
Preparing for Battle

Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 11:44pm by Commander Tormek & Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Marina Kelea & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Chief Warrant Officer Firax & Lieutenant Quinnlin

2,613 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: Starbase Frontier - Various Locations
Timeline: MD 03, 1612 hrs


Kagami walked out of her office and stood at the command console overlooking the Operations center. She tapped on the console to open a station wide announcement. "All hands, this is Captain Izumi. As you all are aware, the Klingon fleet has surrounded us. They are blockading any ships and communications we have with the rest of The Federation and Klingon Empire." She paused. "Commander Tormek is going to attempt to that the Mo'qreh through their lines and request assistance." Once again she paused. "I am anticipating an attack on the base once they discover that one of our ships is missing. We need to hold this position and hold strong until Commander Tornek can return with reinforcements."

Kagami began to tap on her console. "Effective immediately all civilians are to report to secure sheltered areas. I repeat, all civilians are to report to secure sheltered areas. Starfleet and Klingon personnel are ordered to report to battle stations."

Maki furrowed her brow. "Captain, with all due respect, is your daughter going to be alright sheltering by herself?"

"She'll be fine," Kagami replied simply. "She'll be with one of the teachers, they're trained and will keep her safe."

She crossed the channel to the rest of the station before looking down at her staff in Ops. "Have all security personnel start patrolling key areas. Break out the phaser and disruptor rifles. I want everyone armed and ready." She ordered. "Have the Klingons team up with the Starfleet teams. Klingons can assist if it comes to hand to hand combat."

Firax sighed as he stood in the middle of the chaos in the medical ward. He hit his combadge =/\=Captain, Lieutenant Fer'ran I have been ordered to report to the M'oQreH by Commander Tormek. I am on my way now unless either of you countermanded the order.=/\=

"Doctor, Counsellor. We are most likely going to sustain casualties and injuries. Have your people armed appropriately and dish out med kits. Klingons like to use bladed weapons, expect lacerations, bludgeon and severe wounds. Make your people know this is not going to be pretty." Kagami said.

“Understood” Marina nodded. “Klingons aren’t the only ones who can use bladed weapons, I’m fully trained on using a Bat’leth” She offered a wry smile. “Long story I’ll tell you about it sometime! I suggest replicating coagulants, it’ll help slow down the bleeding from any major injuries. What do you think Doctor?”

"I think we're getting in over our heads," Maki shook her head and sighed. "If only Doctor Sh'Alkins could see us now..."

"Chief, once civilians are locked down close and seal all emergency bulkheads and access tubes. We can't let any of their warriors sabotage our primary systems." She ordered as she looked at her Gorn Chief Engineer. "Have damage control teams ready and armed. No doubt we're going to take a beating."

"Aye, Ma'am," Lazarus said as he followed the orders. He gave the order to prepare for boarding as well to have preparations for damage control.

Kagami turned her attention now to Ki'ana. "I need you to set up a scattering field using the Kingfishers main deflector. We need to scramble the Klingons sensors until Commander Tormek can unlock, cloak and get past their lines. I need you to time it with his bridge crew."

"Consider it done." As much as Ki'ana's words certainly seemed confident, she was, in fact, a little peeved. She was a botanist, not... well, whatever this was! Regardless, right now she had a job to do, and so she got to work without complaint.

"We need to hold out as long as we can." Kagami said as she looked around the Operations center. "Right. Let's do this!" She said as she turned her attention back to her console.

Sub-Space relay

The Klingon Bird of Prey remained under the impression that they are undetectable not even known to be there as they Hover near the Relay unit.

Vep Ka had been drifting in slowly under a Romulan Cloaking device of more recent technology; a perk of being loaned out to Romulan's for an 'Unofficial' task.

Running a Hack that was designed to cause problems to power systems; a Virus that would enter in a data stream and start roaming about the computer system quietly gathering power like a snowball rolling, gaining enough 'juice' to Spike the system and cause a Overload and require a Manual reset; no real significant damage but enough to put a system down for a short time.

While the Klingons listened to the data communications coming through the Relay Vep Ka inserting the Virus in the common stream; letting it slip through the Klingon System absorb it like all the other data.

Once inserted VepKa used a coded signal piggy backing the flow being released to the Star Base as Civilian Traffic to alert the Tormek that when he needs there will be a 'Hole' in the Klingon lines if he can get this far out with the Klingon Cloaking.

