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Meet & Greet (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 9:50am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher M.D. & Hatsune Izumi & Madison Fletcher & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher & Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano & Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins & Lieutenant Perlin Amor & Lieutenant Ichika Nakano & Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano & Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano & Lieutenant Miku Uesugi & William Fletcher
Edited on on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 9:59am

1,283 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Main Crew Lounge
Timeline: MD 06 - 19:00

The large two deck crew lounge had been set out for a 'meet & greet' of the current staff of the base. The idea was to have any crew join abd get to break the ice. The bar had been stocked with a variety of drinks and a buffet had been set out with various types of food from around the Federation and Klingon Empire.

Attendance wasn't mandatory, but it was advised. Also it wasn't a formal event so any officers with children could bring them along too. Captain Izumi was the first to gave arrived, she wanted to ensure it had all been set up properly. Hatsune stick close to her, she could sense she was nervous as she didn't seen to do well with large crowds.

Amor walked into the room with his head held high, he looked around cautiously before approaching Izumi. A little girl was a few steps behind him. She whispered something to him no foreign language.

"Speak standard Kali, respect those around us." the Hybrid responded to his daughter.

"Can I eat cake Papa?" The girl asked.

"Not yet," Amor motioned to the Captain.

Kali bowed to Izumi and retrieved a small flower from a pouch on her belt.

"Greetings Captain," Kali smiled. "Please accept this token from our clan."

"Why thank you," Kagami said with a smile as she crouched down to the same height as the young girl.

Kali stepped closer and gently touched her forehead to Kamami's forehead in the traditional greeting. Amor smiled at his daughter's gesture.

"Captain Izumi," Amor said. "I'm Lieutenant Perlin Amor, son of Toq, house of Kobor. Family of Perlin, the clan of Til'Quath. This is my daughter Kali."

Kagami smiled at the young girl and her father. "Nice to meet you both," she told them. The young girl seemed yo be very polite and well raised, at least there would be other children for her own daughter to socialise with. "Welcome to Starbase Frontier, I gather your trip here was uneventful?"

"It was a peaceful journey, Captain" Amor said with a slight bow.

"Well I'm glad. Enjoy tonight the best you can, for the hard work will start tomorrow." Kagsmi explained. "We have an entire starbase to bring online snd get upto full operational status."

The double-door entrance to the crew lounge softly hissed open then shut. The thud of heavy footsteps became unceremoniously absorbed by the deck plating's carpet as a tall and robust Klingon now stood in the arrival section. His prominent brow and wrinkled cranial ridges quickly furrowed with contempt for whatever this bizarre display of camaraderie was. His uniform was distinctive with dark targ-leather sleeves and leggings conforming tightly beneath silver armor plating adorning his chest, shoulders and waist. A ceremonial sash crossed his torso from his right shoulder to his left hip, the top obfuscated by his long and glorious dark brown locks of hair. Spiked ridges lined his knee-high boots, each of which possessed an upturned horn at the toe. The holster at his thigh concealed a personal disruptor pistol while the sheath on the opposite side discreetly revealed the hilt of his d'k tahg.

The Klingon slowly observed his surroundings with all of his senses. The sterile smell of the Starfleet facility was almost unbearable yet punctuated by something resembling Klingon cuisine. He would have to perform a thorough inspection of that in several moments. The ambient lighting was offensively bright and unnecessary and the presence of...children was highly inappropriate. Nevertheless, he scanned the reception area for traces of competent officers including the Human with the purple hair. She was not hard to find.

Walking over at a swift pace with long strides, he approached the purple-haired officer and another man who appeared to be fraternizing. He halted his pace when he now stood next to them. "I am Commander Tormek," he interrupted the duo. "Are you Captain Iz'mi?"

Kagami had been expecting the Commander. However she hadn't been aware that he had arrived. She couldn't help but smirk a little at him attempting to pronounce her name. "Indeed I am Commander Tormek." She looked up at the taller Klingon. "Welcome to Starbase Frontier."

"Ah yes." She held out a hand to Amor. "This is Perlin Amor. Commander of the Guard here on Frontier. He will be responsible for all Klingon Security Matters."

"Commander Tormek is our new Executive Officer." Kagami explained to Amor simply.

The Klingon commander took his first good look at the man named Amor. He was shorter yet heavier in stature than Tormek, but his eyes and nose... He swiftly noticed the unorthodox wrinkles, like those of a Bajoran, and the man's barely-present cranial ridges. His long dark and braided hair did little to hide his half-caste ancestry. "You are a Klingon??" he loudly questioned the lieutenant.

"Yes," Amor answered confidently. The Hybrid made a gesture with his hand, and Kali backed away.

Amor rested a hand on the hatchet on his belt and looked the man in the eye. "I am Klingon as was my father. I am Bajoran as was my mother. I was raised among the Quath'Mar; making me a child of the stars. An explorer, a pilgrim, a tradesman, and back to question a warrior! I've proven myself in many battles, both with the Quath'Mar and The Empire! I've been adopted into the house of Mokor. If this is not enough, name a time and place and we will settle this!"

Stepping forward within breathing distance of Amor, Tormek's dark eyes became wide and severe when he was challenged. The position of Amor's hand was an obvious tell that he was armed. But a simple crude weapon did not intimidate him. "Speak our language, not the tongue of the Federation. Like a true Klingon!" demanded the commander in perfect Qo'noSian.

"I too hear the cry of the warrior, I answer every challenge put to me." Amor said perfect Qo'noSian. "Tormek son of B'ceiK of the house Torn, I will serve the Empire and the house of Mokor well at your side. Now we can settle this on the field of honor… Or over a bottle of bloodwine, I have a case of 2309. It's an excellent vintage I only share with warriors I respect."

Tormek listened to the words from the chief of security being spoken in their own language. It appeared the man had done his due diligence and knew of his personal lineage. In truth, he expected nothing less from a warrior who held such a senior position whether it be within Starfleet or the Klingon Empire. Focusing on his eyes - the gateway to the soul - Tormek observed the fellow KDF officer in his entirety. Watching. Judging. Evaluating. "So you DO speak like a Klingon," he begrudgingly acknowledged before baring his sharp, crooked teeth in a small smile. "If your heart is as you say it is, then I will welcome you as a brother." He extended his long arm to clasp.

Amor grinned showing his pearly white teeth, "tlhlngan maH" He said as he clasped Tormek's arm.

The taller Klingon leaned his head in close to Amor. "I have never understood this Human tradition for celebration. We have achieved no victories in battle yet, but they still indulge themselves like children on their first day of honor," he remarked before straightening back to his full height. "So...let us indulge ourselves as well!" He gave the half-caste a heavy slap on the back of his shoulder then began to wander around the room. To find bloodwine.

To be continued...


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