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Brainstorming Under Siege (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Mar 15th, 2024 @ 3:02pm by Commander Tormek & Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant Vok'Ka & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Sat Mar 16th, 2024 @ 11:11pm

1,373 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier, Main Operations
Timeline: MD01 - 10:00

USS Kingfisher - Airlock Three

Firax knew something was up when the ship stopped shuddering from impact. He made a decision, "Okay let's get out of these suits and return to our post." With that simple statement he began removing his gear. Petty Officer 1st Class Matsuda Kasumi asked, "Sir, what the hell is going on?" Firax gave a chortle, which sounded like a rooster, "Hell if I know, now finish getting your gear off and get your butts to your assigned stations, prepare for possible boarding action."

"All hands, this is the Captain. We're pulling back to Starbase Frontier. Upon arrival all crew report to red alert stations," Kagami's voice echoed through the ship. The ship jumped to warp, causing far away stars to streak across the view if the ship's viewports.

Firax returned to his post on the bridge and stood by ready to assist as needed or protect the bridge crew with his life should it come to that. Checking a small PaDD attached to his uniform he spoke out "Captain, Lieutenant Fer'ran all security personnel are at their respective stations and report ready."

USS Kingfisher - Main Engineering

Lazarus was busy tending to the ship as was necessary of his position. While he wasn't sure of developments above, he knew that if he was directly needed he'd be summoned. In the meantime, he kept the ship running.

Starbase Frontier Main Operations

The senior staff of the station had now been gathered in Main Operations. Kagami leant against one of the consoles with her arms crossed. She glanced out of the large viewports at the circling fleet of Klingon ships that were blockading them.

"So, does anyone have any suggestions?" She asked simply cutting straight to the point. "We all know there's no damn way that the Klingon High Council will permit the Duras back on the council."

"Hold on- did you just say Duras?" Maki spoke up, evidently not up to speed on what was going on. "As in, the House of Duras? One of the single most disreputable Houses in the entire Klingon Empire, to the point that the High Council's reportedly disowned them?"

Kagami looked over to Tormek. "Commander. Why not give the staff a brief history lesson on the house of Duras..."

The robust Klingon first officer reluctantly rose from his chair. The scowl which condensed his cranial ridges was unmistakable, as was his agitated and confrontational body posture. "The House of Duras are traitors to the Empire and Starfleet!" he initially declared with bass-filled inflection containing pure contempt for the name. He then glanced across the naive and ignorant Starfleet officers sitting at the table. "Even before your Federation was formed, the first Duras - the son of Toral - attempted to wage war upon your early vessels...for nothing more than glory and pride. But his arrogance and lack of respect for his opponent allowed your Captain Archer to defeat him in battle. And the wake of defeat and dishonor, did his family turn to refining their tactics or reclaiming their honor?"

One of Tormek's fists clenched and the leather half-glove adorning his hand creaked. "No! ...Instead, his house turned to the Romulans to court their favor and betray the High Council. The Duras you so commonly know - the son of Ja'rod - betrayed the Khitomer colony by releasing its access codes to the Romulans. This...'Khitomer Massacre'...was a sacred betrayal of my people's honor. But it did not stop there!"

For a short and rare moment, Tormek looked away from his subordinates then toward one of the briefing chamber's large windows which displayed the sparkling lights of distant stars and new, undiscovered planets. "This same Duras rose to prominence and attained a seat within the High Council," he continued before looking back to the table of motley crew members. "Using 'political' methods, he dishonored the House of Mogh then incited the Great Civil War. He was defeated, but at great cost to the Empire. He preferred to assassinate those who opposed them in the dark of night, whereas a true warrior would face their opponent in honorable combat."

Tormek quickly walked back to his chair, realizing his diatribe was perhaps escalating out of control. As he sat down, he folded his large arms across his chest then continued the story. "After Worf - son of Mogh - defeated Duras in personal battle, his sisters continued his House's legacy. Lursa and B'Etor resumed their traitorous alliance with the Romulans but were defeated at the Battle of Veridian III by the Enterprise-D. Years later...another Duras resurfaced, named Toral: an illegitimate son of the House of Duras yet one who attempted to take control during his youth. He was easily defeat by Worf who spared his life, then convicted of treason against the Empire and banished by Chancellor Gowron."

Tormek then paused to consider this history of the disgraced House he'd just recalled. Could it be...

"As if contending with the Thollian Assembly weren't bad enough..." Maki muttered. "But why us? What business does the the House of Duras have in harassing our fringe installations? If your accounts are anything to go off of, it's not like they've had any business in those matters in the past."

"Distraction.Vep Ka said over the den of noise."House Duras has not made headlong attacks ever, announcing what they demand is for the Counsel and Politics of The Federation to argue amongst themselves on what to do with a 'Too Obvious' demands on the joint project." Vep Ka started to explain her vantage point.

Crossing her arms.

"How better to affect the squabbling on both sides than to attack the 'Baby' birth of both Powers. Keep Federation and Klingons off-balance, weakening over this and stretching forces to defend us. Both powers will react and leave themselves open for real Duras plan I should think from their past record Duras uses smoke and mirrors." The Klingon Intel Chief concluded. "Duras cannot do anything without Romulan backing of some sort."

Vok’Ka listened to the others as they gave their opinions on the appearance of Duras. His blood still sang at the prospect of combat but he also realized that a meaningless death would not see him enter Sto’Vo’Kor.

The traitors had the upper hand at the moment, if all you looked at was numbers. But the traitor wasn’t out to destroy them outright - he wouldn’t accomplish his goals that way. That didn’t mean that the traitors would simply let the Klingon - Federation forces do whatever they wanted with no consequences. There would be losses on both sides. But the traitors could afford those losses as they had the numbers on their side.

Vok’Ka voiced this to the group.

“Whatever we decide, we must understand at the onset that the traitor has the advantage in numbers. That means, at least in early engagements, we will suffer losses. We can mitigate those losses by having better tactics but we, each one of us, must make peace with the fact that their will be blood spilled and we will witness that,” Vok’Ka said, gravely.

Firax was listening to the back and forth and agreed to an extent with the analysis, but now he had to speak his thoughts "Duras has also used Breen and Nausicaan mercenaries to assist in their plots. This way they deflect the enemy away from them; your smoke and mirrors as you say. I know this as my sister is second officer on a K't'inga class."

"Wait, so you're saying that the could possibly be getting the Breen and the Nausicaans in on this?" Maki pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "This just became a clusterf*** and a half..."

"Only if we play Duras game.." Vep Ka started. "Duras has let it be known they are on the move, instilling panic and what humans call a 'Knee-jerk' reaction. We need to see the players of this game before we commit to the game of chance."

To be continued...


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