I have done all that I can. Vep Ka thought to herself as she lay quietly among st the background unnoticed. With an unarmed Scout Vessel there is little offensive things she could do for the Commander if it comes to that.

She just wait a sign or signal to put her one little trick to make a hole to come.


'This is not a profitable situation despite the Rules." Quinnlin said to himself as he was checking the duty assignments he had sent out in preparation to the Captain's orders. "War is good for profit..." He muttered softly.

His fingers danced over the console as he had a check of the Force field generator systems of the station; both the interior ones to hinder any boarding as well as those to seal any breech of the station sections.

"Never cheat Klingons unless you can get away with it." He recited another rule. "Who tried to cheat this House of Duras to cause them to siege us?" He wondered.

=^= Repair crews stand stand ready for the moment. =^= He transmitted to his crews. =^= Repair crews have you kits ready for rapid response should we need.=^=

Right now he was part of a waiting game, the supply requests had topped of many of the things that will keep the station operating; people fed and unfortunately a bit more limited on repairs as an assault on the station was not anticipated at last supply order.

Quinnlin has done all he can until the 'unprofitable attack comes.


The bridge's entrance door mechanically groaned open to present the interior of the Klingon warship's command chamber to its captain. Commander Tormek, his curly and long-flowing dark hair strong, rapidly paced to the center of the room while observing both the new and familiar faces manning their stations. Time was of the essence. Not necessarily for Starbase Frontier, but for the Klingon Empire. If the House of Duras could resurrect itself and assemble such a powerful fleet capable of threatening the Federation...there was little question Qo'noS itself was in jeopardy.

"Station reports!" ordered Tormek with forcefulness and projection in his bass-filled voice.

"Engineering, operational," Lazarus reported gruffly. He nodded to the Commander.

Firax had just barely made it to the security station, if that was what you could call it, on the IKS M'oQreH. He looked up with a small glance as Commander Tormek as he entered. Firax then began pulling up the security schematics and weak points on the M'oQreH, as well as the personnel who would be responsible for the internal security.

Vok’Ka stepped onto the now-familiar bridge and immediately headed to the weapons station. Knowing that Commander Tormek was right behind him motivated Vok’Ka to get to his station and prepare for his duties. He ran a quick visual scan of the station’s settings. The weapons warrant officer already had everything set to Vok’Ka’s preferred arrangement.

Before he could commend the warrant officer on his work, Commander Tormek entered, took his place on the command seat and then called for a weapons systems report.

“All weapons charged and ready for deployment,” Vok’Ka barked in turn.

=A= Frontier to Mo'Qreh, we're going to bombard the Duras vessels with a scattering field in approximately one minute. They'll be blinded for about three minutes before their sensors can come back online. You have until then to undock and cloak. Good luck =A= Kagami's voice came over the speakers of the bridge.

"Understood, we will await your command," replied Tormek's bass-filled voice over the comm channel to Starbase Frontier. He then addressed his assembled motley crew containing various different species and officers from both the KDF and Starfleet. "Prepare to undock on my command," was his order before explaining the new mission now at hand as well as its importance.

"Warriors of the Mo'QreH!" he began across the intership comm channel, "We will soon leave Starbase Frontier and journey to our homeworld to warn the High Council of the new threat Duras presents. It will be a...challenging endeavor, but one we must confront before the Empire becomes corrupted by this dishonorable House and its allies who certainly wait for us in the shadows. We will proceed under cloak to Qo'noS then beam down to the surface to seek audience with the Chancellor - to gain his support and once again eliminate this traitorous bloodline of Duras baktag from existence. For the Empire. For our honor, and may we find glory when we defeat our foes in battle!"

Firax had to work hard at not snorting at the speech. Klingons and their love of battle and glory.

He had not signed up for this. In his previous life, his enslavers had brutally beat and subdued him. He had fought hard through them and Klingon captors. It was tolerable to deal with them typically, but to be roped into an escapade of their own ordeal? He silently snorted.

Once this was over, he'd consider putting in for a transfer. The Starbase had been intended to be a quiet job, to maintain prose and to provide an avenue for his mate to eventually visit. It had turned out far more poorly than he had anticipated. While he kept his feelings quiet, the speech had however been rather rousing. He did feel a kindred spirit of battle and war with Klingons, that much he envied and appreciated them for.

