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It Begins! (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 2:40am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 2:41am

1,844 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Various
Timeline: MD01 - 08:50

Previously on Star Trek Frontier:

Starbase Frontier's tall and well-built Klingon first officer entered the war chamber, his half-targ-leather-gloved hands clasping a Federation PADD and a Klingon one. His traditional fu manchu goatee was strong and helped accentuate the distinctive cranial ridges within his forehead and upper brow. Silently, he observed the amalgamation of various officers and species assembled, much to his disdain. Several half-castes accompanied a Gorn and a Nausicaan, all of which would have little place within the Klingon Empire. Then there was the felinoid hybrid and the Kelpien...they, too, were questionable in heritage. Perhaps the only one he could trust - the only familiarity - was the provocative Orion intelligence officer. At least when dealing with Orions, their motivations and deceptions were well-known.

The Gorn briefly looked at the arrived Klingon. In his experience, Klingons were a somewhat relatable people, and a people to be feared. Most of his experience with Klingons stemmed from those in the Federation. He had experience very few from the actual Empire - in the Prime universe, anyway. Any other experience was considered non-relevant to this one due to the trauma attached to it.

There was a brief, infinitesimal second where his eyes locked with those of the Klingon. There was a power there, an authority, and a primal sense of ... something. The moment was over before he could get any perception of clarity. It had felt as if the Klingon was ... disappointed? He shrugged it off quickly, resuming his time alone.

And now the continuation...

Once everyone had arrived and taken their seats, Kagami cleared her throat. It was an indication that she wished to start. "Ok people," she said as she looked around at them all. "First order of Business, please welcome Lieutenant Kayne who will be our new Chief of Flight Control, and Lieutenant Commander Kord who is our new Chief Engineer."

"Second, the Starship Okinawa was due to arrive two hours ago. We have yet to recieve an update on their arrival time. I have a funny feeling that Captain Weiss has become delayed, the Okinawa is mainly on supply runs these days. Are you all ready to recieve your additional personnel and supplies?" She asked. The Okinawa was tasked with supply Starbase Frontier and the attached Takagi Shipyards with additional personnel, construction engineers and several cargo bays full of supplies. Everything from medical supplies to emergency rations and stock for the Galleria was being brought by the Okinawa from the Federation.

"Is this sort of delay normal or should we investigate?" Vep Ka asked. "There is a heightened Pitate Presence of late.?"

“Nothing of note in my daily security reports from Sector Command. However it may bare investigation as those supplies are vital for the operation of the Starbase.”

M’ress spoke up from her place at the briefing table.

Kagami pondered for a brief moment. "It may be something that we need to follow up. Its not unusual for a supply ship to run late. But if we don't hear anything soon, I'll follow up with Command; right now however..."

She was cut off as her comm badge chirped.

"Operations to Captain Izumi!" A voice called. Kagami frowned, she had set a general rule that a senior staff briefing was not to be disturbed unless it was important or an emergency. Reluctantly she tapped her badge on her chest.

"Izumi here."

"Captain. We've just recieved a general distress call from the Starship Okinawa. It's text only. Its reporting that the ship is under attack en route to us." The officer on the other end of the comm channel reported. "Starfleet have also recieved the same distress call Captain, they are reporting that the Okinawa has fallen silent on their scopes."

Kagami stood up quickly. She looked around at her staff. "Understood," She said as she tapped her bage again to close the channel. "Commander Tormek, have all of your officers assigned to the M'oQreH report aboard and get her ready for potential battle. As for the Starfleet crew here. Report to the Kingfisher immediately and do the same. I want both ships out of dock in five minutes!" she ordered.

Lazarus had just replicated his Lt. Cmndr. pips moments before arriving here, having been informed of his requirements and expectations, and had anticipated some time to get situated. It seemed that time - and fate - had different plans. His training went into gear.

"Aye, Captain," he said, his voice harsher than usual due to the adrenaline that erupted. He stood, his heavy foot-claws thudding the floor as he rushed to his station on the USS Kingfisher. He'd use the Starbases guidance system to get there since he didn't know the way himself.

"If they've been attacked, then there's bound to be casualties," Maki muttered as she stood up to follow Lazarus's lead. "I'll round up a medical team and see to it that sickbay is ready to start receiving the wounded."

And with a swift turn of turn of the heel, she was gone.

"Aye Sir!"

M'ress stands sharply to attention.

"I'll have tactical systems and SecForces aboard ASAP, we'll be armed and load for bare when you give the word"

She turns on her heels in proper military fashion as she taps her commbadge.

"Rooster, Report to the Kingfisher, bring 5 of your best men. Prep for Active Combat Manuveurs and Possible Boarding Actions!"

