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Brainstorming Under Siege (Part 4)

Posted on Sun Apr 7th, 2024 @ 12:28am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Sun Apr 7th, 2024 @ 12:29am

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier, Main Operations
Timeline: MD01 - 10:00

Previously on Star Trek Frontier:

The start up sequence would take a moment or two; patching into her Secure Network she wrote the messages that would show on on both Her Master the Captain and Master Commander's message boards.

a simple message denoting that Vep Ka is going to check a few sources that might shed light on the situation. The departure planned to have no 'footprint' to track, the door sensors not connected to the network so the opening and closing never happens. The a short little mingling into the chaos to cover her exit.

Klingons do not have to report to the Federation forces, but then Vep Ka is departing to gather resources and giving data on their situation concerning the House of Duras.

Vep Ka opened the doors and her craft left undetected by any sensors, the doors silently closing behind her.

Deck twenty-seven

When the Shuttlebay Manager confirmed the shuttles were ready and Firax was satisfied that all personnel were in appropriate EVA suits he gave his order, "Everyone mount up; go to the appropriate shuttle." With that he headed towards the shuttle designated for him looked at the pilot and snarled "What are you waiting for?" The young pilot gulped and launched his vessel.

And now the continuation...

Starbase Operations

The transport ship finally succumbed to the Klingons weapons fire and lit up the screen as it exploded in a huge ball of fire. Silence fell upon the room.

"How many people did we get?" Kagami asked simply.

"Approximately 178, Captain," the Tactical Officer reported grimly.

Kagami had had enough. She looked at Tormek a determined look in her eyes. "Assemble your crew and have a flight plan on my desk within an hour." She said simply. She turned on a heel and made her way towards the stairs towards her office.

In a strange manner, the deaths of those not recovered from the transport vessel privately affected the Klingon first officer. Not because he was not used to such perils of combat or because the population of the dead were mainly composed of Federation personnel and civilians, but rather because of the needless and petty targeting of innocents - non-combatants in a feud which the House of Duras had apparently seen fit to sacrifice for their petty grievances. To say it was a dishonorable action would be to compare the physical prowess of a targ to that of a tribble.

Tormek narrowed his dark beady eyes, still staring at the ops center's main viewscreen while the station's CO left the room. Finally, after several long seconds of personal reflection, he glanced around the room to begin preparations. "Vok'Ka, ready our warship." He then tapped his commadge, "Tormek to Firax and the Gor--Kord, report to the M'oQreH immediately and prepare to depart for Qo'noS." He then frowned and twisted his head around the room, finally turning his body a full 360 degrees in search of his other Orion crew member who was nowhere in sight. "Where is Vep Ka?!"

Vok’Ka snapped to attention as his Captain gave the order to prepare the M'oQreH. The older Bird of Prey had served them well and, as a result, Vok’Ka had taken a personal interest in ensuring the ship was prepared at all times. In a moment of personal introspection, Vok’Ka admitted that, on this mission, he would have preferred a Vor’Cha or even a Negh’var. Vok’Ka thought the mission could justify the additional offensive punch as well as the defensive capabilities. But, as he turned to go to the M'oQreH, another thought occurred to him: using a smaller, stealthier ship, like the M'oQreH, would suit their purpose better. Sometimes, the mek’leth was the better weapon than the bat’leth he reminded himself.

“My lord,” Vok’Ka said in an almost hushed tone. When he had gained Tormek’s attention, Vok’Ka handed his commander a datapad that contained Vep Ka’s message. He then took a step back and awaited any further orders.

Deck twenty-seven

Firax and the rest of his small security team in their respective shuttles darted back safely to the station, though the shuttle crafts had been scarred by weapons fire. Firax looked at the back of the shuttle craft where eight very frightened beings sat cramped together. He had ordered the other six shuttle craft to take on as many of crew of Syracuse as possible, while his shuttle craft ran diversionary tactics. When the other craft had meet more than three times their recommended load they had fled back to the station. Firax and his shuttle then got close to the Syracuse and were able to beam aboard eight before they had to separate and flee the Syracuse toward the safety of the station. Firax was filled with rage but tempered it with the knowledge the Klingon ships did not get total victory, and he and his security detail had saved eighty souls in all.

Open Space

Vep Ka kept the Cloaking device up as she used the thrusters to maneuver ahead out of the general area. Her destination is simple; the nearest Sub-Space Relay. Her plan depended upon direct connection to the Relay via close range connection.

Right now Vep Ka believed there is a single ship next to the relay using it by tapping in and just listening to all non encrypted messages. mainly the schedules for civilian transports and merchant traffic. The main supply line for the station, thus making it very difficult to operate and slowly stare out the station.

Once on the outer range of the station she engaged her main drives and slipped away in her small ship. She is gambling that with a blockade there will only be a Bird of Prey at the relay and likely with no vessels coming in or out Klingons would not waste the Cloaking Power since they had the advantage.

If it is a worst situation Vep Ka will evaluate and return to report.

Starbase Operations

Having returned from the Kingfisher, Lazarus heard the prompt and ignored the rather rude call to his name. Klingons were notorious for old grudges, but he could hold his own if necessary. He snorted as he made his way to the M'oQreH. He had some familiarity with Klingon systems.

Deck twenty-seven

Firax face scrunched heavily making it look even scarier and fericer than ever. He hated Klingon ships, they tended to be small and stink. With a heavy sigh he hit his combadge =/\=Firax acknowledges and will report once I have escorted those we have saved to medical.=/\= He knew that would rankle Commander Tormek, but he was not worried about offending the executive officer. looking at those who had just been saved from the Syracuse destruction he bellowed out "All right everyone follow me, we are going to medical so you all can be assessed and treated. My security team will assist those that need it." With that he stomped off towards the turbolifts.

Posting by:

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones'
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Marina Kelea
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire
Imperial Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Vok'Ka
Commander of the Guard

Lieutenant JG Ki'ana
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox
Chief of Intelligence

Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Security Officer


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