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Final Approach

Posted on Wed Jul 19th, 2023 @ 7:50pm by Lieutenant Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher M.D. & Madison Fletcher & Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher & William Fletcher
Edited on on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 7:09am

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: MD 06 - 09:30

The passenger liner was on final approach to Starbase Frontier. Sitting in the business class section was a family of four. Sitting in the window seat was a boy about nine with brown hair, blue eyes and thin pale face. He stared intently out the window at the stars beyond. In the middle sat a girl, who had long brown hair and a round face. Two Starfleet officers, clearly the parents sat on the aisle. They very much resembled their children although the dad sported blonde hair.

"We are now on final approach to Starbase Frontier," came the voice of the Captain over the loudspeaker, "Please follow the flight crew to avoid any unnecessary delays."

The father was Lt. Commander Adam Fletcher, the starbase's new Chief Strategic Operations Officer. He took off his reading glasses and sighed. He was half way through his backlog of reports to read. "Here we are," he declared.

"Something wrong?" the woman sat next to him asked.

"I really need that Retinax treatment," Adam responded to his wife, Abi. "Without it , I'm really having fun getting through my usual day's paperwork. Maybe on this post they'll assign me a yeoman given the position." He placed his reading glasses into his briefcase along with the PADD.

Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher smiled at her husband as she sat back in her chair. "You know, it would only take me about thirty minutes in the infirmary..." she paused for a moment. "However, I like the glasses, they make you seem so much more mature."

"Mature eh?" Adam asked, "Is that code for old?"

"Well Dad, you are old," said William, their son with a laugh.

"You two do it to me," Adam retorted. "So is that code for old?" He asked again with a smirk.

Abi smirked. "Well, we're older than we used to be," she chuckled. "But I wouldn't call you old dear, just... more refined I guess..."

"Uh huh," Adam responded skeptically.

The passenger transport began to make its final approach towards the Starbase. Unlike the bigger Spacedock style Starbases, the smaller Narendra Class docked ships on the outer edge. Many of the people on the transport were Starfleet Officers who were due to begin their assignment on the base. As the ship docked with the massive spherical structure, the main lights snapped on in the cabin.

"Well, this is it," Adam declared, "Here we are... Starbase Frontier and home."

"For now," William commented. Being a Starfleet brat he had lived in so many places, usually starships in the middle of nowhere.

"Hopefully for a long time," Adam responded with an eye roll.

Abigail smiled. "Hopefully yes." She smiled. "I can't wait to get aboard and finally settle in."

Adam stood up, "Be sure to look around and make sure you have everything," he said as he picked up his briefcase, "If you forget anything it'll take a long time for it to come back."

Abigail nodded, she grabbed the rucksacks they had packed. Made sure both of the kids had their things and finally straightened her Starfleet Medical uniform. "I imagine we'll be finding our quarters before we report in."

Adam nodded, "Deck 4, number 724," he said, "I could use another nap, although I know that won't be in the cards." He stepped out into the hallway as the rest of the passengers were beginning to disembark. "I would imagine the Captain will have some sort of reception or meet and greet once the senior staff is aboard," he said, "And unfortunately with the executive officer being Klingon, I'm sure it'll be loaded with Klingonese delicacies..." He grimaced.

"There should be some Human food too. This is a joint managed base, do you not like Klingon food dear?" Abi asked with a mischievous smile.

"I guess you forgot that night when I threw up until 2am after that state dinner with the IKS V'agh," Adam responded as they approached the docking port.

"Oh I'm not forgetting. I'm just teasing," she replied in a slightly more mocking tone. "Just stay away from the food and keep to the Starfleet areas and you'll be fine. Anyways, do you know anything about our new Captain?".

"Absolutely nothing," Adam commented, "Although I better find out soon enough... We only spoke via subspace for a half hour. From the conversation it sounded like she wasn't interested in my candidacy anyway, so it was a bit of a shock when I got the transfer request."

"Well, at least you've met her. I did however do some digging of my own," Abi said as she led them towards the docking port. "From her record this isn't her first command. It seems she spent the last few years teaching at the Academy and this was a last minute transfer. I doubt its anything you've done dear, probably Starfleet messing her around. You know there's a shortage of captain's these days."

"Not enough of a shortage," Adam responded bitterly, "They never offered me a command." He muttered something as they walked down the corridor with their children in tow. His other brothers long had commands. Rob was a Vice Admiral no less and Chuck was a Colonel commanding a small base on the frontier.

"I won't mention her age then," Abi chuckled. "Or the fact she's a single mother. According to her record she has her four year old with her. Should be an interesting assignment. And don't worry, you'll gave your own command one day." She told him with a wink.

"So, stop sulking and get your backside into gear mister! You're here on assignment, so put your best foot forward!" Abi said, her tone a little sharper as she gently nudged him towards the exit.

The Commander rolled his eyes as they walked towards the exit and disembarked from the spacecraft.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher M.D.
Medical Officer

Madison Fletcher
Civilian Child

William Fletcher
Civilian Child


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