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Missing Parts - Part 3

Posted on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 3:18am by Chief Warrant Officer Firax & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord

1,467 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier; Various


Lazarus left the Klingon's office with more questions than answers. As such, instead of directly consulting with Firax, the Chief Engineer returned to his office - one of many - on Deck 50 for privacy as it was just a few decks above the Klingon Quarters. Something wasn't adding up in his mind. If there was no direct conspiracy by the Klingons and if Firax and he hadn't discovered a direct conspiracy on behalf of Starfleet, then that means there had to be something more benign going on.

As he sat in his office, he glanced out the paneled windows into the multi-deck engine compartment and noticed - quite offhandedly - two Ensigns conversing. One Ensign handed over a micro-spanner, the other handed over a PADD. This in itself wasn't unusual. What was unusual was when a Junior Klingon Officer appeared near the other entrance and took the micro-spanner after a conversation. There appeared to be some manner of argument between the Klingon and Starfleet personnel, resulting in the Klingon pushing the Ensign away and leaving.

Lazarus squinted his eyes as the resulting band of Ensigns left as well. He then tapped his combadge.

=/\= Lieutenant Commander Kord to Chief Warrant Officer Firax. Firax, can you meet me on my Deck 50 Office? I believe I might have something. =/\=

Chief Warrant Officer Firax had just stepped in his office, he was following up on a report by Chief Petty Officer O'kreake on the mysterious Ferengi they had been tracking, and close to apprehending in Cargo Bay 13.
His commbadge chirped =/\= Lieutenant Commander Kord to Chief Warrant Officer Firax. Firax, can you meet me on my Deck 50 Office? I believe I might have something. =/\= Firax was mildly surprised but resopnded =/\=On my way.=/\= He grabbed the PaDD with the report, as he felt it may be relevant to the case at hand.

By the time Firax arrived, Lazarus had a PADD with the video files uploaded edited to show the interaction between the Klingons and Starfleet Ensigns. In way of greeting, Lazarus grunted and handed over the PADD.

"Take a look at this," the Gorn said. "Could be just simple contraband exchange, or offer of assistance, but I noticed they had a micro-spanner and altercation."

Firax took the PaDD and handed Kord his PaDD, "You may want to read this report. Contains details on a mysterious Ferengi we were very close to nabbing. It is believed he was dealing in stolen goods."
Firax then watched the recording. He rewound and watched it in depth, stopping and viewing the whole exchange at different times. "Okay who are these two Starfleet personnel?"

KOrd read the PADD from Firax. He grunted a moment later, seeing the typical Federation report of Ferengi arms dealing. This guy dealt with a lot of contraband too, which could explain why there was a market for Starfleet items. He looked up when Firax asked his question.

"I don't know," Lazarus admitted. "The Computer had a hard time identifying them. Even the Klingon was an unknown person. We may be dealing with, possibly, a crew of people from outside the station impersonating Officers and crew."

Firax had to do the mental exercises he had been taught to keep from lashing out. He would find out who these individuals were and bring them to justice, not Nausicaan justice, Federation justice, as the Four Winds who inhabit the Heart of the Sky wanted him to do. He could hear them whispering now, to use his intelligence and not the brutal side of a Nausicaan. He looked at Commander Kord "Mind if I go down to that section and poke about?" He planned on using the Security tricorder to pick up the DNA traces in the area, he would then run it through the security computer for analysis.

"Not at all," Lazarus said, not noticing the internal struggle of his peer. "You want me to check anywhere else or should we go together?"

Firax smiled "No this area should do for now. If you should like you may accompany me. I am beginning to enjoy you company; however, I do understand you're a busy individual."

"At this point I believe the feeling is mutual," Lazarus said, nodding his head at the compliment. "We need to get to the bottom of this little situation and promptly. It sounds like, currently anyway, that we may have stumbled on an illegal Ferengi materials trade. If that's the case, there's no telling how long this has been going on."

"Agreed." Firax replied. "Still have troubles understanding why the Federation tolerates the Ferengi vermin, but as the earth saying goes 'Mine is not to question why, but to do or die.' Well let's get our Ferengi, who knows might convince the captain to let us space him."

== Two Hours Later ==

Both Firax and Lazarus had set up a trap. It wasn't elaborate or complicated and it didn't give credit to Starfleet Intelligence. It was simply a bait and switch. Lazarus had placed a tracker inside a micro-spanner, one which seemed popular with the recent uptick in thefts. The tool was then placed in the same hallway leading away from Engineering that the Gorn had first seen the altercation between the Klingon and Human. Both Firax and Lazarus were sitting in his office, Lazarus keenly focused on the security cameras and tracker display on his console, as the shift changed and the usual suspects emerged.

Without delay, one of the suspects from before grabbed the device.

"We got'em," Lazarus said. "It's moving, towards the turbolift."

Firax nodded "Time to move. I want to find out about the individuals involved in this. It may seem petty and nonconsequential in the thefts, but those items can become crucial at any time." With that he stood up checked his phaser and his tegolar sword.

The Gorn noted the armament of the Nausicaan, simply drawing a phaser for his own weapon. He followed Firax as they began to move. He uploaded the tracking data quickly to his tricorder so they could keep track, then began to move towards the turbolift at a swift pace.

"We can cut them off if we hurry," Lazarus said.

"Lead the way." replied Firax. He could feel his adrenaline rushing from the hunt and prospect of battle. He followed after the Gorn.

There was a few tense moments between the Gorn and Nausicaan as they tracked the device with Lazarus in the lead. Rounding a corner after leaving the turbolift, they managed to catch the culprit as they were starting to enter a room. It was a Federation Ensign, one which Lazarus didn't recognize.

"Halt!" the Gorn called, and his voice echoed a hiss.

The Ensign, however, pulled out a phaser.

Firax shook his head why do they always think drawing a weapon will help he thought. He quickly drew his own phase, and before the ensign even knew what he had done he fired his phaser, stunning the ensign. Firax shook his head as he moved forward. "Well, I know he isn't security, otherwise he would have fired his weapon when he drew it. We're taught quick draw methods as security officers." He knelt down and patted the ensign down then rolled him over and repeated the pat down. He finally brought out a pair of cuffs and hand cuffed him. "Could you please recover his phaser, micro-spanner, and commbadge." asked Firax as he lifted the unconscious ensign to his shoulders.

Lazarus replied with a grunt as he approached and picked the items up. He examined them briefly, then snorted.

"We have one of the men responsible," he said as he turned to follow Firax. "How do we plan on catching the rest?"

Firax thought for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face, or at least it was a different expression. "We take him to Holosuite seventeen and put him in a holosimulation of an Orion raider ship surrounded by Orion's and Nausicaan mercenaries. They threaten to space him if he doesn't give up his friends and contacts in the black-market."

"Brilliant!" Lazarus said enthusiastically. "I'll make the preparations."

So the Gorn did as he rushed forward down to Holosuite 17. While there, he preprogrammed the suite with the desired perimeters and included a bit with interrogations. By the time Firax arrived, it was ready, and he gave a nod.

"All situated," reported the stations Chief Engineer with a predatory grin.

Firax laid the unconscious ensign on the "Deck" of the Orion raider ship. He nodded to Lazarus "Okay let's run the Holo for our young ensign and see how things proceed." With that he stepped over to Lazarus.


Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase Frontier


Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Security Officer
Starbase Frontier


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