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Brainstorming Under Siege (Part 3)

Posted on Fri Mar 15th, 2024 @ 3:06pm by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Sun Apr 7th, 2024 @ 12:28am

1,286 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier, Main Operations
Timeline: MD01 - 10:00

Previously on Star Trek Frontier:

A flotilla of Klingon ships all hunting for anything getting off the station. Especially if it were not an illogical presumption that Tormek would use the Klingon Garrison vessel to sneak past a network of similar technology vessels.

What a waste, Vep Ka would have to use one of Owner's gifts to do what the Garrison ship cannot, get past the network blockading the station.

"I just had a new coat of stealth pain on her." Vep Ka muttered under her breath.

In all the commotion who would notice a Slave Girl slipping quietly into the background and away?

And now the Continuation...

Meanwhile aboard the Syracuse

Sickbay was heaving as the wounded kept coming through the doors. Marina was doing her best to help the small compliment of medical staff with triaging the wounded, her own injuries were minor nothing that couldn’t wait.

The constant pounding of weapons fire on the hull was a reminder of just what a disastrous position the ship was in, but there was little anyone could do about it. The Captain had considered evacuation, but under the current bombardment lifeboats didn’t stand a chance.

With the ear-splitting shriek of damaged retraction gears, the doors to sickbay- with considerable effort- forced themselves open, and a gravely-wounded Bolian, his face bleeding profusely from a sickening gash he had sustained to the bifurcating ridge on his pate, stumbled in, barely conscious as he braced himself up against an adjacent bulkhead.

"Aft shields are... down," he managed to gasp between strained breaths. "Marina... we have to get to the..."

Marina rushed over along with a poor medic who didn’t know if he was coming or going. She grabbed what she could tearing a piece of her uniform to try stem the bleed. “Don’t you dare go and die on me! You hear me!” She looked at the medic knowing full well there wasn’t much hope.

"Everything's going dark..." the Bolian gasped as his legs gave out and he crumpled up on the floor, tears in his eyes as he realized that these might very well be his last moments alive. "Wife... Daughter... Marina, I'm scared..."

“You hold onto your thoughts, your wife, your daughter, they need you.” Marina looked at the young medic who was trying to keep it all together, it wasn’t like the freighter had the medical facilities of a Starship or Starbase. “You’re going to survive! You hear me? Just hang on!”

"Nngh!" the Bolian winced as the nurse administered a hypospray in an effort to stabilize him. "Not much... longer... tell... Kerra..."

Marina wasn’t used to being in this situation, she fought back the urge to start crying giving the Bolian a misty eyed nod. “I’ll tell her IF I need to, that you love her with all your heart.” She squeezed his hand as she held it gently. “We’ll get out of this! We aren’t far from the station, they’ll get help to us...I hope!”

Suddenly, there was a shimmer of light, and before Marina realized what was happening, both she and several dozen others found themselves standing- or, in the case of the critically wounded, lying on a large transporter pad in what she could only imagine was Starbase Frontier.

Back on the USS Kingfisher, Lazarus nodded at the completion of his efforts. He promptly resumed his duties.

The doors to the transporter room snapped open and Lieutenant Nishikino rushed inside, accompanied with a triage of some 2 dozen medical officers laden with stretchers, doctor's bags, hyposprays, and just about every other device they could think to grab as they prepared to treat the wounded.

"Everyone who can still stand, I need you to form up in a line, please!" she instructed, holding up her hand so as to direct everyone's attention to her. "Single file, no crowding, please; you're all going to be escorted down to sickbay, where your injuries will be assessed and treated, depending on the level of their severity!"

Marina was relieved to relinquish care of the Bolian Officer to one of the medical staff, standing up she gave him a smile before moving to the line. She hadn’t noticed until now just how much blood there was on her own uniform, though the majority wasn’t hers.

Deck twenty-seven

Arriving at Deck twenty-seven Firax saw security team Alpha was already there, Good they are coming together quite well. he thought. He looked about and saw the Shuttlenay Manager "You I need seven Type-9 shuttlecraft preped and ready with a pilot for each. Inform them of hostile vessels. We have a rescue mission." He then turned to his Alpha team; Chief Petty Officer O'kreake, Petty Officer 1st Class Matsuda Kasumi and Bezrukov, Petty Officer 2nd Class Jokin Arruata and Reika sh'Avhenzennes, and Petty Officer 3rd Class Ailis MacGilleChaluim. "Suit up for EVA mission, use the full security exoskelton suits. We are going in to assist in the rescue of personnel from the Syracuse." With that he lead the way to the security lockers to get the suits.

Deck twenty-nine

Vep Ka finally arrive at the deck she needed, exiting the Turbo Lift she made her way quickly to the "Cargo Bay on the outer shuttle doors and such. A place that she had come into and had used a few tricks of her trade.

Some creative routing of the door sensors and Bay in general have a small Computer program that shows this bay off limits as it is damaged and very low on the repair schedule. The sensors on the doors would not register to Flight control nor the interior sensors. The Cengeti programmer did fine work sealing this bay off the grid unofficially. The computer noted this as damaged and unused. The program also reroutes any repair requests with some Intel codes to cover the changes.

Vep Ka entered the bay easily to see her 'present' a valued connection by a 'Intimate Friend' in another Intel Community, one that is not friendly to the Federation but not hostile at the same time.

"Every Girl needs a ride in a pinch." Vep Ka said to herself as she got into the small craft.

The start up sequence would take a moment or two; patching into her Secure Network she wrote the messages that would show on on both Her Master the Captain and Master Commander's message boards.

a simple message denoting that Vep Ka is going to check a few sources that might shed light on the situation. The departure planned to have no 'footprint' to track, the door sensors not connected to the network so the opening and closing never happens. The a short little mingling into the chaos to cover her exit.

Klingons do not have to report to the Federation forces, but then Vep Ka is departing to gather resources and giving data on their situation concerning the House of Duras.

Vep Ka opened the doors and her craft left undetected by any sensors, the doors silently closing behind her.

Deck twenty-seven

When the Shuttlebay Manager confirmed the shuttles were ready and Firax was satisfied that all personnel were in appropriate EVA suits he gave his order, "Everyone mount up; go to the appropriate shuttle." With that he headed towards the shuttle designated for him looked at the pilot and snarled "What are you waiting for?" The young pilot gulped and launched his vessel.

To be Continued...


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