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Nightshirts and sleepover.

Posted on Mon Feb 26th, 2024 @ 3:00am by Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire

1,198 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Vep Ka Quarters
Timeline: Prior to Lock Down


Vep Ka had finished hanging the new clothes, stowing the Sparklie Things and arranged snacks with Junk Food. Showering to get the day off her is important; she did not want any chance of giving her new friend a headache.

It neared the time for Ki'ana to arrive ; she wore a man's cotten weave shirt that reached nearly her knees; the material so thin and soft that in certain lights it could be translucent. It is both soft and comfortable. the Missionary collar was wide enough that it slid off her left shoulder slightly. She slept mostly in this shirt to add that 'worn comfort to it. Among the first things she acquired whie still in raining; kept moving from tutor to Master of something else she wanted something constant so she found this shirt and keeps it with her as a reminder of who had bought and had her trained to serve the empire.

The doorbell chimed at last. Ki'ana had opted for a snug-fitting tank top and jeans for the night; simple but comfortable. She waited patiently for Vep Ka to open the door before smiling down at the Orion with her arms folded. "Cute." She noted with a giggle. "I smell fries - those are fries, right?"

"Welcome my first visitor to my new Kennel." Vep Ka threw her arms around Ki'ana for a quick squeeze of a hug the stepped back to allow entry. " Come in and be comforted. Fries with cheese and chili on side, chips and lots of what humans called Soda."

"Oh, you really didn't need to, Vep Ka. It all smells delicious." Ki'ana smiled and stepped into the room, stretching her lanky frame. "I definitely feel much more comforted now! And hungrier." The Kelpien grinned at her Orion companion. "Shall we eat?" Indeed, her stomach was rumbling as she sat down at the dining table, what with the smell of freshly replicated food wafting up her nostrils.

Surrounding them on the walls of the larger than normal quarters in Family size two bedroom layout, more space than afforded a Station Chief, the east wall of exotic mix of Klingon , Earth and what looked to be either Vulcan or Romulan Hand weapons. Most likely a mix. The south wall had the shared Bathroom in the center and a Bedroom on each side.The West wall varied paintings and two tall Nick Nac shelves in the corners holding little mementos of places and cultures Vep Ka had seen in her travels.

The table near the small Kitchenette could seat four . The large sofa had the Look of an Arabian styling with Colorful pillows and the elaborate carpets to end the motief, even the table edge carving had a exotic pattern and sculpted Table Legs. the God silver and blue three layered table covers with the dining choices upon the three diagnal sizes draped over the edge with Gold longest, blue trimmed to table edge and the blue square touching the center of the four sides.

Four high backed carved dining chairs with bronze velvet seat covers and backs to give added comfort to those dining here.

Formal plates and silverware , goblets and serving trays ; made by artisans are solid and heavier than replicated types.

"Pick your place and dig in." Vep Ka smiled with glee." I have chilling Ice cream for desert."

Ki'ana didn't need to be told that twice. She sat down eagerly and dug in, piling her plate high with fries and practically inhaling them with how quickly she ate. It wasn't often that someone else prepared so extensively for her when she visited, and she wanted to make the most of it.

"Do you often get visitors, Vep Ka?" She asked, glancing up at her new friend between bites. "This room is magnificent!"

"Not at all really." She smiled. "The Intel Chief quarters are where I get the official visits; this is a Private place I had arranged by my Owner for when I have to do things that the Under Cover you might say, this is not even in the Vep Ka connection but by A Ferengi Businessman that keeps his 'Indentured Servant quarters to 'Entertain." She explain as she had her plate filled and was enjoying the Company.

"I do not know much of my Federation Counter-part but the Counsil approved the thought of having something away from Station Control or records would help if I really go deep or just want to disappear and meet with Owner's representatives or discreet connections under the Radar."

She ate some ketup flooded fries with a fork before speaking.

"I can also bring ..."Good Friends and kind of hide from Command and really be able to relax and enjoy the tie we have together undisturbed."

"I'm not complaining." Ki'ana said with a wide grin. "Not at all. I would love to have a room like this - though I think I'd like it somewhat simpler. Not to say that yours isn't fit for a queen." She added. "I'm guessing the number of people who've come here hasn't been all that big so far?"

"One, you." Vep Ka giggled a little. "And a half dozen Operations Personnel that had to hand deliver all the crates and set up the major furnishings. All the nick necks and accessories were put in place by me." Winking to Ki'ana. "Like I said you are my first visitor since it all came together."

She took another fork of fries drown in ketchup.

"Well, you've done a splendid job of it. I'm impressed. If you'd like, I could come more often - I feel like I'm in a fancy hotel room on Risa, actually, with all the furnishings you've put in here." Ki'ana smiled. "Your visitors will surely be very happy to be invited here, I'm sure. As I certainly am."

"My room is rather... Lavish in the four poster bed of what humans call 'King Size' and very soft, I believe it is really Over the top for a Slave Girl but it is a gift so I get to keep and enjoy all of this." Gesturing about. "MY Owner has given me every piece you see in one way or another they are his Gifts for me doing well in my 'Tasks." Grinning. "But I did get the traditional Girl holos and we can stay up late as you like just having fun."

"Wonderful. I think I can go with that," Ki'ana smiled at her. "Do you have that one steamy movie about the Andorian and his Vulcan lover? I haven't seen that one in forever..." She stood to clear her empty plate in the replicator. It felt only right to do her own dishes, even as a guest.

"Steamy I have." Vep Ka snickered. "Now that I have a hint at your tastes I know a Ferengi that can get any Holo you want. He is nice to me as I am a good ; my altered is, customer." Grinning "I do try to beat good Hostess. "
There would be fun tonight if Vep Ka had to make a special order for delivery of it, her new BF deserved the best.


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