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Five's Company

Posted on Sun Jun 18th, 2023 @ 9:30am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Hatsune Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano & Lieutenant Ichika Nakano & Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano & Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano & Lieutenant Miku Uesugi
Edited on on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 7:09am

1,471 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Captain Izumi's Office
Timeline: MD 05 - 1900 hours

Captain Izumi sat behind her desk going over reports and status updates. It was fairly late, and Hatsune was curled up on one if the sofas snoozing peacefully. Kagami looked over at her daughter, the four year old had nodded off about half an hour ago. These long days had been exhausting on her, especially since the school and daycare facilities had not yet been finished.

She glanced at the chronometer. It read nineteen hundred hours, not that it mattered. Presently shifts were 'all over the place' due to people putting in extra work to get the base operational.

Alas, this blissful moment of peace and quiet was not to last, as it was suddenly punctuated by the sound of the door chime coming from across the room.

Kagami opened the doors manually and held up a finger to her lips, the universal indication to be quiet. She glanced over to Hatsune who was sleeping. "You'll have to talk quietly" she said I a hushed tone.

The small group of officers standing at the door nodded in acknowledgement before proceeding to follow Kagami single-file back to her desk.

The Captain looked the five officers up and down. "So, there's five of you?" she asked simply.

"Well, you could say that we're part of a package deal," the officer sporting a light-pink pixie cut grinned mischievously.

The purple haired captain riased an eyebrow. "So, you're all sisters and all assigned to this base?" she asked. "How did you all manage that exactly?" She paused for a few seconds. "Well, you might as well introduce yourself."

"Well, you definitely got that much right," the girl with the pixie cut chuckled. "Lieutenant Ichika Nakano, Shuttlebay manager, reporting for duty as ordered, Ma'am. These four over here are my younger sisters: Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki."

"Ok." Kagami replied. "So, why did you all decide to be assigned here?" she asked simply.

"Well... you could say it was a combination of factors," Ichika explained. "For one, duty rotations came up for all of us at pretty much the same time, so we decided we'd take this assignment together. But perhaps above all else...'

She motioned towards Kagami. "I mean, come on; serving under the Kagami Izumi? Voice of a generation? The same Captain who's said to have knocked Jean-Luc Picard off of the headlines? Pretty much a no-brainer assignment."

Kagami blushed. "Well, I'm not hero or anything." She said simply. "I wasn't aware that my career was that well known. I'm certainly not anything special."

"You kidding?" The auburn-haired officer, Yotsuba, spoke up. "You were a big deal back when news of the Epsilon V incident first broke! You were practically a role model for aspiring young officers back in the day!"

"Taiga Aisaka, Aika Tenku, Maho Takahashi, Rize Tedeza... I think all of them owe a little bit to you for setting such a high bar," Ichika added.

"Not just all of those guys, but also some even younger Starfleet officers whose talents have yet to be realized." Miku piped up. "To name an example, I played bass in a blues band in the Academy, and one of the co-frontwomen thought very highly of you. I believe she called your story a 24th century fairy tale or something like that?"

"Yeah, what was her name again?" Ichika remarked. "I remember her being very... American."

"Cookie, or something like that?" Miku pondered.

Kagami simply cleared her throat to bring the attention back.

That seemed to have the desired effect- perhaps a little too well- as the five of them were immediately standing at attention.

"So. I don't see every transfer request. There's far too many for me to read. Although..." she looked at Nino. "I believe you are the new Chief of Security correct? What about the rest of you?" she asked.

"Well, like I mentioned beforehand, I accepted this assignment with the intention of managing the shuttlebay," Ichika began. "I like to tinker on shuttles in my free time, so this assignment was a no-brainer for me; well, that and the whole "you get to serve under the Kagami Izumi" bit, but you've already heard us yak on about that at length."

"I've mostly been in Starfleet Medical, so I expect to be within the Medical department." Miku said.

"I was hoping to take up some engineering work," Yotsuba chimed in. "I've always been good with my hands, and was hoping to change up my usual line of work by accepting a posting aboard a starbase."

"I've been assigned to Tactical under my sister." Itsuki said, motioning to Nino. "Who's currently the highest-ranked out of all of us..." She added with a tone of resentment.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Nino replied, her eyes narrowing.

Kagami narrowed her eyes at Nino. "There's a child in the room. And I'm not talking about your sisters" she said coldly, her tone low and sharp. "How about we keep the chit-chat to a minimum."

"Yes, Ma'am," Nino nodded in the affirmative.

"Ok you five. Just so you know, I expect all of the officers under my command to be the very best they can be. This Starbase is a joint venture between us and the Klingon Defence Force. Therefore you need to put your best foot forward every step you make." She told them. She turned her attention to Nino. "As for security, you will discover we have a split security force. Starfleet and KDF. You are overall head of security, but you have two deputy chiefs that manage both sides."

Nino blinked in surprise. "I'm in charge of... both sides, Ma'am?"

"Thats correct. Did you not read the assignment before you took it?" Kagami asked as she crossed her arms.

Nino shook her head. "I was informed about a Chief of Security position being open, but nothing about overseeing two separate security forces; It would truly be an honor, Ma'am."

Kagami paused for a moment. "Be aware that Klingons have different rules than us in some regards. I want you all to be aware of that." Kagami paused again. "Get familiar with the base and your quarters. Just because you're all related doesn't mean I want you goofing off or letting it get in the way of your duties. Understood?"

"I'll be sure to keep my sisters in check, Ma'am," Nino replied, stealing a glance at Ichika.

"Hey, what are you looking at me for?" Ichika giggled. "I promise not to tease the shuttlebay handlers this time, I swear!"

"You're not the only one I need to keep an eye on..." was all Nino was willing to say on that matter.

Kagami shook her head with a sigh. "If there's nothing else, I still have work to do. Not to mention a sleepy four year old to get to bed."

The five of them turned to glance over at Hatsune, who was (fortunately) still asleep.

"Aww, isn't she just the sweetest little thing!" Ichika guffawed."Miku, you totally need to hurry up and make me some nephews and nieces!"

"Our sister is not a harlot," Nino quickly shot down. "She'll have a kid when she's ready, not when you see a cute child and decide you want to be an aunt all of a sudden."

"But look at it! she's adorable! I just want to pinch those chubby little cheeks!"

"Ichika, I swear to God," Nino hissed, before turning back to Kagami. "I'd suppose we'd best be taking our leave, Captain; apologies again if we've caused you any trouble."

Kagami raised an eyebrow. "Dismissed..." she said simply.

And with that, the five of them were on their way- well, four of them, at least, with Nino having to practically drag Ichika out to stop her from disturbing poor Hatsune, but once the doors finally sealed shut, Kagami was blissfully alone once again, with only her thoughts and the sleeping figure of her daughter (mercifully undisturbed) to keep her company.

'What the hell was that all about?' Kagami thought to herself. She let out an audible sigh, obviously this assignment was going to very different from what she was used to. She looked over towards her daughter who was still fast asleep. "Best get her to bed, its getting late." She said.

Posting by (In order of appearance):

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer, Starbase Frontier

Hatsune Izumi
Civilian Child

Lieutenant Ichika Nakano
Shuttlebay Manager, Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano
Chief of Security, Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Miku Uesugi
Medical Officer, Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano
Engineer, Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano
Tactical Officer, Starbase Frontier


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