"Excellent speech, sir," he said, though his jaws were slightly clenched from the hidden animosity at events. "Rousing for battle."

Vok’Ka listened to the Commander’s speech and felt his blood stir. The traitors had shown their hand; Tormek was now forced to react, Vok’Ka realized. Duty to all things Klingon and honor for the Empire demanded that, at the least, the traitors be dealt with. But Tormek was also forced into the position of defending the mission that Starbase Frontier represented: continued unity and action by the Federation and the Empire.

Vok’Ka immediately thumped his chest in salute to Tormek’s words. He waited until the communications officer snapped off the intercom, and Vok’Ka began singing an ancient Klingon battle hymn. Many of the subordinates on the bridge knew it, and Vok’Ka encouraged them to sing along. The song talked about honor and duty to the Empire and to Kahless, but it also lamented that a warrior could only be received into Sto’Vo’Kor once. Vok’Ka thought it rather appropriate for the moment.

Frontier Operations

"Activate the scattering field!" Kagami ordered.

"Scattering field... activated." Kiana's hands flew over the controls, and she sat back as a low hum vibrated the deck plates beneath her feet.

"Frontier to Mo'Qreh. Go!" Kagami said over the comm.


"Release docking clamps and clear our moorings," Starbase Frontier's first officer instructed. "Thrusters to full....bring us about and prepare to cloak!"

Lazarus did as instructed, quickly and efficiently. He nodded back to his commander briefly. "Moorings released," he reported.

Firax was familiar with Klingon cloaking, not as good as the Romulan's, but fair. "Cloak is ready at your command." he replied as his hands flew across the security board. He knew on Klingon vessels one needed to always present an air of strength.

“Weapons are at standby; power diverted to cloak, Commander,” Vok’Ka reported.

He watched the main viewer as the Bird of Prey gracefully pirouetted and swung into position. Vok'Ka noted that the temptation to stab the weapons override control and fire the disruptors was strong. He choked back that urge, though; dishonoring his commander would taint any honor gained by destroying enemies, he told himself.

On this occasion, discretion meant more than individual glory. The Empire would be best served not by direct action but rather by alerting it to the traitor’s plans. After all, Vok’Ka told himself, there would be more opportunities for battle to come. Rallying all the Empire’s forces was their mission, and there would be honor in completing this mission. So, for now, Vok’Ka stilled his warrior’s heart and relied on his tactical training.

Commander Tormek's discerning gaze swept the dark and hazy bridge to confirm all his officers were focused on their assigned duties then ushered the next two-most pertinent commands. "So'!", he ordered in his native tongue. "Set course..." he paused to confirm on his command chair's console, "two-one-five mark eight-zero. Execute!"

“Aye, Commander,” Vok’Ka answered in Klingon.

Instantly, the field of stars in the main viewer shimmered and shifted. Vok’Ka knew from long experience that the M'oQreH was now cloaked. He felt a twinge of disappointment that he noted coming from the “lost” opportunity to strike at known enemies of the Empire. But he tempered this feeling by reminding himself that any glory earned here, in battle for example, would be hollow if the traitors were allowed to cripple the Empire or, Kahless forbid, the long-standing partnership between the Empire and the Federation.

In the blackness of space within the depths of the stellar cosmos, the Bird of Prey IKS M'oQreH swiftly accelerated to at one-half impulse along an avoidance-course from the hostile Klingon task force. It dipped below the enemy's primary forward scanning arrays and offset to port within their classified blind spot, then continued to pass along their flank until they became clear to engage warp engines. "Now."

The M’oQreH navigated through the blockade vessels to alert the High Council about the situation at Starbase Frontier. This vessel would bring glory to the Empire, not through direct confrontation with the traitorous enemy, but by inciting a joint reaction from the Federation and the Empire. Despite the considerable number of ships in the blockade, it would be overshadowed by the High Council's response, provided the M’oQreH could deliver Commander Tormek on time, and the Council heeded his warning.

Currently, the fate of this experiment hinged on Starbase Frontier's ability to resist and the speed of the M’oQreH.



Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Marina Kelea
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Maki Nishikino
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Ki'Ana
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Quinnlin
Chief Operations Officer
[PNPC Vep Ka]

Lieutenant Vep Ka
Klingon Intel

Lieutenant Vok'Ka
Commander Of The Guard

Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Security Officer



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