Cargo Bay 13

Chief Warrant Officer Firax slide silently into position. His Starfleet security uniform immaculate, forgoing the Tactical Body Armor, having a disdain on how it restricted his movement. He did however wear the duty belt and holster. Strapped to his back was his Tegolar sword. Seeing that Chief Petty Officer O'kreake was in position he was about to execute their plan in apprehending the foul Ferengi when his combadge chirped, giving away his position. =/\="Rooster, Report to the Kingfisher, bring 5 of your best men. Prep for Active Combat Manuveurs and Possible Boarding Actions!"=/\= He sighed and motioned for Chief Petty Officer O'kreake, as the Ferengi slipped away. The Chief Petty Officer came up to him "We had him Chief, what gives?" Rooster looked at him "Get four of our best personnel, full tactical gear, break out the Mark III phaser rifles, seven total. Report to the Kingfisher to receive additional orders." Chief Petty Officer O'kreake came to attention "Aye, aye Chief." and turned and ran off. Firax hit his combadge =/\="Chief Warrant Officer Firax here, understood. Chief Petty Officer is rounding up the requested personnel and also seven Mark III phaser rifles. I am on my way to the Kingfisher."=/\=

Briefing Lounge

And just like that, everyone was already off. Lovely. And Ki'ana still had no idea why she'd been asked to come. Oh, well. The Kelpien rose to her feet and exited the conference room double time. Why exactly they'd picked her and not one of her more experienced colleagues to go for this mission was beyond her, but it wasn't her place to ask.

"Promise me that you will stay close to the Security Personnel."Vep Ka said as she appeared next to Ki'ana. "I will be with my Klingon Master and not in the Federation vessel, you are my Bestie, I cannot be there to protect you, promise you will be careful." Vep Ka did not have her usual Klingon practiced tone, the adoring Slave Girl was beside her friend.

"I can protect myself, Vep Ka, I promise. I'll be safe." Ki'ana wrapped her arms round the Orion in a brief, firm hug. It surprised her that over their brief bonding sessions together Vep Ka considered her of all people her best friend - which touched her, really. Someday she'd have to work on getting her to stop thinking she was a slave and start thinking that she was her own woman - but that someday wasn't today. "You smell nice - what is it?"

"It is the Preador's beloved scent."Vep Ka replied hug. "It is from a strain of Rose that is the pride of Romulan's ruling class and only found on the Romulan Homeworld. If you ate a good girl I can get you a small bottle, it is almost a treasure, gifted by the Ruling Class Only."

Kayne rose to his feet, and tapped his commbadge "All docking personnel, prep for the Kingfisher and the M'oQreH for immediate departure, crews are on their way for final launch preperations." He said as he turned and hustled out of the room. Looks like it was going to be a rather interesting day.

Lazarus had heard human-like footfalls quickly behind his, and had glanced once to see the Chief Medical Officer tail him. They didn't exchange glances and instead Lazarus had a sense of appreciation for the CMO. He'd have to spare time to meet her, since she appeared to be a down to business type of personality. At least by how quickly she responded.

=/\= Chief Engineering Officer Kord to assigned Kingfisher Engineering personnel =/\= Lazarus called after tapping his combadge =/\= Drop whatever you're doing so long as it isn't critical and report to the USS Kingfisher. Meet me in Engineering for a briefing. Lieutenant Commander Kord, out. =/\=

With that done, which he had originally forgotten to do, he rushed down the corridor.

"Computer, show me the way to the USS Kingfisher," he called out in command. The ships computer, far more advanced than the Poseidon, responded by immediately displaying a blue arrow line on the corridor walls.

"Please follow the directional lines to your destination," the Starbases computer directed.

Lazarus did so. There was a turbolift at the end of this decks directional guidance. He entered and waited briefly for the Computer to continue its guidance, as it would automatically set the next destination for him.

Scotty was busy at work, prepping the Kingfisher for launch, coordinating launch times and making sure the departure path for the Kingfisher and the M'oQreH were clear by the time they launched. Once done with his set of task for the preparation, he began making his way towards the ship.

"Vep'Ka, Amor! It is time," barked Tormek at his two KDF officers who would command the M'oQreH with him. He slowly raised his chin, his dark eyes brightening with the promise of once again returning to a warship and departing this forsaken diplomatic starbase. Finally...a new opportunity to embrace his calling as a warrior, once more, and earn his place in Sto-vo-kor.

"Mine is to follow." Vep Ka broke awqay from Ki'ana to follow her Klingon Master with the sense that he is in his element; the chance for battle. She liked the chance to board but maybe some more subtle inqueries, if she finds a console she might hack in and see where they came from or maybe where they are meeting the cohorts?

To be continued...


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