
Developing a plan

Posted on Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 10:31pm by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Commander (Soghla') Thorillo Son of Drej & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant Aiden Percy & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana

1,684 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Midnight
Location: Conference Lounge

Captains Log, The arrival of the Sonno was unexpected. It seems that they have heard of the Federation and Klingon Empire from rumours and travellers. Apparently we are the ones that are 'far away' and mysterious.

I never gave it much thought, the fact that other cultures and people see us as the distant ones. But when I think about it, it makes sense. We do share the galaxy with countless numbers of others. Afterall, space is a big place.

The Sonno have requested some time to rest before we start official trade talks. In that time I have decided to gather the senior staff to go over how to handle this situation, plus this gives me time to also contact Starfleet Command.

End Log

"Thankyou Admiral. I'll keep you updated," Kagami said before turning off the screen. She picked up the PADD and stood up from behind her desk. The meeting of the senior staff was due to start shortly.

[Conference Lounge]

Aiden arrived and entered the Conference Lounge. He sat, still clutching a padd in his right hand. He was getting himself up to speed with things going on aboard the station and the specifications and abilities of the new fighter craft soon to arrive.

He was very familiar with the Valkyrie Fighter and the Banzai Bomber, despite never having flown either of them, as their controls were not dissimilar to that of the Peregrine class fighter.

As impressed as he was with the Valkyrie, the Banzai got his attention. Not only was its bomb payload impressive, but the more oversized payload doors had not remotely weakened her structural defensiveness, and to add the icing to the cake, so to speak, it still had a good maximum warp, even when fully loaded.

He sat engrossed in the padd, waiting for others to arrive.

About 10 minutes after Aiden had gotten settled in, the station's Chief Medical Officer arrived, having just concluded another operational briefing with her staff. Now that supply lines had been restored and the critical patients had recovered and were subsequently discharged, sickbay operations were finally starting to return to some semblance of normalcy, and with Lieutenant Kelea joining the Counselling staff full time, Maki's workload was somewhat alleviated. Of course, she still had to do the majority of the physical work- surgery, medications and all that- but at least she had someone here now who could assist in patient recovery so that she could focus more on her line of work.

"I take it you're the new Wing Commander, Lieutenant?" She remarked, observing Aiden from across the room.

Aiden looked up, towards the young woman. "Starfighter Wing Commander, and yes definitely new. Percy, Aiden Percy. You're the Chief Medical Officer, correct?" He asked.

"That would be me, Maki sighed as she pulled up a seat. "Lieutenant Maki Nishikino, M.D., all the live-long day; I take it on the basis of your being new here that you haven't had the chance to report in for a physical yet?"

"Tactical avoidance at the moment Doctor. Plenty on the perverbial plate at the moment. Should I get an open window, I will visit you. " Aiden replied.

Thorillo arrived with a KDF padd in one hand and a Starfleet padd in the other. He glanced around and saw the Captain hadn't beaten him here, which was glorious. Thor saw the CMO and a new officer he hadn't met before, though he could say that regarding just about most of the Starfleet population. "Hello Doctor," he first greeted the CMO.

"Hello," he turned to the officer he hadn't met yet. "I'm Soghla' Thorillo, Son of Drej, Executive Officer. Welcome aboard and," he checked the Starfleet padd. "You must be our new Wing Commander." Thor said with a toothy grin. There wasn't much call for a fighter corp in the Empire, though there was somewhat of a shift in that direction recently. He wasn't fully up to date on it and would have to call command for that.

"It would be interesting to see what the Empire could do with Fighters." He commented as he inspected Aiden.

"Indeed. Fighters with their greater agility does give them the tactical advantage. " Aiden replied

Marina entered the room hoping she wasn’t late, her latest appointment had overrun slightly. Glad to see the meeting hadn’t yet started she offered a polite smile to all present and took a seat next to Maki. “Doctor” She offered a polite nod of her head.

"Counselor," Thor greeted.

The click of her heels preceded VepKa while the doors parted. Her full Klingon Service attire and weapons hanging off her waist in holsters. Like any 'Good Klingon Warrior' she is always prepared for a fight; The only 'Peaceful thing is the over-sized PADD that combine all her needs.

