanks for asking doctor." She gave the doctor a kind smile as she indicated with her head towards the replicator next to her. "Coffee? Or perhaps something else?"

"Tomato juice will be fine," Maki nodded. "Thank you for asking."

'I've never seen anyone order that before...' Kagami thought as she nodded before turning to the replicator. "One Tomato Juice," Kagami said. A few seconds later a tall glass full of red Tomato juice appeared in the slot. She gently took it out and held it out to Maki. "Everyone else should be here soon..." she told the doctor.

"Any word yet from the Okinawa, Captain?" Maki inquired as she took the glass with both hands. "We were expecting a shipment of medical supplies from them later today."

"Not yet." Kagami replied. She took another sip of her coffee as she moved over towards the large conference table area. "However, its not uncommon for supply ships to run late. The Okinawa has been running supply runs for the last few years. One small delay has a knock on effect on their schedule. Plus, she is probably out of comms range still. We are on the final Frontier out here..." Kagami reminded her. "Just be patient, I'm sure Captain Weiss will arrive soon with your medical supplies."

Ki'ana had no idea why she'd been asked to come. To her knowledge this meeting was for senior staff only - so when the message summoning her to the conference room arrived in her PADD, she'd spent a few minutes being utterly confused and overthinking the whole situation before deciding to swallow her incredulity and just go. Hence she sat down at the table and glanced around at the rest after a quick nod at the captain.

Kayne entered the conference room and took his seat, "Morning Captain," He said, he had gotten up early this morning for his daily run, and had received the message after exiting the shower. He looked around the room and waited for the rest of the staff to enter.

Lazarus arrived to the Briefing Room, slowly and cautiously. He had found himself at a loss for words to describe his experience on board Starbase Frontier. His entire career at Starfleet had been on board a rather cramped Miranda-class vessel, that to him despite his size seemed to be open and roomy and comfortable. Here, everything felt too large and expansive, as if enemies waited freely to see his movements. Something primitive inside him feared it, a sense of deep agoraphobia gripped him, yet he managed to keep his cool. The Gorn entered the room with a confident stride and, seeing the room and its amenities and structure, found himself again briefly at a loss for words.

Seeing the Captain, he gave a nod to her. "Good Morning, Captain," he greeted formally. He also nodded to everyone else present, careful to avoid conversation as he beelined to the replicator to fix him some coffee. He had to grip himself, his anxiety quickly before it exposed itself outwardly. Once he had his coffee, the Gorn stepped back, finding his seat and sitting as he avoiding crushing his tail.

The heels of her armored boots echo as she near the doors, which parted to give Vep Ka access. Wearing a long sleeve little black dress with sleeve less chainmail shirt matching the hemline nearly perfectly. The bare legs from calf high boots to the dual hemline. Gauntlets on each wrist, black leather with bronze metal on the upper wrists. The hoop earrings matched the bronze coloring as did the chain and medallion hanging around her neck, symbol of the Empite on the face of the Medallion.

A thick belt surrounding her waist, two drop down holsters; the left her extending Pain Stick with a disruptor on the right. The mug of steaming liquid had a sweet smell to it.

"Greeting M- Captain, may the Daily Battle Favor b You."

Following close behind the Klingon, the Caitian/Fersen M’ress Fer’ran, chief of Starfleet Security. She wore the standard duty uniform of a Security Officer, complete with the new issued Tactical Body Armor, duty belt and holster. The very image of Starfleet Security forces.

She nods to the others as she went to take her seat.

Lazarus looked up from his coffee briefly to see the Caitian. He had never seen one before. The Klingon, also, was of interest. It was brief glances, but overall he attempted to seem uninteresting in his seat.

Kagami observed the Gorn not sitting down. However it seemed that he was reluctant to do so, afterall he was several times larger than the standard Starfleet chairs.

Starbase Frontier's tall and well-built Klingon first officer entered the war chamber, his half-targ-leather-gloved hands clasping a Federation PADD and a Klingon one. His traditional fu manchu goatee was strong and helped accentuate the distinctive cranial ridges within his forehead and upper brow. Silently, he observed the amalgamation of various officers and species assembled, much to his disdain. Several half-castes accompanied a Gorn and a Nausicaan, all of which would have little place within the Klingon Empire. Then there was the felinoid hybrid and the Kelpien...they, too, were questionable in heritage. Perhaps the only one he could trust - the only familiarity - was the provocative Orion intelligence officer. At least when dealing with Orions, their motivations and deceptions were well-known.

The Gorn briefly looked at the arrived Klingon. In his experience, Klingons were a somewhat relatable people, and a people to be feared. Most of his experience with Klingons stemmed from those in the Federation. He had experience very few from the actual Empire - in the Prime universe, anyway. Any other experience was considered non-relevant to this one due to the trauma attached to it.

There was a brief, infinitesimal second where his eyes locked with those of the Klingon. There was a power there, an authority, and a primal sense of ... something. The moment was over before he could get any perception of clarity. It had felt as if the Klingon was ... disappointed? He shrugged it off quickly, resuming his time alone.

To be continued...


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