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It Begins! (Part 3)

Posted on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 2:40am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander (la') Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant (Sogh) Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 2:41am

2,065 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Various
Timeline: MD01 - 08:50

Previously on Star Trek Frontier:

"Vep'Ka, Amor! It is time," barked Tormek at his two KDF officers who would command the M'oQreH with him. He slowly raised his chin, his dark eyes brightening with the promise of once again returning to a warship and departing this forsaken diplomatic starbase. Finally...a new opportunity to embrace his calling as a warrior, once more, and earn his place in Sto-vo-kor.

"Mine is to follow." Vep Ka broke awqay from Ki'ana to follow her Klingon Master with the sense that he is in his element; the chance for battle. She liked the chance to board but maybe some more subtle inqueries, if she finds a console she might hack in and see where they came from or maybe where they are meeting the cohorts?

And now the continuation...

Just outside airlock of the USS Kingfisher

Firax arrived at the airlock of the Kingfisher with the six requested security personnel; Chief Petty Officer O'kreake, Petty Officer 1st Class Matsuda Kasumi and Bezrukov, Petty Officer 2nd Class Jokin Arruata and Reika sh'Avhenzennes, and rounded out by the spitfire Petty Officer 3rd Class Ailis MacGilleChaluim. All of them were wearing the new Tactical Body Armour with duty belt and holstered phasers. They also were carrying the Mark III phaser rifles. Chief O'kreake handed Firax one of the phase rifles. "We are ready, what are our orders, Sir?" Firax looked at the group, "We wait for Lieutenant Fer'ran. She will then proceed to give us our orders. Be ready for battle. Group attention, prepare for inspection." They all snapped to attention and Firax proceeded to inspect them and their equipment.

USS Kingfisher - Main Engineering

Lieutenant Commander Kord and his engineering entourage quickly made their way into main engineering of the Intrepid-class starship. It was a relatively swift process for the team to power up the systems from their stand-by mode and charge the warp reactor. In minutes, the Kingfisher switched from stand-by mode to active as power flowed through her metaphorical veins.

=/\= Lt. Commander Kord to the Captain Izumi, =/\= Kord began to report as he tapped his communicator. While Main Engineering had been a panic of activity only seconds before, things had died down considerably and were settling into a more acceptable - and safer - pace. =/\= The warp core for the Kingfisher is fully online and charging, all ships systems should be powered. You'll have full power in less than three minutes. I'll be in Main Engineering if you need me. Kord, out. =/\=

Satisfied with his report, the Gorn checked over a datapad handed to him by his temporary Assistant Chief, a Saurian Lieutenant by the name of Kranossa Mikmu.

"Yep, you got it correct," confirmed Kord as he handed the datapad back, giving Kranossa a nod. "Keep up the good work."

Just outside airlock of the USS Kingfisher

Firax walked down the line and inspected the crewmen. He made minor adjustments to their Tactical Body Armour and asked some minor questions and gave some minor words of encouragement. "Okay group let's board the Kingfisher and show these Klingons how real Starfleet Security fights." with that statement the Starfleet Security detachment and Firax entered the Kingfisher to await their orders.

"Gentlemen, we may be goin into a combat situation! I want all security systems and weapons systems checked and rechecked. Chief Rooster will give you specific instructions and report back to me! Understood?"

"All right people let's get this show rolling. Report to me when all security systems and weapon systemsare checked and rechecked. Prepare for battle, be it ship to ship, boarding, either by transporter or good old-fashioned spacewalk. Perhaps both." Barked Firax as he entered the Kingfisher, eager to prove himself.


The starbase's double-airlock chamber opened and presented Commander Tormek with the interior of his starship for the first time in over a month. It had been...too long. Too long for a true warrior to be away from combat and exploring the stars within one of the finest warships in the galaxy. He walked forward, slowly, taking in the familiar and comfortable scent of Klingon musk along with the dim overhead lighting and yellow running strobes. This was the home of a warrior.

His journey to the bridge didn't take long with his familiarity of the vessel and he was pleased to observe the bridge crew's preparatory presence. Red, yellow and orange Klingon LCARS displays highlighted the warship's command center and he slowed his pace as he approached his captain's chair.

Vep Ka went to the Communications Console, she out ranked the Officer in the seat, a Glare told the Klingon Female to back away. Vep Ka as an Intel Asset was dependant upon getting her data to the Proper places no matter what. STudy under Klingon, Romulan and a Federation Communications Experts.

She knew Communications as vital her duty and the Klingon systems are not as complex as some so Vep Ka knew some tricks that Most Klingon Fleet Officers did not; like how to cross tie into senors to pick up background or even enemy comm signals with coding. Piggy-back off sensory bandwidth fully to get what filters she needed, reading the cycles of the Transmission wavelengths."

"You are not crew." The Klingon said.

"I am of Superior rank and ability..." Vep Ka warned.

She gave the Klingon an Strike to the jaw without and telegraphing; taking the woman by surprise and followed it with strike to back of the neck, dropping her out of the chair. Stepping over the stunned woman Vep Ka assumed the station.

"Do not again question My Rank or ability." Kicked her in the head for emphasis. "Now get from MY Station."