She moved to a chair near the end of the table to what will be the Captain's tight hand speechless as she is honoring the Federation Captain by Not being obvious about her thoughts.

Ki'ana was next to arrive; the Kelpien seemed mildly distracted as she put away her PADD and joined the others.

TAG all arrivals

Finally Kagami entered with a PADD in her hand. "Ah good, looks like everyone is here." she said simply as she made her way to the head of the table. "I trust that our guests have been shown to the guest quarters?" she asked looking over at Thor.

"Yes, Captain, though they did request to have some of their belongings transported over from their ship. I had Operations handle that prior to coming here." Thor explained as he checked both padds and nodded. "There does seem to be active replicator activity in their quarters."

He chuckled. The padd beeped and he glanced down at it. "I just got a request for a KDF replicator to be installed as well." Thor announced and chuckled again.

"Guests? Maki spoke up; it was evident by the look of curiosity on her face that she hadn't yet been brought up to speed on the situation.

"Yes, a race called the Sonno. It seems they've travelled from the outer reaches of the galaxy to find us. Apparently The Federation and Klingon Empire are nothing but rumours out there." Kagami explained. "They are wanting to open trade with us, which is why I've called this last minute meeting."

"Wow..." Maki gasped as she leaned back in her seat. "Never a dull moment here, it seems..."

“Agreed, it’s quite exciting!” Marina smiled warmly as she looked in Maki’s direction.

"So first of all." Kagami said. "They have requested a tour of the station and our facilities. It seems they don't have such starbases where they come from. Any volunteers?"

"As I have just arrived, sir, I could only really give a tour of the fighter bay. I am happy to do so, of course, but I am not yet familiar with the station. " Aiden advised.

"I too only recently arrived, and I suppose could fashion a 'tour'. The computer will be consulted greatly. I'm glad we are not on one of your larger stations." Thor said and laughed. He turned to Aiden. "Lieutenant Percy, and any of the other new arrivals, I encouraged to join me, as this may be the only time we can look around."

"Well, due to standard quarantine protocols, our guests won't be allowed in the isolation ward, but other than that... I suppose there's nothing on the books saying that we can't give them a tour of Sickbay," Maki remarked before turning her attention to Marina. "Counselor, provided your schedule's free, I might ask that you accompany us for the tour; given your background as a Betazoid, you may be better suited to gauge our guests' intentions, and make sure that they are what they say they are."

"Ok," Kagami said. "Commander, you'll be in charge if taking the Sonno on the tour of the station. But keep them out of restricted areas. That'll give me some time to work with Starfleet and the KDF on the trade proposals."

"Aye Captain." Thor replied, "you will forward me those proposals for the Empire, right, Captain?" He asked with a sharpish grin.

"You'll have them on your desk to review too." Kagami answered.

"Much appreciated, Captain and thank you." Thor said, "what if the Sonno wish to talk to you during the tour?"

"If I can get away from all the paperwork. Then I'll join you. I imagine however they'll prefer us to be prepared for the trade negotiations." Kagami replied.

Thor nodded. "Aye."

VepKa perked her expression at this; as Thor is being interactions and responsibilities to guide the Guests, would that be the chance the Empire will be represented? Given 'Grunt Work' but no really involvement in the serious aspects?

The station follows Federation Standards of Operation with no notable Klingon input outside the Occupied Klingon Sections.

All things of Station Operations seem to be totally over-seen' by The Master who refuses the gift from The Empire; namely the Slave VepKa, as she is meant to be handled? Federation Morality is hinted to be 'Freedom' for all citizens even if by Klingon Tradition.

Klingons seem to be mere servants and Watch Dogs for the Federation on this station.

"By the point you make of trade as , and I quote, 'Us' I presume that is not this station with all trade being through the Federation alone; The Empire will have her own..."

VepKa gave a sly grin as she thought of the words.

"In human terms the Empire will be welcome to a Healthy Part of the Trade as well and not left out of the trading of goods and service controlled exclusive by Federation Trade agreements?"

VepKa eased back to relax more and stepped her fingers. "What more can the Empire ask but fair trade and consideration?" The cat like ; almost innocent grin.

"Well then, lets get ourselves our first trade shall we?" Kagami said as she stood to her feet. "Dismissed".

To be continued



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