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We were here first! (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 8:52am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher & Lieutenant Commander Sydney ap Iorwerth & Lieutenant Perlin Amor & Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano

1,458 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 10 - 08:45

Previously on Star Trek Frontier:

"Security to Galleria. Intruder alert." Kagami called she looked over at Tormek. "Get your warriors down there Commander. Show those Tholians they are no match for us!"

A growing growl emanated from within the first officer's throat, one of intense repugnance. The tall Klingon slapped the commbadge on his sash then forcefully spoke into the open inter-station channel. "Tholian intruders detected on the promenade galleria. Assemble in section 27 and prepare for battle!" he briefed in his native tongue while moving with quick strides to the turbolift. As he turned back to face those in the command center before the lift doors close, he simply said, "They will regret this attack...for all time!"

=/\= My people are ready!=/\=

And now the continuation...

Below Decks, Galleria

"Let's get a move on, people!" Nino called out as the security teams hastily armed themselves. "Move, move, move! We are not letting these spindly bastards take our station!"

The Klingon security force Tormek had rapidly assembled now numbered close to fifty. Each warrior was armed with their personal disruptor, d'k tahg and bat'leth. Together, they were a formidable fighting force challenged only by Fek'lhr's minions...which the Tholians closely resembled. His platoon of soldiers spread out in the galleria prepared to annihilate this new threat, but when they saw the enemy for the first time...

The six-legged crystalline intruders were clad in armored environmental suits and each one was approximately seven-feet tall. The sound of their combined multiple legs moving across the deck plating created a disturbing cacophony of clicking reverberations which unsettled Tomek's assault team. Each Tholain held a tetryon energy rifle in their thin, three-fingered hands.

Perlin looked at the assembled warriors, "I've fought these P'takh before! Aim your weapons low, a good shot to their underbelly is all it takes!"

The Tholians immediately spotted the security forces and aimed their rifles. They opened fire, blue darts of tetryon energy struck several of the Klingons knocking them down. The tapping and clacking sound of their suits echoed as they approached still laying down cover fire at the joint Starfleet/KDF Security forces.

"We fight for Kahless!" yelled Tormek who started a charge against the spidery silicon baktag. A volley of glowing green disruptor fire surged from the Klingon forces as they advanced, each one firing on the move as they closed the distance to engage in personal combat. Several of the large Tholians collapsed under the barrage but many more remained. The Klingon warriors pulled their personal weapons from their sheaths then engaged the enemy.

At the front of the vanguard, the Klingon first officer holstered his disruptor then slid his bat'leth from behind his shoulders and readied it at his waist. He sprinted to the lead Tholian and feigned left then right to avoid its incoming weapons fire. "..aaAAHHH!" Tormek coiled his weapon back then knelt down and cut one of the Tholian's legs in half, his weapon slicing cleanly through its armor. He spun around with momentum then brought the bat'leth up high and sliced down into the crystalline foe's neck. He twisted the blade then brought it to the side before leveraging his full body force in another swing. The sharp blade cut through the Tholian's armor and severed its head, decapitating the foe whose legs twitched then collapsed.

The Tholians remaining began to walk backwards. They continued to fire their rifles as they retreated. However a security forcefield shimmered behind them, trapping them from retreating any further down the Galleria.

"Izumi to Tormek. We've got partial security fields online." Kagami's voice came out of the Klingon commanders communication badge. The base shook slightly as the Tholian fleet continued to barrage the hull with their weapons fire.

A small smile graced Tormek's features. "Understood", he said after tapping his commbadge in reply. The Klingon observed his own people continuing to engage the Tholians then looked over to the Starfleet chief of security. "They are trapped!" he called out with a booming voice to Lieutenant Commander Nakano. "Destroy them!"

Nino nodded before turning her attention to the security officers gathered on her side of the barrier.

"We have officially received shoot-to-kill orders from the XO," she debriefed them. "Any potential fallout from the next few minutes will be sorted out by the Command Staff, but right now it's us versus them, so self-preservation is a priority. Do I make myself clear on what needs to be done?"

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" the security team replied.

"Excellent," Nino replied as she observed about a dozen or so Thollians- rounding the corner.

"Thollians on the offensive!" she shouted. "Ready!"

The sound of clicking noises filled the air as everyone switched over to lethal settings.


A few of them got down on their knees, carefully lining their shots up to ensure this would be a quick and efficient dispatch of their foes.


The corridor was suddenly alight with the glow of white-hot phaser fire. the shrieks of the Thollians filled the air as their exo-suits were ruptured, causing them to literally freeze to death. New waves attempted to scramble over the wall of bodies, only to be quickly dispatched. Unless they were moving at all times, they were hardly a match for the efficiency of the Starfleet Security officers, who had been training for this scenario since day one.

Pelin dodged a heavy blow coming down toward his head and rolled under the Tholian and swung his bat'leth up into the invader the armor shattered with a hiss. The Hybrid narrowly evaded the hot gases that erupted from the creature. He rolled back onto his feet, a few plates of his armor wore warped and melted. If Perlin was wounded he made no indication.

"You fight well, Sir!' Perlin grinned at his Commander. "It's been a good day for them to die!"

Tormek's robust long hair now appeared somewhat disheveled but he grinned back at his fellow warrior with little concern for his appearance. "And you, lieutenant. Together we will remove these Tholian baktag from the sector permanently, then launch a counter-offensive!" The rush of combat, victory and the potential future created a euphoria for the new first officer.

[Main Operations]

"Captain, I'm detecting the Thollians cutting a full retreat," Itsuki reported, a look of surprise on her face. "Holy cow, I think we've done it."

Kagami let out a sigh of relief. Obviously they had determined that Frontier was too much of a difficult target. "Keep weapons locked on them in case they turn around!" she ordered.

Finally the Tholian ships jumped to warp, abandoning their attack. Kagami raised an eyebrow as she watched them leave. "All hands this is the Captain. The Tholians have retreated. We're safe... for now."

"Izumi to Tormek. Get a head count, have any injured report for medical treatment. Also, do me a favour. Clean up those Tholians down there. We don't want the civilians getting close to them." Kagami ordered. She relaxed a little a small smile emerging on her face. At least Frontier was capable of defending itself, and the station wasn't even fully operational at the moment.

"Stand down from red alert. Dispatch medical officers to help the wounded." Kagami ordered.

The commbadge on Tomek's sash chirped with post-battle orders from the station's commander. "Acknowledged," he simply replied before glancing across the galleria to view the battle's aftermath. Many Klingon warriors had fallen alongside some Federation ones, but there were substantially more dead Tholians. It would take several hours to treat the wounded, count the dead then remove the bodies, but this was the cost of business as a true warrior.

"You, you and you," he pointed to several senior Klingon NCOs who were surveying the damage, "escort all of the wounded to the station's medical bay." He then turned to Perlin with a darker yet equally-important task. "Record the deaths of our warriors and those from Starfleet. Have their bodies moved to the morgue, then report back here so you and I can examine these Tholians and their technology."

"Aye Sir," Perlin nodded.

Perlin turned to begin his task his winced as he leaned over one of the bodies, it seems hot heat from his enemy had burned him he'd see to that later.

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Commander Sydney ap Iorwerth
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Perlin Amor
Commander of the Guard

Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano
Tactical Officer


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