Tormek watched the spectacle with little outward emotion. Such battles for power and control were prominent and frequent within the Empire, yet he would be doing the attractive Orion a disservice if he did not help guide her in her path to the afterlife. He watched her evict the recalcitrant officer then slowly walked next to her and leaned his head down to speak privately into her ear. "You would be wise to not antagonize too many of our crew. A true warrior must show strength but also discipline. They must be a leader, not a bat'leth," he advised.

"Wiall all Honor and respect My Commander, she questioned My Rank in the empire;said I am not crew." Vep Ka pointed out. "You know how well I am placed and this crew was briefed as well in the Empire."

She said only so he could hear.

"They think I am not a warrior; just a Slave Girl as you and they know If you are not here I am authorized to take command for a mission should the need arise." Vep Ka knew her potential and had been here when the Crew were briefed on what the Intel Officer was able to do prior to the ship departing to the station.

"I have had his 'Fight' on other ships, most see me only as a slave not a warrior. One ... demonstration usually quells any need for putting my foot down again My Master." Grining is the Sly Orion way. "Then I can speak as a Warrior to them on equal level."

Tormek considered her words and unique circumstances. It was true that Orions often struggled to command the respect of Klingon warriors, yet it was also true that respect was earned, not given. Vep Ka was correct in her assessment, yet also wrong. "Your demonstration is complete," he acknowledged. "You might have gained their obedience in this moment, but you must now earn their respect as a leader. Show them, through your actions." He grunted again with more silent approval to her then flicked his eyes to a vacant bridge console. "Take your station."

"Mine's to serve." Vep'Ka gave the reply and took her station.

Vok’Ka strode onto the bridge of the MoQreH. There was a palpable tension in the air…personnel were scurrying this way or that, purpose etched on their faces. Vok’Ka knew instantly that the ship was preparing to launch. He knew this in the way that he could taste the air and know a targ or other beast was about to charge…it was part of his Klingon genetics.

Vok’Ka stood at rigid attention in front of the conn, his uniform reflecting his pride. On the front of his belt, off to one side, he wore his d’k tahg, freshly sharpened after blooding the edged weapon in a hunt. He preferred it here as it was most easily accessible to either hand. On his right side, slung low and menacing, was his disruptor pistol. He had thought to bring his mek’leth as well but didn’t want to appear ostentatious in this first meeting with his new commander. Knowing the value of two blades, Vok’Ka had also thought to slip his large hunting knife into the sheath on the inside of his left boot.

“Commander Tormek, I am Lieutenant Vok’Ka. I am reporting aboard as Commander of the Guard. I am ready to take my post, sir” Vok’Ka barked in his best parade ground voice. He didn’t know much about his commander but any Klingon would appreciate the correct military bearing and posture that Vok’Ka demonstrated.

The arrival of Starbase Frontier's newest KDF officer aboard MoQreH was not unexpected, yet the tardiness from the officer was not acceptable. Not within a Klingon warship where every warrior was expected to perform their duties with the utmost dedication. Tormek silently observed the security chief and his traditional presentation before stepping down from the command well and toward the front of the bridge where he came to a stop in front of Vok'Ka. He briefly looked the shorter man up and down, taking note of his shorter stature yet more robust physique alongside his traditional Klingon armor garment and holstered weapons. "You are late," the commander simply replied, his dark brown eyes trained into the other's awaiting an explanation.

“Those Federation petaQ beamed me over to the station, first. It took all the restraint I had not to kill their transporter chief for his mistake,” Vok’Ka explained to his commander without hesitation.

“I live to serve the Empire,” Vok’Ka finished.

[USS Kingfisher Bridge]

The doors of the turbolift opened and Kagami walked out. She made her way down to the command area and stood looking at the viewscreen. She turned to the Operations console. "Open a channel to the MoQreH" She ordered.

Firax ensured all the security team were in their assigned stations and post then made his way to the bridge, he would be the primary security for the bridge with Lieutenant Fer'ran manning the security station.

"Commander Tormek. We are sending you the co-ordinates to the last position of the Okinawa. I want you to go under cloak until we need you. I want you there as insurance." Kagami said to him simply.

On the large main viewscreen, the standard image blinked and now displayed the dark, hazy and yellow-hued interior of a Klingon warship. Tormek's face suddenly came into view and enhanced on the screen when he walked in front of it. The Klingon observed his purple-haired Federation superior with mild respect before expressing a subtle scowl. "The M'oQreH is not an...'insurance vessel'," he declared. "I will take command of this operation and the Kingfisher will support us. If we encounter any resistance, your vessel can support mine. Your starship is not a combat-effective platform."

"May I remind you that I outrank you here," Kagami said. "Follow my orders Commander." She said simply. "We're here to work together remember. So you will follow my orders or there will be consequences." With that said she cut off the channel.

"Helm, take us to the last reported position of the Okinawa maximum speed!" Kagami ordered.

"Course plotted and laid in," Kayne said, "On your command."

"Engage" Kagami said simply. With that said the Kingfisher banked away from the Station and jumped to warp speed.

To be continued...


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